
Saturday, February 15, 2014

Book Recommendation: The Winner's Curse by Marie Rutkoski

I first read this book back in November. And oh, how I loved it then. And ever since I have wanted to re-read it. And now I finally did. So happy that I did that, because The Winner's Curse is a stunning book. It's perfect in all ways. I couldn't have asked for a better book. Sigh. And it isn't even out yet! You will all love it when you read it. And when it comes out on March 4th I expect you all to go buy it. You must. I've already pre-ordered two gorgeous hardcovers and I cannot wait to get them. <3 So excited.

I'm not sure what to talk about in this book recommendation of mine. I want to talk about all of it. Mostly that ending. But I won't, because I don't want to spoil anything from you. This book is just so perfect. You need to read all of it. Read and love it, like I did. This book recommendation of mine is mostly like a second review, probably. So I'm not reading my first review before writing this, otherwise I would be at a loss for words. So I apologize if I repeat myself a little, hih. I don't mind, though :)

The Winner's Curse is such an amazing book. It has perfect writing, exciting plot and likeable characters. I loved everything about it. There wasn't a single thing that I didn't like. Which is rare. Though, I do wish it had never ended. And that ending is a little bit cruel.. but I loved it at the same time. I really enjoyed the writing in this book. It made it easy to connect to everything. And that is always a plus. Marie writes so beautifully. I cannot wait to read more books by her. She's awesome.

This book is told from two different point of views. Kestrel and Arin. And how, how I loved them both. I loved reading from both minds, as they are both pretty amazing. Kestrel is so sweet. And fierce as well. I loved reading about her life as the General's daughter. And I loved her relationship with her dad. I liked him. And her friends, Jess and Ronan. Jess was adorable. Loved her. I even liked Ronan. He likes her a little too much. But he's so sweet and kind and Kestrel does not see him that way. Which is very good.

I also really loved Arin. Sigh. He's so perfect. Pfff. Perfectly flawed, mostly. He has a lot of those. But he's also kind and loving and I loved how smart he is. Kestrel may be a little bit smarter, but he is pretty smart as well. Arin is one of my favorite bookish boys. My heart broke for him so many times. Even though he did some things that made me angry. I understood him; which was good. Oh, and his family. Heartbreak. Still destroys me. You need to read the short story; Bridge of Snow. So heartbreaking.

I really loved the plot in The Winner's Curse. It's fantasy and historical fiction. I think. And I love both those genres. I loved reading about where they lived and how they had come to live there. Would have liked to know more, though. There was a war ten years ago. And Arin and the people like him ended up as slaves for Kestrel and her people. It broke my heart. Yet it was so awesome to read about. Sigh. There is also a rebellion in this book. Now that broke my heart the most. But it was just so good.

I'm not going to talk more plot. Though I could talk about it for ages. It's just so good. And I loved it so much. Sigh. This whole book is just perfect. What I loved the most, though, where the character relationships. There is a romance in this book. Between Kestrel and Arin. And it's so sweet and slow. But it's also the most heartbreaking romance. Oh, how I need book two. But I loved what there were. Because it was so real. So perfect. I just cannot forget about it. There are some really sweet scenes.

There is just so much to say about this book. Like a few characters that I really hated. Cheat and Irex. They were such awful characters. And yet I loved reading about them both so much because they made a perfect book even better. Sigh. I'm not sure how I'm going to survive waiting for the sequel. Needs it right away. <3 Anyway. The Winner's Curse is a stunning book. And you all need to read it. Seriously. I cannot wait to re-read it again and again. Because this is a book you must read again. Many times.

Below I will be sharing two small teasers from this book. I love them. Be aware that they are from my ARC copy and might be changed in the hardcover. Though I hope not. <3 Also sharing a picture below that of my gorgeous and so special copy of The Winner's Curse. It means the world to me. I love it. Huge thank you to Macmillan and Ksenia for this gorgeous ARC copy of The Winner's Curse. <3 Thank you so so much. I love it to pieces. I loved reading the eARC back in November, but reading this print one was even better. Thank you. Sniffs. It's just so pretty and so special to me. I will always treasure it. <3


"Kestrel, please don't cry." Tentative fingers touched her face. A thumb ran along the wet skin of
her cheekbone. She suffered for it, suffered for the misery of knowing that whatever possessed 
him to do this could be no more than compassion. He valued her that much. But not enough.


"Kestrel." The general touched her shoulder. When he spoke, his voice was uncharacteristically hesitant. "It's every child's duty to survive her parents. My profession isn't a safe one. I would like -- Kestrel, when I die, do not mourn me." She smiled. "You do not command me," she said, and kissed his cheek.


My review of The Winner's Curse. My review of Bridge of Snow.
Goodreads. The Book Depository. Marie Rutkoski.

Update: Newer and better review of the book can be found here.


  1. Another gorgeous cover I really love! And the book packaging at the end of your post looks even MORE GORGEOUS. I want to read this book so much, thanks to your great review :)

    Krypta :-)

  2. Wow! This is a fantastic review! This is one of the many books that I am anticipating this year. I'm very excited to get my hands on this and reading this blog has now heightened my enthusiasm! :)

  3. Carina, it is only thanks to you that you put The Winner's Curse on my wishlist immediately after reading your review and hearing all your high praise on Twitter. It's awesome that you fell in love with this book so much that you read it twice and I can't wait to get my hands on a copy now:))

    1. Aw, thank you sweetie. <3 I'm so excited for you to read it!

  4. You're making me really want to read this. Hope my library gets it in.

  5. I have to agree, this book was so interesting and i loved the plot of it! i also loved the ending and omg i hated Cheat!!!

    - Juhina @ Maji Bookshelf

  6. The plot and well done fantasy sounds amazing, I am really looking forward to reading this one.

  7. Oh, yes. This book was truly outstanding!

  8. I finally have my hardcover and despite being absolutely exhausted last night after work I just had to start it, even if I only read 4 chapters!


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