
Saturday, March 22, 2014

In My Mailbox #125

I didn't read that much this week. Since I finished The House of Hades, I haven't felt like reading anything else. I love Percy Jackson so so much. <3 and I just want to read more about him :) October cannot get here fast enough. Anyway. I tried to watch the Percy Jackson movie. I survived 30 minutes. It killed me. It was so damn awful. Barely anything like the book. The book is adorable and cute and funny and heartbreaking. The movie was just bad :p At least for me. Sigh. So I'm a bit sad about that. But anyway. I didn't get that much in the mail this week. Sniffs. But I did get some amazing things. <3 I posted another Cress Tuesday and Waiting on Wednesday and I also read and reviewed Oh So Brave Dragon :) It's been 9 days since kitten's surgery, where she got sterilized. She is finally starting to get back to normal; though that is bad for all my swag :p Sniffs. But anyway. She's removing her body & stitches on Monday, which is good. Have posted some pics on Instagram. <3 What did you get this week?

Ruins. I still haven't decided if I wish to finish this series. Sigh. Read book one ages ago. Still, pretty.
The Son of Neptune. Ah, you gorgeous book. <3 Loved it so much. Need to own all the hardcovers :D
Wii Party U. Been meaning to buy this for ages, as I wanted the black controller, hih. <3 It is awesome.
Let the Storm Break. Gorgeous swag that I got from Shannon since I pre-ordered the books :D Love!
Darren Shan. Signed book that I won from Darren. <3 Thank you! I love his Darren Shan saga books.
Catching Fire. Sigh. I just had to own this one, didn't I? Oh, well. It is very pretty at least, hih :D
Dark Skies. I got this movie for £1,5 when buy CF :D Which is pretty awesome. It looks good, I think.
Plush. You should all know by now that I have an obsession with gorgeous plush animals. And these are Bukowski Design. I love those plushes more than anything at the moment. <3 And I want them all, but so far they only have these here in my town. Grrr. But that's okay. Because these two are so pretty. <3

The signed book. <3

Local Newspaper. Remember that my kitten had surgery 9 days ago? Yeah, when we arrived our local newspaper was there taking pictures. Which we did not know until we got there.. but that was pretty awesome, to be honest. Since they took pictures of my kitten and are writing about it in the middle page of the newspaper today :D That is pretty amazing. And my love looks so pretty, hih. And.. there might be a picture of me in there as well. Right in the middle. With brown hair, and no make-up, lol :p

In My Mailbox is an weekly meme made by The Story Siren.


  1. Ooooh, the hardback of Ruins is really pretty! I still need to read my Kindle copy, hopefully soon!

    Happy reading, Carina, once you're over the Percy Jackson book hangover! ;)

  2. Great haul! Your kitty is famous! That is awesome!
    Missie @ A Flurry of Ponderings

  3. Yes, you want to finish that series. Ruins was awesome :D

  4. YOU MUST FINISH THE SERIES! Granted, I've only read Partials, but I do have Fragments. If you've read the first two, you might as well read the third, especially if you own it! :)

    Thanks for visiting my blog! Have a fantastic weekend!

    Alyssa @ The Eater of Books!

  5. It's great to see your kitten has made the newspaper, but most importantly, she's okay! :)

  6. I didn't know your kitten had surgery. Glad she has recovered well and she is so beautiful! I wish you pic were larger. I've not read the Ruins series yet. great haul!

  7. You've got such amazing books Carina! I hope you'll enjoy them. Also I hope your kitten is feeling better and that she is famous now! :)

  8. I really hope you decide to finish the Partials trilogy! I am re-reading the first two books then moving onto Ruins. So excited!

  9. I always love your IMM posts, great haul :) I am glad the kitten is ok. Happy reading :)

  10. fantastic hauls as usual! :D aww Kitty <3 I love your cat so much! and that picture is pretty ;) I really want to read Partials!

    - Juhina @ Maji Bookshelf

  11. I really need to pick up a book by Rick Riordan! Oh hey, you made it into your local newspaper! ;) Hope your kitten has fully recovered.

  12. Oh poor kitty...she's a superstar now though! :D So excited Catching Fire is out now..we've watched it a few times already since getting it!

  13. Ugh - the Percy Jackson movie. I also thought it was pretty bad. I haven't seen the sequel yet, but I have heard that it's a bit better so I may give that one a go still. And oh your poor kitty! Good to hear she's getting back to normal.

  14. Your kitteh is a celebrity! Lol. I'm so glad you enjoyed Percy Jackson so much. I'm still waiting for the day when my kids would show interest in the books I take home. Sigh. Anyway, I need to finish Partial as well. I remember loving that book. I just need to jump back into it.

    Have a great week, luv.

  15. I randomly got an ARC of Ruins, so I picked up copies of the first two books and began reading Partials--though I didn't get that far. I've heard such good things about the series and the finished copy of Ruins looks gorgeous. :) And how fun that you and your kitten are in the paper! She does look gorgeous. :D

    Have a great week, Carina!!

  16. I am glad your kitty is doing well- how fun that you both showed up in the paper! :)

    I love Percy Jackson, too! Such an amazing series! I had a hard time with the movie because I kept comparing it to the book and there were SO many differences and changes. I have The Son of Neptune to read, but haven't gotten to it yet. I did read the first one in this newer series and really enjoyed it. You always get the coolest things in your mailbox. :)

    1. Hih, thank you sweetie. <3 Omg yess. The movie was nothing like the book, at least not for me :\ Sigh. But so much in love with the books :)

  17. Ooo, I'm looking forward to reading RUINS! I liked the first two books so much. Kim's review has made me excited for this last book, too, and I have to find out how everything ends!

    Enjoy CATCHING FIRE, too!

    Wendy @ The Midnight Garden


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