
Saturday, July 19, 2014

In My Mailbox #142

Gosh. I'm so behind on the comments here on my blog :( And I'm so sorry. But I will get to it soon. I hope. I just never have the time or the energy. As all the commenting I do regularly kills my fingers. But I will do this. Soon. I just need to feel better, which I have not done for months now. Sigh. Fingers crossed! Anyway. I got some awesome mail this book. <3 Some gooorgeous swag. Sigh. And gorgeous dragons, lol. And some gorgeous ordered books :) I'm happy. But oh. I did not read enough. And I need to read more. I have SO MANY eARCs and print ARCs that I need to get read. But I have peeked, and I don't feel like reading any of them these days :p But I will. I'm thinking of starting Midnight Thief next, my hardcover, as I also have it via NetGalley. Hope I will like it. Anyway. I read and reviewed Sinner on sunday. <3 And later I read The Glass Sentence. Which I adored. Posted another Cress Tuesday. Sigh. I need to do a re-read soon. I'm waiting on Monstrous this week. <3 And then I shared three gorgeous cover reveals. Soulprint. Kalahari. Shadow Scale. All three are so pretty! ALSO! I must not forget! I watched How To Train Your Dragon 2 a week ago. <3 Finally! And my god. It was perfect. Sigh. Just like I knew it would be, hih, as I had peeked a little. Anyway. It was just so cute and heartbreaking and perfect. And I need it on blu-ray. Because I need to watch it again and again. Sigh. So excited. Do not forget that I have two giveaways running. So go enter those, hih :D What did you get this week?

Leigh Bardugo. Oh. Such gorgeous! I pre-ordered Ruin and Rising and Siege and Storm via Changing Hands to get this gorgeous swag. <3 It was worth all the shipping money. Most definitely. Because these posters? So damn gorgeous. Those bookplates? Dies. So pretty. Oh, how I love this. So much. Sigh. <3

Midnight Thief. I'm thinking about reading this next. I'm hoping that I will love it. We will see :D
All Four Stars. As I read this as an ebook, I had to get the hardcover. And aw. Isn't it adorable?
Fangirl. Sigh. Finally got my special edition. <3 And omg. It is so perfect looking! I love love love it.
Eleanor & Park. Have been meaning to buy this edition for ages. So I did. And it is so very pretty.
Four. UK adult hardcover, I think. Either way it is pretty gorgeous :D Still waiting on a few copies, hih.
The Falconer. Gorgeous new UK paperback edition. Sigh. I really loved this book. And so pretty. <3
The Winner's Curse. My second UK paperback edition. <3 Oh, how I love this book. Sigh. So perfect.
Hero's Guide #3. I just had to get this pretty awesome paperback. I have yet to read the book. Sooon.

How To Train Your Dragon 2. A few dragons :D Still needing many more, though, lol. So damn pretty.
Frozen. I just had to get this one via Amazon. And oh, how it is gorgeous, hih. I love this movie.
Stickers. A bunch of Brave stickers. <3 And I bought so many HTTYD2 stickers too, hih. So pretty.
How To Train Your Dragon 2. Magazine :D Isn't it pretty? I had to buy it. Gorgeous stickers too, hih.

The Wolves of Mercy Falls. This is the reason for why my IMM is a bit late today. I had to go pick this up at the post office. <3 And omg. So worth it. And so perfect. Damn it. This box set is GORGEOUS. And oh, how I loved these books. Now I want to read them again. Because these hardcovers? So damn gorgeous. I cannot. They are so pretty! And oh. Sam, my love. Must re-read these perfect books soon.

Claire Legrand postcards. These postcards KILLS ME. <3 Winterspell was such a perfect book. Sniffs. And these postcards are GORGEOUS. And fits so well. Sobs. Thank you so so much Claire. <3 You are the best. The most amazing. And oh. I just love these so much. Posted on Instagram here and here. <3

Leigh Bardugo swag that I won from the Grisha Shelfie contest on Instagram. <3 And omg. SO happy :D Thank you so so much. Ack. These bookplates are gorgeous. And that bookmark. Swoon.

My Ceiling of Swag.
I spent all of yesterday moving my swag. I have had it all on two different walls, but the cat murdered them. So much of my swag is very ruined :( Damn the cat! Grrr. Anyway. So I decided to move it. To my bedroom ceiling. And oh. It took forever, lol. But it is gorgeous. And I love looking at it all. Sigh. It's perfect. And I counted. It is swag from more than 40 different authors. Heh. And I want more and more. Sigh. So much love. Anyway. What is not included: Swag by Claire Legrand. As I have some gorgeous postcards, but they have not been put up yet, as I'm waiting for my Winterspell book jacket that I won :D Omg. Will share more pictures when it arrives. Sigh. So gorgeous. Anyway. What do you think of all my amazing swag? :D Do you have something looking the same? You must click for a bigger image. <3
Uhm. Bigger image didn't work. See bigger image HERE. So that you get a closer look on the swag :)

My gorgeous. Spending time with me when I'm putting up the swag. <3


  1. Wow the swag ceiling is such an amazing idea! Just imagine going to sleep looking at all that gorgeous swag!!
    So glad to hear you won one of Claire's swag and signed Winterspell dust jackets!! I'm happy when friends of mine win giveaways!!
    YAY you got your UK edition of Fangirl, isn't it just too gorgeous!? And I'm jealous, I'm still waiting on my copies of All Four Stars and Midnight Thief!!

    Fabulous haul this week sweetie!!

  2. Loving The Pledge poster! I adore that trilogy. :D I really liked Midnight Thief, hoping you do too! x

  3. Congrats on winning all that amazing swag. Your Cat is very pretty. I see the cat finds a comfortable place to lay down.

    Books of Love

  4. I love the swag! I also have Grisha maps, they are gorgeous :D I loved Fangirl, Midnight Thief, The Winner's Curse, The Falconer! I hope you enjoy all of your new books and goodies, Carina :)

    Have a fabulous weekend! Thanks for visiting my blog!

    Alyssa @ The Eater of Books!

  5. SO MANY PRETTY BOOKS! I also love this edition of Elanor & Park! and SO MUCH SWAG! very pretty and GRISHA SWAG! HEHE and your cat is so cuuuuute <3

    - Juhina @ Maji Bookshelf

  6. Finally I'm back from vacation and set on getting a little blog work done:) *waves* OH MY GOD! This is probably one of your best' IMM posts ever. The Grisha swag? LOVE it! Maggie Stiefvater's Shiver series is one of my favourites. Oh, and your ceiling looks pretty fantastic xo

  7. i enjoyed Winner's curse, just finished this week. Hooe you feel better

  8. So I have the same Shiver boxset as you hehe. <3 So much love for that series.
    Main those Rainbow Rowell covers look so gorgeous!! I really need to get myself a copy of Eleanor and Park.
    And yay for The Winner's Curse. I have that, too (still haven't read it shhhh).

    Great haul, Carina!

  9. Those are what my Wolves of Mercy Falls books look like! Aren't they just the prettiest thing you've ever seen?? I don't mind the US redesigns, but they can't compare to that. I still pull them off my shelves and stare at them. :)

    Ah, look at all the Grisha swag! I wanted to pre-order Ruin & Rising so badly but just couldn't afford it. I shall survive. :) And your swag is gorgeous! Hopefully the cat can't get to it now?

  10. Grisha swag!! So cool! Adore those versions of Fangirl and Four too. Loving the box set for Stiefvater's books!

    Hope you enjoy everything :)

  11. I love all the swag from Grisha <3 Midnight thief looks so good and I really like that collection edition from Fangirl. Happy reading!


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