
Saturday, April 12, 2014

In My Mailbox #128

I didn't get to read much this week. I'm not sure why. As I am finally feeling better again. <3 But yeah. I was busy a lot. But I did start reading Invaded yesterday, so hoping to finish that tomorrow, as today has already gone by so fast, hih. I am loving that book. Sigh. Which makes me happy :) Anyway. I got a lot this week, I think. Yet I am still missing a lot, so I will be getting a lot next week too, I think :) Which also makes me excited, because there is nothing I love more than getting mail. Though I can't afford to buy more. I need to start saving something. Agh. But that is hard, because I want everything. And it's so easy to buy things online.. Anyway. Posted another Cress Tuesday this week, which is an awesome Kai/Cinder teaser. Hih. And I'm waiting on The Iron Trial. <3 Also posted the cover for The Young Elites :) Ohh. And before I forget it once again. I am SO BEHIND on comments. Again. A few weeks, I think. But I will get there. I hope. I do comment on blogs that I follow, just haven't had time to visit back many yet. But I will. Soonish. I hope. Need to finish the book first though, hih :) What did you get this week?

Dreams of Gods and Monsters. Now I can finally start reading this trilogy, lol. It is so so pretty. Sigh.
Plus One. This book is PERFECT. And this cover.. I die. SO DAMN GORGEOUS. Love my copies.
Rebel Belle. I adore this book cover. And I adore the author on twitter. Really hoping to love this :)
Prodigy. Yeah.. I have the obsession that I must own all the books. But this US paperback is awesome.
If You Find Me. US paperback. <3 So pretty. And this book is awesome. And I love Emily so much.
The Fault in Our Stars. You gorgeous book. Must re-read soon. Movie-tie-in and US paperback :)
Frozen. Finally got my US version. <3 So pretty. And so awesome. Norwegian edition below ;p
Love Letters to the Dead. Read this in November, I think, and I enjoyed it a lot. Such a pretty book.
Reboot. I need to re-read this next week. <3 Very excited. I did love it. And this paperback is awesome.
The Demigod Diaries. Percy Jackson, my love. I will be reading this next week as well. <3 Very excited.
The Hobbit. A bit expensive.. but so damn awesome. Will re-watch this amazing movie soonish.

The Nightmare Dilemma. Just got this from the publisher; Tor. <3 Thank you so much. (I own 3, hih)
Unremembered. Got this amazing swag from Jessica since I entered her awesome contest a while ago :D
If You Find Me. Oh, this is the best. THE BEST. Thank you so so much Emily and Nina. <3 More below.
Invaded. I am SO HAPPY that I won this via Melissa on Facebook :D It is gorgeous. And it is signed. And it does not release until next year, hih. And I'm reading it right now and I am loving it a lot. <3 So happy.
The Fault in Our Stars. Ack. You gorgeous book. Got three different editions this week; love them all :)
Sea of Shadows. Getting the hardcover as well. Cause this cover was so pretty. Hih. Reading it soon.
Darkbound. I.. have yet to read book one :p Agh. But I do like Scott. So I'm hoping to read them soon ;p

Robert Pattinson. This is big. This is amazing. This is GORGEOUS. And it is Rob. My love. And it is DIOR ROB. AGH! I am dying. I got this from this beauty shop in my town. <3 Have been wanting it for months, and now they took it down and I was allowed to get it :D So happy. It will be on my wall soon. <3

Signed If You Find Me. This was such a surprise. Did not know it was coming. Didn't even think of it when I got the package today. But then I opened it and omg. It kills me. It's gorgeous. I love this book so much. And I love Emily even more. This signed copy is very precious to me. <3 Thank you, Emily. You are the most awesome person. Thank you. Sniffs. I love it. <3 And thank you to Nina at Orion publishing in the UK as well, for sending it to me and being awesome as well, hih. <3 You guys are the best.

