
Saturday, February 8, 2014

In My Mailbox #119

I got a bunch of pre-orders this week :) Happy about those. <3 And I got this most amazing swag pack. Sigh. I'm not sure how this week went. Feeling a bit bad. But I did manage to read two books; The Shadow Society and Mistwalker. And watched a few movies and tv-shows. I blogged about the Alienated launch day and the new title for Stormdancer #3. <3 I mostly caught up to blog comments, so that makes me happy :D I'm hoping to find time to read more. I also bought myself a huge hotel pillow. <3
Don't forget to enter my INTERNATIONAL giveaway for a brand new ARC copy of Faking Normal
plus some pretty awesome swag. <3 Enter the giveaway here :) What did you get this week?

Burn. I have yet to read book 1&2 (A) But I will read them pretty soon, I hope :D Evil ending, though.
Alienated. This book was so good. I really loved it. And this hardcover is so so pretty. I love it. <3
Fangirl. This book is pretty amazing. I just had to get this gorgeous new paperback :D It's awesome.
Cruel Beauty. Really loved this book as well. And this hardcover is so gorgeous. Sigh. Awesome book.
Mistwalker. Read this book this week and it's pretty amazing. And so pretty. Sigh. I loved it. <3
Scarlet. GORGEOUS. I love these books. And I'm in this paperback; sort of :D I love love love it.
If You Find Me. I adore this book. And this paperback is adorable. Will read the epilogue today :D
The Hobbit. Ah, I love these bookmarks. <3 I had to own them. LEGOLAS. Love love love.

Kiki's. I kind of really adore this movie. <3 And it's Studio Ghibli. So I needed this pretty art book :D
Ignite Me. I will never ever fucking read this book. Or book two. But I had to buy it, because I own two hardcovers of book one and two. All are first ed. Maybe I'll sell them one day. Hmm. Probably.
Vengeance. I really need to read this soon. <3 So excited. Pretty paperback. Getting nr one as well :)
The Lost Hero + The Son of Neptune. I have yet to read the first five books, but I will :D Need all.
Cress. Oh, such a perfect book. And I adore these hardcovers. I think I will re-read them all this week.
Mulan. Finally in blu-ray. <3 This movie is so amazing. I need to re-watch it pretty soon, I think :D
The Little Mermaid 1&2. I adore 2, disliked 3. But so happy to own them. Wishing for blu-ray soon :)
Peter Pan. You know me.. I must own blu-ray + dvd (A) But this was on sale, so I needed to buy it :)

The Lunar Chronicles. Amazing swag by Marissa Meyer. Holy crap. I kind of died when this arrived. <3

I downloaded this book via HarperTeen on Edelweiss because I have nr 1&2 and I was thinking I will read all three before it comes out in June. But holy. I peeked at ending. Not sure I have the heart for this series. But it seems awesome as well, so I'm really excited, to be honest :)

In My Mailbox is an weekly meme made by The Story Siren.


  1. Ooooooh, what an awesome haul this week Carina! It's awesome when preorders arrive!
    And that's some truly awesome Lunar Chronicles swag you got there!
    Happy reading!

  2. So many books! I finished Fangirl last night and wow, it was fantastic. I loved Cress too, and I definitely need to get my hands on a finished copy because it's gorgeous!

  3. OMG!! Amazing books you got this week.Fangirl is so freaking amazing! I want to read Ignite Me and Cress so bad. Fantastic haul :)

  4. Great books! Love how Cress looks in person. So beautiful I've still not read Fangirl--I'll be curious to see what you think of it. Love the swag too!

  5. Oohh very nice week. Your cover of Vengenance is very different than the one that I've been seeng. Enjoy your new books. Come visit me as well.

    Books of Love

  6. Still waiting for my Cress copy to arrive *sigh* Cruel beauty looks GORGEOUS. Guess I need to get a copy of that one soon too :D

  7. wow so many great things. Love the cover on strange ever after, though I've never read the series. Mulan was my favorite as a little girl, I'll certainly buy me mulan on dvd or blu-ray soon. Love the hobbit book marks :) Thanks for the comment on my blog and have a great weekend :)

  8. That's one kick ass haul. Those Hobbit bookmarks are awesome! I've heard so many great things about Cruel Beauty, looking forward to getting a copy of that one. Can't wait to see your thoughts on Ignite Me, I'm moving my copy up the list to start next.
    MY STS

  9. That's awesome, especially the bookmarks and this Lunar Chronicles swag. But, I've got one question: Why do you often have two copies of a book? I'm curious about that as long as I follow your blog :-)

    1. Hi :) I have answered this question a lot of times, but I don't mind saying it again ;p I need two hardcovers of books I love sometimes. Because I need one to read. And one to remain un-read for always :D Hih. <3 This does NOT include Ignite Me, though. I only bought two copies because I own two copies of Shatter Me. And I'm thinking about selling one set of all three books one day. As I do not really want them anymore. Sigh. But anyway. With the books I love to pieces, I need many copies. <3 :)

    2. That's really, really cool. Thanks for the answer! :)

  10. Loved Cruel Beauty, Fangirl, and Alienated! Your finished copies are gorgeous. And the Cress swag is awesome! Enjoy your new books, Carina :D

    Thanks for visiting my blog!

    Alyssa @ The Eater of Books!

  11. Woww I love your haul this week! I adored Alienated and Cruel Beauty. Already re-read Alienated before release date and I want to read it again soon :P
    I adored Ignite Me. Really need to read Cress! Your Lunar Chronicles swag is gorgeous, I'm so jealous :)
    Happy reading, Carina!

  12. You bought TWO copies if Ignite Me even though you don't want to read it? EXPLAIN!! :D
    (you get multiple copies quite often, don't you?)
    You got so many pretty books this week! Burn, Cruel beauty and especially Cress. I'll die if I don't get that one SOON.

  13. You got strange and ever after . Gimme ,gimme aaaaaaaah lol

    Happy reading carina

  14. Loved Alienated and hope that you do too

  15. This is an AMAZING haul! I would totally panic if I received all these items. Like I must read now RIGHT NOW! No time for anything else. How fun that you got some Disney movies. I got Robin Hood on Bluray recently and can't wait to watch it!!


  16. Oh. My. Gosh. What a great week you've had! I LOVE that cover for If You Find Me! I've not gotten a paperback of Scarlet yet, but will soon. And that copy of Fangirl is so cute! I'M SO JEALOUS OF YOUR SWAG. It's so pretty. I wish Marissa had had that when I went to her signing last year! :) Enjoy all of your books Carina!

    Rachel @ Paper Cuts


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