
Saturday, August 16, 2014

In My Mailbox #146

This has been a good week. For the most part. It started pretty awful, with my x-ray on Monday. But I survived, lol. I'm still not reading all that much, but I did get to read three books this week. And next I will be re-reading Jellicoe Road, I think. <3 So excited. But for now, this weekend, I'm re-watching The Lord of the Rings and The Hobbit. <3 Still my favorite movies. The best part of this week was that I won a signed ARC of Death Marked :D I cannot wait for it to arrive so that I can read it. <3 I will also be a part of three blog tours: Firebug. The Perilous Sea. Lark Rising. I'm excited for all three. <3 I will also be a part of the Summerfall Teaser Blast on the 26th, hosted by Claire Legrand :D Which makes me so so excited, hih. Cannot wait for this short story. Anyway. I got some awesome things this week; but still missing a bunch ;p Hopefully everything will arrive next week. We'll see. This week I read and reviewed Mortal Danger :) Which was not perfect. Then I read Beware the Wild, which was even less perfect. Sigh. But then I read The Walls Around Us; which I really loved. <3 I shared a Cress/Thorne teaser for Cress Tuesday. And I'm waiting on The Witch of Salt and Storm :) Also. Giveaway winners have been chosen and contacted and all have responded. Thank you all for entering. <3 What did you get this week? Oh! I watched Guardians of the Galaxy this week. I thought it was pretty fun and sweet :) It was good.

Forget Me. This book sounds kind of awesome and that cover is gorgeous. I'm nervous about it, though.
Lux: Opposition. I have yet to read any of these books. HAH. But now I own them all, hih :) Pretty.
Fragile Destiny. I haven't read book two yet.. but ohh. I peeked at ending. Even more excited to read :)
Boundless. Signed copy that I won from Nutschell :D Thank you so much. It is looking so gorgeous.
Gates of Thread and Stone. This book is so so gorgeous. <3 I'm excited about it, but also very nervous.
Shadow and Bone. Sigh. You gorgeous, gorgeous new UK paperback edition. <3 I adore it. So pretty.
Sisters' Fate. I have yet to start this series, but now I am ready :D I hope that I will love all of them.
Gates of Thread and Stone Swag. Gorgeous swag that I got from Lori for pre-ordering the book. <3
Midnight Thief Swag. Thank you Livia. <3 Such pretty swag I got from pre-ordering the book, hih :D

How To Train Your Dragon 2. I got this from my cinema :D I love it so much. Also, gorgeous dragon :)
The Hobbit 3D. I had to finally buy this extended version. <3 A bit expensive, but I really needed it, hih.
Divergent. I did not love this movie. Which is still depressing me. But I couldn't not own it. So pretty.
Other Movies. And a bunch of other movies that I really wanted, hih. <3 One day I will re-watch Eragon.
Figures. Merida is adorable. So pretty. And Sven too. They had other figures too, but expensive. Soon.
Disney Infinity. I bought more of these discs. Hah. They were cheap. And I bought this storage thing. <3

The Walls Around Us. <3 I got accepted for this gorgeous book via NetGalley. And I just had to read it right away, as I had been waiting forever for it, hih. And I'm happy to say that I loved it. Sigh. You all need to read this book :)

My signed copy of Boundless. <3 Lots of other pictures on my Instagram, here :) 


  1. Signed swag is absolutely awesome!! And the GoTaS one is particularly gorgeous!!
    I do hope you'll read and love both the Cahill Witches trilogy and the Lux series!
    And I really hope you'll be feeling much better next sweetie! *hugs*

  2. Get well soon

    i hope you enjoy all the goodies

  3. The Walls Around Us sounds like a beautiful read, I'm glad to know that you enjoyed it! Also you received a signed copy of Boundless? That's amazing! Happy reading Carina! :)

  4. Great haul Carina! I can't wait to hear what you think of Death Marked. Congrats for winning a copy! I was a bit let down by Mortal Danger too :-(

  5. I'm sorry you're not feeling well! But taking a break to watch movies is a perfectly wonderful idea. And for me, reading 3 books would be a GOOD week. Have you read BOUNDLESS? It is a gorgeous copy, but curious whether you thought it was a book for you? I need to read that Gates book and I kind of love the purple Shadow and Bone covers. Hope for happier things next week, lady!

  6. AHHH! YOU HAVE SISTER'S FATE!!! I NEED to read that so badly <3

    great haul Carina

    - Juhina @ Maji Bookshelf

  7. Ooh Sister's Fate! I can't wait to read it. Hope you're feeling better after your X-ray! Enjoy! x

  8. Those Shadow and bone editions are gooooorgeous. I think I need to get one too. I can't wait to read Gates of thread and stone, sounds like a good fantasy story. How did you get that poster from the cinema, did you just ask for it? Very cool :D Happy reading!

  9. Beautiful books this week Carina!

    I'm especially drawn to Gates, why are you afraid to read it?

    Thanks for sharing!

    Amber Elise @ Du Livre

  10. Enjoy your re-read of On the Jellicoe Road, Carina! I loved that book, too. I seriously want Forget You! Can't wait to see what you make of it. Sorry to hear about Mortal Danger. I'm looking forward to that one. Happy reading! :)

  11. Sisters Fate looks good, hope you enjoy and have a great upcoming week.

  12. I hope your re-read of Jellicoe Road will be just as beautiful and heart-breaking! <3 Love. Love.

    Have a great week, Carina!

  13. OOOOO, I LOVE THE PURPLE SHADOW AND BONE COPIES :D And awesome, a signed book! I love the swag :) I hope you enjoy all of your new books, Carina!

    Thanks for visiting my blog! Have a fabulous week!

    Alyssa @ The Eater of Books!

  14. I hope you're able to read the Lux series eventually! I think you will love it - at least after the first book. :) I promise Daemon doesn't stay a jerk.

    Very excited to see your post for the Lark Rising tour - I want to read that book so badly!

  15. Those copies of Shadow and Bone are seriously too pretty!! LOVE the purple. And Sisters' Fate! I heard the cliffhanger in the second book was killer, so waiting for this one was probably terribly smart. :) I NEED the Hobbit!

    I hope you enjoy all of this Carina! :D


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