Signed Invaded. This book is all kinds of amazing as well. I love this signed book. Thank you so much Melissa. <3 It's amazing. And I love it. And agh. I loved Alienated so much, and I'm reading and loving Invaded now. <3 Probably finishing it tomorrow, so look for my review then, hih :)

The Witch's Boy. I had to request this book. Because that cover is STUNNING. I love it. And the summary is interesting as well. And it is middle grade. And agh. I just have high hopes for this book. I really hope that I will love it. <3 

In My Mailbox is an weekly meme made by The Story Siren.


  1. I love the Unremembered swag! The necklace is gorgeous. I need to pick up my copy of Dreams of Gods and Monsters! And congrats again on winning the Invaded ARC. I seriously cannot wait to read that book.

    Have a fabulous weekend, Carina!

    Check out my STS post!

  2. ACK! I AM REVELING IN ALL THESE BOOKS! so many pretty ones!!!! :D

    - Juhina @ Maji Bookshelf

  3. Congratulations on winning! I want to read Love Letters to the Dead soon, and the covers of Dreams of Gods and Monsters and Plus One are just gorgeous. Great haul!

  4. Nice haul. Congrats on winning. You got some great books.

    Books of Love

  5. Oh myyyy, I'm in love with your signed If you find me copy <3

  6. Great things. Love The fault in our stars book cover with the actors from the movie :) So sweet :)

  7. What an awesome haul, Carina! I never have much luck with contests; so happy for you!

    Enjoy everything. :)

  8. Wooohoooo!! What a brilliant haul, Carina! I also got my copy of Dreams of Gods & Monsters this week! And YAY for getting Invaded and even more for it being signed!! =D
    I'm also so very happy to hear you're loving it so far!!

  9. Great haul! I ended up adding a couple of those books to my to-read list. :)

  10. What a great haul Carina! I love signed books so much and those are so perfect. I love that you got the Rob Dior poster. :-) Enjoy all the books (and Rob).

  11. Invaded! So jealous, I loved the first.

  12. You always have such good book weeks, Carina!! Gosh, Plus One is just annoyingly gorgeous! I love your Robert Pattinson! I've seen displays in stores that I've wanted but I've never asked for them. No guts, I guess. But how cool to have it! :D

    Have a great week!! :)

  13. Ahhh, I'm so happy you got REBEL BELLE! It's so much fun, I hope you love it, Carina. :) Such huge piles you got this week, too, I don't know how you have room to fit it all into your living space, hah. Happy reading, my dear! <3

    Wendy @ The Midnight Garden

    1. Hah! Thank you sweetie. <3 I don't have much room left. SNIFFS. Not sure what I will do when that happens. Hmm. :)

  14. Dreams of Gods and Monsters looks fabulous, and love TFIOS! The paperbacks look lovely :)

    Hope you enjoy everything!

  15. WOW WOW WOW! This is one MAJOR awesome book haul Carina Lucky girl!! I'm reading Dreams of Gods & Monsters right now and LOVING IT!!!
    Have you seen Frozen yet? I've seen it, no joke, over 20 times in 2 weeks! My 3 year old watches it non stop. It's okay though b/c I LOVE IT TOO! xoxo Such an amazing Disney movie! ♥
    Stop by and Check out my book haul! ;)
    Michelle ~ Book Hangovers Blabs Books

  16. woooow, amazing haul AS ALWAYS Carina! I am SOO jealous of your TFIOS copies! I love the movie editions! and OMG, IF YOU FIND ME! I have been DYING to read that book! LOVE the black and yellow cover!!
    - Farah @MajiBookshelf

  17. SO many fantastic books! I have The Fault in Our Stars to read. I look forward to checking it out, but I am afraid to start it because I have heard it is so sad. I do hope to get to it one day soon when I don't have anywhere to be, so it will be okay if my eyes are res and swollen. :)

    I want to read The Demigod Diaries, too! Enjoy.


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