
Sunday, July 20, 2014

Giveaway Update: If You Find Me by Emily Murdoch

Hi :D I'm just letting you all know about an update for my international giveaway of If You Find Me by Emily Murdoch. <3 First prize is a UK edition shipped via Nina Douglas at Fierce Fiction. Thank you Nina :D And now Emily has been so kind to offer a SIGNED US edition of If You Find Me as well :D So now there will be two winners for the giveaway. Which means I have also decided to let the giveaway run for two more weeks, to give you all more time to enter. <3 Because you want to win this. If You Find Me is a stunning book. So good. So heartbreaking. And Emily is the kindest author and person. I adore her. <3 Thank you so much Emily :) You are the best. The giveaway is still international, as Emily is sending the signed book to me. And I will ship it to the winner. So best of luck everyone :D Hope you'll enter. <3

Enter the giveaway here. <3


  1. Whoa. You're giving away editions of If You Find Me?! Prettttty!

  2. YESSSS!! Emily is such a kind author!

  3. YAY two editions! I am crossing my fingers for the signed edition!! :D I've heard such WONDERFUL things about this book!

    Thanks for the giveaway, Carina <3

    Rashika @ The Social Potato


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