
Saturday, February 15, 2014

In My Mailbox #120

First: RUIN AND RISING Cover Reveal is here!! And I'm so damn happy with it. <3 Sigh. Anyway. I had a pretty awesome week this week. Well, I'm feeling totally crappy because my Morbus Crohn is being a bitch. But I had a good week online and with books. For the most part. <3 And that makes me happy. Yesterday I started re-reading The Winner's Curse <3 Which I just finished and will be writing a book recommendation for in a moment. One of the best books. Anyway. I forgot to mention last week that my blog reached 200,000 total pageviews :D That makes me really happy. <3 Thank you all. (Also, I am very close to 900 followers.. <3) Okay, I said I had a pretty good week. But I didn't read anything before I started my re-read. I just haven't been well enough to read, and couldn't find anything that I wanted to read yet :p But hoping it will be better next week. <3 As I do have tons of books to read. And re-read. Don't forget to enter my INTERNATIONAL giveaway for a brand new ARC copy of Faking Normal plus some pretty awesome swag. <3 Enter the giveaway here :) What did you get this week?

Three. I read book one a looong time ago. Think it is finally time to re-read so I can finish the series :)
Lady Thief. Oh, I'm pretty excited for this book. <3 Just need to get myself to re-read Scarlet, hih (A)
Into the Still Blue. Gorgeous book. Such a perfect story as well. International and UK paperback. <3
Fracture. I really like the UK paperback covers for this series. So pretty. Got Vengeance last week :)
Cress. Oh, you gorgeous book. <3 And I pretty much adore this UK paperback. So pretty. So good.

The Worlds We Make. I read book one ages ago. Didn't love it, but I did want the rest of the books :D
White Space. I adore the author; Ilsa. <3 She's awesome. And I'm hoping to really read this book soon.
Split Second. I wasn't planning on buying this, since I haven't read nr 1 yet. But people loved it.. :)
Unite Me. Hah. Like I said, never reading these books. But I'm weird and I need to own everything.
If You Find Me. Gorgeous replacement for the one I got last week that was damaged. <3 Amazing book.
Divergent. Oh, I do still love this book. And I needed to own these movie editions. <3 PB and HC.
Angry Birds. These were just too cute and too awesome not to buy. Plus I own a few other birds ;p
Disney Infinity. Yeah.. you know I haven't played the game yet (A) but I love buying these. Sigh.
How To Train Your Dragon. Uhm, yeah. I'm obsessed with all of these. And I need to own ALL OF THEM.

A Death-Struck Year. The time in this book reminds me of In the Shadow of Blackbirds, which I loved like crazy. So I knew I needed to try reading this book. So I'm happy I got accepted for it via Netgalley. <3 Not sure when I will try reading it.. but hopefully soon. I do think it sounds pretty awesome :)

In My Mailbox is an weekly meme made by The Story Siren.


  1. Nice haul. I like the UK cover for the books. They are beautiful. Come visit me as well.

    Books of Love

  2. The plot of "White Space" sounds great and I like the cover :) "Unite me" also has a great cover, but I stopped reading the series after "Shatter Me", so I don't think I'm going to read this one.

    Krypta :-)

  3. Ooo, I loved Into the Still Blue! But was really disappointed by Lady Thief. I have not read Scarlet or Cress yet (though I enjoyed Cinder). I hope you enjoy all of your new books! Though I know you've read most of them already :D

    Thanks for visiting my blog!

    Alyssa @ The Eater of Books!

  4. wow so many things. You are a Lucky girl, Carina :) Have a great weekend :)

  5. Much love for Split Second, Into The Still Blue and the Divergent movie edition looks AWESOME!!

  6. Incredible haul as always, you've always got the best book hauls by far. Just curious as to why you buy several copies of the same book, do you collect?

    1. Hi :) Yeah, I do collect, kind of ;p When there is a book I love I need two copies. One to read, one to be pretty. Hih. <3

  7. The dragons! So awesome. And I totally agree about the Ruin & Rising cover. I like both covers for Into The Still Blue and of course the Cress cover is gorgeous. Hope you enjoy your books!

    My STS is here:

  8. Another awesome week of books, Carina! Cress! I'm nearly done and hate life every time I'm forced to put it down lol. Love the UK cover for Fracture! Gorgeous!

  9. Lots of great books! I love the UtNS series UK covers. So pretty! I wished I owned them all. I love the Ruin & Rising cover. Perfection. I'm sorry you've been in pain. I hope this next week is better for you.

  10. Love that 2nd cover for Still Blue, haven't seen it much

  11. You always get so much in the mail, Carina! I totally forgot The Worlds We Make was coming out until I saw it in the bookstore yesterday! It's gorgeous in person, and I'm hoping to read The Lives We Lost and then that! And ohhh, I don't have my finished copy of Into the Still Blue yet! Friday, though! :)

    Rachel @ Paper Cuts

  12. I hope you will like White Space! Cress is so pretty in real life <3 Happy reading!

  13. So many lovely books and goodies! I hope you enjoy everything :D


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