
Tuesday, March 25, 2014

Cress Tuesday #22

I must admit that I'm loving sharing all of these Cress Tuesday teasers with you all. Because picking the teaser each week makes me love the book all over again. And makes me even more excited to be re-reading the three books in the near future. Hopefully I'll have the time for that soon, as I need to re-read more about Cinder and Kai, hih. <3 Anyway. If you haven't yet had the chance to read Cress, I'm hoping these teasers will convince you to do that :) And if you have read it, I'm hoping these teasers reminds you how amazing this book was. Sigh. You can see all the previous Cress Tuesday posts here. <3 Hope you are enjoying these (mostly) non-spoilery teasers :)


She clenched her empty fists. "I don't know. I just know they're all dead. Because of me. Because they helped me." She fell into a crouch, covering her head. Her entire body was burning up with fury.
My review of Glitches. My review of The Queen's Army. My blog tour post of Cinder.

Was allowed to do this by Marissa and Macmillan; Thank you. <3 Marissa is the best. Check out her amazing website :D I'm also very much in love with the Lunar Chronicles facebook. So pretty. I hope you enjoy the teasers :) There will be one teaser each Tuesday. Can't wait for you all to read Cress :)
The teasers are now from my finished hardcover copy of Cress :D And oh, how it is gorgeous. <3


  1. I hope she takes that fury and brings the evil Queen down in Winter!!!! I can't wait!

  2. Thank you for continuing the Cress Tuesdays! I love seeing the teasers now and remembering where those lines are from!

  3. Gah! This series is so awesome! The wait for Winter is going to be torture though...LOL!

    Thanks for sharing Carina, and, as always, fabulous post! <3

    ~ Zoe @ The Infinite To-Read Shelf

    1. SO true! And yesss. Torture, lol. I cannot wait, though :)
      Aw, thank you sweetie <3

  4. *sigh* so many great moments. I'm going to need to reread this series sometime soon---and I almost never reread anything so that is saying a lot!

  5. Eek yes I loved this book it was my favorite in the series! I can't wait for the 4th but at the same time I'm sad it will be the last >.<

  6. So much love for this series! Reading the last one will definitely be bittersweet, but then I'm so excited to see how this will conclude and how all the couples will fare. I'm thinking Jacin/Winter are going to be amazing. :)

    1. Omg, yes. I agree. Cannot wait to see Jacin and Winter together :D


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