
Wednesday, April 23, 2014

Shadow and Bone by Leigh Bardugo: My Collection

I've been wanting to share my collection of The Grisha Trilogy by Leigh Bardugo for a while now. And today I'm finally doing so, hih. <3 It is pretty big. At least, I think so. And I love it all so much. Though I do wish it was even bigger :D And my collection will grow A LOT in June.. heh. More about that below all the pictures. And there will be a lot of pictures. So if you want to see them bigger, just click on them :) I have a lot of the books. A little bit of swag. And a lot of gorgeous jewelry that I bought from Hebel Design. <3 It is the best. Sigh. Also. I very much love these books by Leigh Bardugo. Ruin and Rising cannot get here fast enough. <3 And I adore Leigh as well. She's the best :) Hope you all enjoy this.

First, the books. Which is many. Yet not enough. Missing a few, still :D I have four hardcovers of Shadow and Bone. One to read. One is signed, that I won. <3 And two that are just pretty, hih. I have two hardcovers of Siege and Storm. One to read, one to look pretty. I have three US paperbacks of Shadow and Bone. Three because I am in it, kind of. My blog is. Which is all kinds of awesome. I have one UK paperback of The Gathering Dark, early name for Shadow and Bone. I also have one UK paperback of Shadow and Bone that is newer. And one Spanish paperback. And Shadow and Bone audiobook. <3 Will buy Siege and Storm one soonish. And then I have two UK paperbacks of Siege and Storm. They are gorgeous. And one ARC of Siege and Storm. And then the two German hardcovers of book one and two. Sigh. I very much love my collection. And it will get so much bigger in June. With: Three US harcovers of Ruin and Rising. One is special edition from B&N. Two UK paperbacks of Ruin and Rising. Two US paperbacks of Siege and Storm. One UK paperback of Siege and Storm. And one kindle edition. <3

And then, my swag. Parts of it. <3 Jewelry to come. And another picture of the swag below, which you should make bigger, so that you can see my gorgeous wall better, hih. This is above my bed. And I love it all so much. My signed Shadow and Bone poster of Ravka. <3 It is so gorgeous. My perfect Siege and Storm bookmarks. DIES. Only have two. And they are so damn special to me. And my note from Leigh. Sniffs. It is so perfect. Thank you, Leigh. <3 And my bookmarks from Hebel Design. I need more. But these are so pretty. Sigh. I love them so much. And my keychains from Hebel Design as well, which needed to go up on my wall, hih. And my buttons. Agh. They are so pretty. And then there are those two gorgeous notes from the UK publisher, Indigo, aka Nina. <3 Who is the best. I love being a part of the Grisha Army. And the Mal-entines card.. It is THE BEST. Close up below ;p Which you can click bigger.

Jewelry. Everything together. <3 And then below a close up picture of them. Sigh. They are PERFECT. As you can see, I have three Tracker bracelets. <3 That are bought from Hebel Design. Okay, all of this is bought from her :) She makes awesome jewelry. Then there is my Heartrender bracelet. I just had to buy it. Because, hello, gorgeous! I love it so much. I love all of this so so much. Then there are my two copies of the Stag Locket, which is BEYOND gorgeous. Cause, you know, Mal quote inside. Best quote. Swoons. Mal is the best. <3 And the gorgeous thing in the middle.. my Morozova's Collar. It is stunning. I love it so much. Sigh. All of this jewelry is amazing. I cannot wait to buy more. Which I will soonish :)

I will not go on about my love for these books. As I have done so in all of my reviews. Which are many, lol. But I will talk a little bit. I love these books so much. I just think they are unigue and exciting and just all kinds of amazing. I love reading about Alina. She's adorable. But mostly I love reading about Mal. He is my love. And you have no idea how much it breaks my heart to see people dislike him after Siege and Storm. I don't get it. Mal did nothing wrong in that book. He was hurt. I was hurt. I would have behaved the same, probably. But I won't get into that, since I have talked so much about it these days in the Grisha Re-Read discussion posts on goodreads, hih. Which I am loving, by the way. There is just so much to talk about when it comes to these books. I ship Malina so much. Just so you know. And I cannot wait for Ruin and Rising. <3 I have high hopes for that book. Along with a lot of dread, as I don't know how it will end. I worry too much. But I am beyond excited as well. June cannot get here fast enough. Anyway. I hope you have enjoyed seeing my Grisha Trilogy collection :) I'm excited for it to get bigger.


