
Saturday, December 21, 2013

In My Mailbox #112

I'm behind on everything. Which just about sucks. December has been so so so busy for me. But hoping it will get easier soon. Probably. Anyway. I would say that I had an awful week this week. Had to do an colonoscopy, which was the worst ever. Thankfully, I got to be asleep. But I hated the day before so much. Having Morbus Crohn sucks big time. Did that just yesterday, so not feeling the best yet. Plus side, though. I got my brand new Nintendo Wii U today :D Still getting to know it, but loving it. <3 Did not get much books this week. But so happy with what did arrive. <3 And oh my god! It is CHRISTMAS in just 3 days :D BEYOND happy about that. So excited for everything. <3 I also need to make a whole bunch of blog posts soon. Sigh. Best books of 2013. Which I still don't know, hih. But I'm sure it won't be that hard, when I look at my Goodreads challenge to see what I read ;p What did you get this week? Oops. I forgot to take a picture of something. I actually won two tickets for The Hobbit 2 :D So I will be seeing it again pretty soon. <3 So excited. Even more excited, though, that my town will get Frozen in English as well :D Going to see it on the 27th. <3 DYING TO. But holy crap! Almost forgot. BEST PART OF THE WEEK was the brand new How To Train Your Dragon 2 trailer that has come out. It is BEYOND perfect. Dying for the movie to get here. <3 Anyway. So the week wasn't all bad :)

Frozen. Amazing magazine I ordered online. <3 Want so many more. Only picture of the plastic :)
Frozen. Another gorgeous activity thing that I got here in Norway. <3 Just had to buy it. So pretty.

Rayman Legends. I really wanted to play this game on my new Wii U; hoping it is very good :D
The Conjuring. Watched this in the cinema with sister, and I quite loved it. Re-watching soonish.

These Broken Stars. Though I did not love it, I really wanted to own a hardcover of it as well. <3
Catching Fire. Deluxe CD. I very much love it. Just wish it wasn't a bit damaged. Grr. Not happy.
The Legend of Korra. I now have no excuse not to start watching this show. Soon, I will get to it.
Allegiant. Another edition I pre-ordered with the rest. Wanted it, since it is UK harcover, hih :)
Unhinged. HUGE thank you to UK publisher for this one. <3 I need to read it pretty soon. Excited.

Nintendo Wii U. I am in love with this. Have had regular Wii for years. This is PERFECT. Love it.
Radio. Only thing I have won so far in all the 80+ advent calendars that I do. This is awesome, though :D

World After. Have yet to read Angelfall, but hoping this one will convince me to finally read it :D

Maximus. I have a few of the Tangled figures from the same brand, but was missing him. So cute. <3
Owl. Got this from my mom after the hospital stay. I am in love with him. Isn't he just gorgeous? :D
How To Train Your Dragon. Two more dragons for my collection. <3 Still missing a few, though :)
Disney Figures. Got these with my Maximus. <3 Just had to. Because they are gorgeous. Adore them.

I also got accepted to read A Creature of Midnight via Edelweiss. <3 Think it looks and sounds pretty awesome. Just hoping the kind of love triangle is a very low part of the book. Fingers crossed :) 

In My Mailbox is an weekly meme made by The Story Siren.


  1. Great haul! I totally relate about feeling behind on everything. I haven't had nearly enough time for blogging or reading. I think it's expected with the holidays. I hope you can catch up sooner than later and feel better health wise

  2. The beauty and beast figurines! I have those as well :D <3 A bit jealous of your copy of Unhinged and the Wii U, I love gaming! Hope you feel better soon Carina, enjoy playing games and reading your books.

  3. Awww, Carina, I hope you get better! Hopefully, they find out what's wrong.

    In the meantime, enjoy your new lovelies! Allegiant and These Broken Stars and World After - gorgeous covers! :)

    Thanks for visiting my blog!

    Alyssa @ The Eater of Books!

  4. Hope you have a very Merry Christmas and Happy, Healthy, and Safe New Year. It's too bad some health issues are interfering with your flow, but I'm sure it's not going to interfere with your massive reading for long. I look forward to reading more of your posts!

  5. I have to get a colonoscopy too. Not looking forward to it. Loved seeing what you got. You're such a kid at heart. Happy Holidays!

  6. YES MARIO BROS! I grew up playing that game and I'd love to go back to it. But only thing is that if I started playing right now I would fail all my exams. I hope you'll have a lot of fun with it :)

  7. woot for the wiu! I am so excited to play it.

  8. Aww I'm sorry December has been such a crazy month for you Carina, I hope it gets easier for you around Christmas. Frozen has been out in the UK since the 6th, but I still haven't had time to watch it :( I hope you enjoy all your pretties! :)

  9. Aaaaawww, sweetie, so sorry to hear about the colonoscopy, the preparation really sucks! I hope they'll find a way to get your Crohn flares under control so you don't have to feel as miserably have you've been as of late.

    Isn't the cover for These Broken Stars amazing? I absolutely love it too! And you need to get reading Angelfall & World After soon, both are brilliant books!

    Hope you'll have a fantastic time at Xmas! Merry Christmas Carina & Happy reading!

  10. OMG, I am so jealous of your Unhinged ARC and your World After by Susan Ee!! I asked for The Conjuring for Christmas, so hoping I get it. Great haul! And I know what you mean about being behind.
    Check out my STS

  11. You got Unhinged! So jealous. I hope you love it, and I'm so excited to read it <3 Love the hardcover of These Broken Stars, I adored that book. I do hope you have a better week than this past one :)


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