
Tuesday, February 11, 2014

Cress Tuesday #16

Cress has now been out for a whole week :D And if you have not read it yet, what are you waiting for? This book is gorgeous. And the writing is stunning. You all need to read it and fall in love with it like I did. But anyway. I've decided that I wish to at least continue with the Cress Tuesdays until the end of February, just in case some of you haven't gotten your copy of Cress yet. <3 I love sharing these teasers. And I cannot wait to finally re-read all three books in a short time. So excited! You can see all the previous Cress Tuesday posts here. <3 Hope you are enjoying these small non-spoilery teasers :)


The desert was about to be flooded with people searching for them, and the Rampion was
still sitting, obvious and enormous, in the middle of a tiny oasis town. "We can't stay here,"
she said, pulling on her boots. "I'll go get the others. Iko, run the system diagnostics.
Make sure we're set for space travel again."


My review of Glitches. My review of The Queen's Army. My blog tour post of Cinder.

Was allowed to do this by Marissa and Macmillan; Thank you. <3 Marissa is the best. Check out her amazing website :D I'm also very much in love with the Lunar Chronicles facebook. So pretty. I hope you enjoy the teasers :) There will be one teaser each Tuesday. Can't wait for you all to read Cress :)
The teasers are now from my finished hardcover copy of Cress :D And oh, how it is gorgeous. <3


  1. I'm glad you've decided to continue to share teasers with us until the end of the month Carina, at least this way it will give me the extra motivation to pick up Scarlet and Cress! :)

  2. YAY for more teasers! Now I can enjoy them remembering how awesome the book was!! =D =D

  3. I'm so in love with this book. Captain Thorne kills me. :)

  4. I loved Cress so much! I am going to have to reread the whole series again soon!
    ­Missie @ A Flurry of Ponderings


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