My blog posts about The Grisha Trilogy.


  1. If you still need someone to clean your house, do your dishes and everything else I'm really up for the job. Girl every time you post new pictures of your collections I'm fascinated. Great post and you own some amazing things :)

  2. What a collection! I am always amazed at the collections/books/other awesome stuff that you share. You have so much- yet it always looks organized. I love that you surround yourself with your favorite things- books and their swag. :)

  3. That really is an impressive collection. Love the jewellery sooo much <3

  4. Oh God, what a wonderful collection! I'm the Spanish translator, so it's wonderful to see one of "my babies" there :)

  5. Lovely collection, I love all the goodies you have :) ...

  6. Wow, what an impressive collections! All the books are so gorgeous!!
    And the map is amazing!! I love it!
    That jewelry is gorgeous and I think I need to get me some! Hebel Designs is awesome!

  7. fabulous collection ( i'm quite ashamed not having discovered those books yet since yopu are so passionated about them)

  8. Woah! That's a lot! I love that jewelry SO MUCH, and want Morzova's collar so badly. It's gorgeous. And so many books! I've got multiples of Shadow & Bone as well, because I wanted that paperback with my blog in it too. :D

  9. That is a seriously awesome collection, I want that antler necklace so bad! Jealous!
    Missie @ A Flurry of Ponderings

  10. Awesome collection! So jealous of the copy with the title "Gathering Dark" so unique :-) Enjoy them and I can't wait to see the pics after Ruin and Rising releases.

  11. OMG! YOU, my dear, are the ultimate collector! These are so pretty. :)

    1. LOL :D That I am. Agh. Yes. It is all so gorgeous. <3

  12. Wow, what an incredible collection, Carina!

  13. Wow Carina! This is absolutely beautiful! and HOW FREAKIN NEAT!!! I can't say that I have anything like this but I do try and collect anything Clive Barker & Neil Gaiman (those guys started it all for me, reading that is) ♥♥
    Thanks for sharing xoxox

  14. You can't see me right now, but I have hearts in my eyes!! I'm sooo totally in love will all your swag and beautiful jewelry! And a little jealous. I may have to indulge in some purchases from Hebel Design, heh. I also really love your enthusiasm for the series because I absolutely adore it (and Mal), too!!

    1. lol, thank you sweetie :D AND YAY. Another Mal fan <33 That makes me so happy. Sigh :) And ohh. You must buy from Hebel Design :D So much amazing.

  15. The hardcover editions of Shadow and Bone are very pretty. And this collar is just amazing! I have to read this books soon. Your collection is stunning :)

  16. *rolls on floor* *faints* *dies* OMG IT IS PERFECT!!!!!! I will not comment on HOW MANY BOOKS YOU GOT BECAUSE HOLY! but omg THE SWAG <3 and.. THE JEWELRY!! AAAAAH! I need the special edition of Ruin & Rising so badly! Will see if Indigo has something like that, like they did for Allegiant. SO PERFECT CARINA! AAAH!!

    - Juhina @ Maji Bookshelf

  17. Oh my gosh, Carina, loving the swag! I am a big fan of Mal, too. :D Lets hope they end up together in R & R. If not, I will be a sobbing mess.

    1. Yesss. <3 That makes me so happy Renu, hih :) And yes. Me too. They better end up together. <3

  18. The map / swag / jewelry!! So fabulous. This trilogy is incredible!

    Fabulous collection :)

  19. Hello, this collection is beautiful! I am trying to start my collection of Shadow and Bone but, I can’t seem to find any of the original hardcover copies for the trilogy. I was wondering where you bought yours? Thank you!

    1. Hi :D So sorry for being so slow to reply. Thank you so much. <3 Ah, it's not possible to get the original hardcover copies any longer. Mine were bought when the books came out. They are not in print any longer, I'm sorry to say. I just bought my copies from bookdepository :) But yeah, not possible any longer.


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