
Sunday, August 17, 2014

The Lord of the Rings

I wanted to let you all know about one of the biggest loves of my life. Which is The Lord of the Rings and The Hobbit movies. These movies have been my favorites for years. And this weekend I watched them again. My love will never be gone. These movies will forever be my favorites. I just love them to pieces. But. I have yet to read the books. I'm not ready for that yet, as I know they are a bit different from the movies. And I don't want to do anything that might make my love for the movies any less. But that's okay. Because for now I am more than happy with just loving the movies. And love them I do.

I won't talk about all the things I love about them. Just that I love it all. I love watching Frodo and Sam's journey to destroy the ring. I love watching the crazy Gollum. Who looks all kinds of awesome. I love getting my heart broken when Boromir dies. And when Faramir is hurting so much. I love watching the relationship between Legolas and Gimli. As it is fun and sweet and I love it to pieces. I love watching about Aragorn and his journey to become king. I love watching Gandalf; as I find him to be an awesome wizard. But mostly I love watching Legolas, hih. He is my favorite in all the movies. Which I shouldn't even have to make reasons for. Just. He's gorgeous. He's fun and sweet. Yeah. I adore him to pieces.

Then there is The Hobbit. Which I love watching because of Bilbo. He is an amazing character. So different and fun and sweet too. He is so brave and he is the best friend. I also love watching about all the other dwarfs. Though I do not fully like Thorin. I hate how he is with Bilbo. No fair. Still. He is kind of cute. Maybe. I just adore all the dwarfs. And I love how they have made all the orcs. They are all done so well. So creepy and amazing. Then there is that romance part in the latest movie. I don't approve. I want Tauriel with Legolas. I want that so much it hurts. But I do not think that will happen. And I do not think it will end well. Which just breaks my heart. As I adore Legolas and I just want him to be happy.

Anyway. Point is, I love these movies. I love these movies so much. And now I'm just waiting for the final The Hobbit movie. Which cannot arrive soon enough. The trailer is killing me. Pippin's song. Dies. It is perfect. And heartbreaking. And yesss. I just need this movie right away. It is the movie I want the most. Even more than some books, lol. It does things to my heart whenever I watch the trailer. Which tells me I'm super excited for it. And I just cannot wait. Anyway. Have you all seen The Lord of the Rings movies? And The Hobbit movies too? And ohh, have any of you read the books? Should I read them? :)


  1. You HAVE to read the books if you thoroughly enjoy the movies! I read much of The Fellowship of the Ring during a Young Adult Literature class I took in college and it is very good! The key difference is that there are many of characters omitted from the series and there is an increase in female characters in the way that they engage in relationships with the male characters (particularly Arwen for Aragorn).

    The Hobbit is immensely different in the way that it is one novel split into three movies and several characters are only mentioned. Gandalf's discussions are actually not in the book.

    Tolkien created a utopia with his series to the point that it became a world onto itself with languages and everything. I need to read the series as well when I get to it.

  2. The books are certainly daunting. One of these days, when I can afford the time, I'm endeavouring to read these. I love The Lord of the Rings trilogy more than any fantasy movies ever made, and have bought the cloth-covered editions. I also have the movies. My husband is especially fond of them! He just watched The Hobbit the other day and is looking forward to the next one. :)

    I can see why these books/films are loved.

  3. Yay! I love these movies too. I've not read all the series either :-( I always plan to though. I built the Lego Helm's Deep this evening! It's been retired for a while but I was lucky enough to find one box at a local toy store. I felt like I had found gold. I haven't seen The Hobbit yet! I can't believe it but figure I'll wait and watch all three.

  4. I haven't watched the hobbit movies yet but loved LoTR movies.

  5. Oh man I so need to give these movies a try. I don't think I'd do well with the books seeing as how detailed they are - I've read some excerpts etc - but I feel like I should give the movies a go and see what I think.

  6. Basically I'm a huge fan of the series - book and movies. Movies especially though. LEGOLAS :D

    Alyssa @ The Eater of Books!

  7. This is something I need to do desperately! We started watching the Fellowship of the Ring not that long ago because my sister-in-law had never seen them, but it got late and stopped, and we haven't gone back. I think I'll just watch them all myself. :) I LOVE the Hobbit movies, especially the second one! I've only seen it once, but so good. I got all shivery when I saw the trailer for the third one. It's seriously going to be good.

    I haven't read any of the books except The Hobbit (twice, and I love it), though. It is a goal. One day. And who can resist Legolas??? (Though, I was always more interested in Aragorn...)

  8. I was so happy to see these glorious pictures of Legolas appear on my feedreader. :)
    Back when the LotR movies were being released, I was a super fan. I still have LotR games and books and jewelry. I've watched those movies so many times...though not very recently. But I definitely consider them to be among my favorite movies ever.
    Honestly, I'm not as big a fan of The Hobbit movies, which saddens me. But I feel like they've overlong and just...full of so much unnecessary details and many unnecessary scenes. I've read both LotR and The Hobbit, and The Hobbit is for children, so it has a completely different tone. It's supposed to be a fun, light-hearted adventure. Obviously the movie's been changed to be so much darker and more serious, and I'm not sure why that has to be the case.
    If you really do love the series, I'd recommend reading the books. They are different, but reading them gave me an even better appreciation of Jackson's interpretations (at least for LotR) because the films are so faithful to the books, and they truly enhance the story.
    Anyway, happy to meet another LotR fan! :)


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