
Monday, April 14, 2014

Review: Invaded by Melissa Landers

I read the first book, Alienated, back in January. And ever since I have been craving this sequel. And even though it isn't out until February next year, I was lucky enough to win an ARC of Invaded via Melissa. <3 And I was so happy when it arrived! First, because it is gorgeous. And signed. And just all kinds of amazing. Then I got to read it so much earlier. <3 So happy.

I don't know how to talk about my feelings for this book. I want to talk about all the spoilery things, lol. But I won't. I will try my best to make this review spoiler free. But yeah. I will talk about some things :D Most of which you already know, if you read the ending of Alienated. But first. I really loved this book. I found Invaded to be amazing. So it is a five star book for me :)

Invaded focus a lot on how the first book ended. With Aelyx having to stay on earth to try to fix the alliance, while Cara had to visit with his planet; L'eihr. So they are seperated a lot in this book. Which I normally do not approve of. Okay, fine, I didn't really approve of it this time either. But I didn't mind that much, as I was interested in everything that happened in this book. I loved reading about the different places they were on. What happened to them. And they do talk a lot, which made me happy. I felt like there were more romance in Alienated, but I did love the romance in this one as well. It's sweet. <3

The book is told from the point of view of Cara and Aelyx; like in the first book. Which I loved. Because I love reading about them both; they are amazing. I can't even decide which point of view I loved reading about the most. Because reading about Cara on a different planet was all kinds of awesome. But then there were Aelyx, whom I adore. And I loved reading about his stay on earth. Because so much happens. So much awful. He gets attacked a lot of times. Which I might have loved a little, hih.

There is also a bunch of new characters in this book. Some I loved. Some I did not like reading about at all. First, I loved the house pet on L'eihr. Okay, he's kind of awful at first. But so adorable. And I still really like Elle, whom Cara will get a closer relationship with in this book. I enjoyed reading about them. There is also this mean girl. Though she is not all that mean, and Cara do not think awful thoughts about her, which would have happened in other books. I liked that Cara is mature about it. Kind of :D

There was this one thing that happens with Cara that I both loved and found a bit disturbing. The Sh'ovah. I loved reading about it, but it was also a little sad. Because I wanted Aelyx to be there. Sniffs. But yeah. It was awesome. But there are also these two characters that annoyed me a lot. Jaxen and Aisly. Jaxen likes Cara. I think. But, thankfully, there is no hint of a love triangle in this book. Which made me happy. Cause Jaxen is creepy. I did not like him at all. But he is awesome to read about.

There is a lot happening with Aelyx as well. There was this one scene that broke my heart, so painful. I just wish it had been focused on a little more, hih, as I love all those painful scenes. Just.. so sad that Cara wasn't there. Grrr. But I also really did love reading about them in different places; as it needed to happen. Aelyx spends a lot of time with Syrine, which I liked. Because she is better in this book. She's awesome. And this new boy, David, was awesome as well. A bit of romance. And a lot of heartbreak.

Already this review of mine has gotten to be pretty long. But I'm not done yet, hih. I just need to talk about some things. Because I really loved Invaded. It is a fantastic sequel. Full of action, romance and suspense. A lot of things happen. And I loved reading about all of it. We get to see more of Cara's brother, Troy. Whom I disliked a bit at first. But he grew on me. He's pretty amazing. There is just so much happening and yet I wanted so much more to happen as well. I did not want this book to end. 

Like I said, I loved it to pieces. Because the writing is good. Even though I know that some of it I would have disliked in other books. But in Invaded it works. I loved it. I cared for the characters. And I felt their pain. Which makes me happy. And I loved the plot as well. It was interesting and I just need to know what will happen next. Because where this book ends.. there needs to be a third book. I really, really want there to be a third book. So I'm just going to spent forever wishing for that, hih. <3

There was this one small thing that I had an issue with in this book. The last fifty pages. Some things confused me. And there was this one thing that broke my heart, that I wished hadn't happened. But those last fifty pages also had a lot of my favorite moments in them. So I'm conflicted. But even though a few things confused me, I loved reading about them. This book was just amazing. And I'm so glad that I got to read it early. Thank you, Melissa. <3 You are amazing. I know that you all will love Invaded.


  1. Awesome you got to read the second book in the series already. I'm still hoping to read Alienated.

  2. SO happy to hear there's not even a hint of a love triangle! Thanks for your review, darling!

    1. :D Thank you. <3 I was very happy about no love triangle as well.

  3. I'm with Danielle! YAY for no love triangles. I was a bit nervous about that after the end of the last book. I'm already sad that these two aren't together in this book, but I know that is a way to keep tension high in middle books (is this a trilogy - I hope so!). I'm also excited to see Cara and Aelyx navigate their relationship long distance. However, I'm nervous about what you mean by the end of this. It sounds like there's another cliffhanger! Uh-oh. So excited you got an early copy! Hope she writes book 3 quickly too. Great review!

    1. YAY :D I was too. But so so happy that there was no triangle in this book. <3 Made me very happy, hih. It did create a lot of tension. And while I wanted them together, I also loved that they were on different planets. Hmm. The third book is not announced yet :( But I am going to hope that it will be; soonish. <3 I need a third one, hih :) The ending is good. But yess. There is so much that I still need to know. It isn't finished :) Thank you. <3

  4. Are they together at all in this one? Ok, don't answer that since it would be a spoiler. I hope they are some. I am so happy you loved it! I can't wait to read it.

    1. Hiih, I can't answer that :D But I can say that I think you will love this sequel. <3

  5. I really need to read the first book, because both stories sound amazing!!

    Fabulous review :D

  6. Yesssss!!! I'm so happy to hear you loved this one so much!! I'm so damned excited about a book that doesn't come out till Feb next year... so painful!!
    I'm so gonna try my best to get an ARC of this one somehow!!
    And another big YAY for no love triangle!!

    1. Yay :D Fingers crossed you will get an ARC of it. <3 It is worth the wait, though :)

  7. I am glad to hear that you loved this one! What a beautiful cover (I love the cover for Alienated too). :) How lucky that you got an early copy and got to read it already. :) Yeah!

    1. Thank you Jess. <3 I agree :D The covers are both so so gorgeous. :)

  8. I love the idea of them being apart, but on one another's planets. I think that's a really cool dynamic that is likely really interesting to read about. :) So glad you loved this one, since you were so excited to get it. Great review Carina!! :D

    1. Thank you Rachel. <3 I agree :) It was pretty awesome to read about.

  9. I'm so glad you won an ARC. This seems like a really interesting series, but I'm not reading it until Melissa publishes the whole series :))


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