
Thursday, April 24, 2014

Cover & Title Reveal: The Raven Boys #3 by Maggie Stiefvater

I am LOVING this cover and title. It is killing me a bit. I loved The Raven Boys and The Dream Thieves SO MUCH and this third book.. the wait is seriously killing me. I cannot wait to read it :D I just know that it will be amazing. <3 And this cover. Swoons. It is so perfect. I love it. And the title too. Dies. So gorgeous. I cannot wait to read more of Gansey; who is my favorite character. Though I also really love Blue :) And Ronan. And Noah. And just everyone. But yeah. Gansey, my love. <3 There must be some amazing romance between Gansey and Blue. There better be. Oh, how I hope. And Gansey and bees. It freaks me out. But I love heartbreak and pain so I very much want a few more scenes like that, please. October 28th needs to get here pretty soon. I need Blue Lily, Lily Blue in my life. Right now, please. (Also, you should know that Maggie's other book, The Scorpio Races is perfect as well. Go read it.)


  1. Love it! I am hoping beyond my wildest dreams to maybe be able to score an ARC of this at BEA. Have no idea if it will be available, but hoping, praying, dreaming, you name it!

  2. I about had a fit the moment I saw this cover, but I resisted--only because I was in public! It's SO gorgeous and I'm SO curious to know what the title means! Gansey is my favorite character too! He's just the best. :D :D

  3. I'm dying dying for this one!! This is absolutely stunning and amazing and what a cover and what a title!! Now I'm all scared for our dear Blue, cause the title seems to reference her???
    I want to preorder the paperback already so it'll match my other paperbacks!

  4. This cover is pretty stunning Carina! I still have to read The Dream Thieves yet :( I hope you end up loving this books as much as the rest of the series! Thanks for sharing this cover with us! :)

  5. I love it! Even if I haven't read this series yet ( I suck). Lol.

    1. You suck, Joy! lol, just kidding. <3 But seriously. You need to read this series :D I have a feeling that you will LOVE these books.

  6. I love the cover! I have read only book one, but when I see this I have to continue the series soon. Thanks for sharing :)

  7. LOVE!! The covers for this series are works of art, so gorgeous.


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