
Monday, December 23, 2013

Best Books of 2013

Last year I shared the top 24 books that I read in 2012. Going to do the same this year; though my absolute favorites will be at the top :) But I loved all of these books. Will also be doing a post with the books that I read in 2013 later. Anyway. I read some pretty amazing books this year. Did not love all of them, but I still read a whole bunch of amazing books :D Not including them all, because that would be a way too long list. 24 might be a bit many, but I like that number. So top 24 books it is :) Also. These are the books that I read for the first time this year. I re-read a few of my all-time-favorites. <3 And I have been a bit behind on reading this year.. but I'm hoping to be able to read much more in 2014. Hopefully starting that in January. Because I love reading so much, just need more time. Which books do you have on your list? And have you read any of the books that are my favorites? <3

1. Cress. I'm pretty sure this is the best book I read this year. It's really, truly perfect. I loved it.
2. The Dream Thieves. I really enjoyed this sequel. Even better than the first one. So much awesome.
3. In the Shadow of Blackbirds. Read it twice this year. Beautiful book. But also so very heartbreaking.

4. The Winner's Curse. This was a beautiful book. So amazing and heartbreaking and just perfect.
5. The Burning Sky. This book was unique and all kinds of amazing. I cannot wait for book two.
6. Horde. I read the entire series and I loved them all. This final book was truly perfect. I loved it.

7. If You Find Me. One of the most heartbreaking books. Yet also beyond beautiful. I loved it.
8. Monsters. This was an amazing ending to an awesome series. I loved this mostly-final chapter.
9. Kinslayer. I kind of loved this to pieces. It has everything. But it is also extremely sad and evil.

10. Siege and Storm. This book gave me so many feelings. It was pretty evil. Yet I loved it a lot.
11. Clockwork Princess. This was the devil. But I just had to include it. Most bittersweet ending.
12. The Year of Shadows. Such an adorable middle grade book. I will love everything by Claire.

13. Northern Lights. First book in an epic middle grade fantasy story. Such an amazing beginning.
14. The Subtle Knife. Second book and still just as amazing. These books gave me all the feels.
15. The Amber Spyglass. Last one. I'm still not over that evil ending. Yet so beautiful as well.

16. The Bitter Kingdom. I really loved this third and final book. It's romantic and full of adventures.
17. Into the Still Blue. This was a bit heartbreaking. But also so so good. I loved the ending a lot.
18. All Our Yesterdays. I really enjoyed this book. It was great. But now dying for book two to come.

19. The 5th Wave. Been a while since I read it, but I loved it a lot. I'm dying for book 2. Evil ending.
20. Eleanor & Park. This was different and beautiful. A bit hurtful about the ending. But so beautiful.
21. Exile. I adore this middle grade series. And I loved this second book. Cannot wait for number three.

22. Cruel Beauty. Just read this weeks ago, and I really enjoyed it. Good and pretty heartbreaking too.
23. Antigoddess. I really loved Antigoddess. But that ending killed me. Really hoping for it undone.
24. Plus One. No cover for this one yet, but it is such a beautiful book. You all need to read it in April.


  1. So many books I have not read. Have only read Clockwork Princess of those. Thank you for reading tips :) Merry Christmas and happy new year :)

  2. So many books we have in common!! And some I still need to read and really want to read soon!
    Merry Xmas sweetie!

  3. Lots and lots and lots! I also enjoyed The Bitter Kingdom, All Our Yesterdays, The Winner's Curse, and The Burning Sky. Great list!

    Thanks for visiting my blog! Have a wonderful holiday!

    Alyssa @ The Eater of Books!

  4. Ah, there are so many wonderful books this last year. I agree with so much on your list. I have started to figure mine out and keep struggling because I keep coming up with more. I hope 2014 gives us as many wonderful books! Great list :-) I love those Philip Pullman covers--not heard of those before.

  5. Cress, If you find me, Siege and storm,yes to them! In the shadow of blackbirds, the winner's curse, Cruel beauty, The 5th wave, Bitter kingdom and The burning sky are on my wish list :D

  6. I would expect Cress to be your #1, for it seems like it has become your unofficial logo, especially on Facebook. Great suggestions of "In the Shadow of Blackbirds" and "The Year of Shadows." The former is something I may be interested in exploring, while I'm almost positive that Claire Legrand attended an author event at a library near me. It was unfortunate I couldn't attend.

  7. awesome list! Definitely agree on Eleanor & Park as well as Into The Still Blue <3

    - Juhina @ Maji Bookshelf

  8. Great list. Many of those would be on my list too. Happy Holidays!

  9. I've just lireally finished The Burning Sky and I lovelovelove it! Definitely agree on E&P, Clockwork Princess, The 5th Wave, and Into the Still Blue (It's a bucket of feels!)

    I've never heard about The Winner's Curse, but man, that was such a pretty cover. Checking it out right now :)

    Anyway, thanks for sharing!

    Neysa @ [B.O.O.K.L.I.F.E]

  10. We enjoyed so many of the same books! I'm glad The Dream Thieves, Clockwork Princess and Siege and Storm all made your list. I'm really looking forward to reading both Plus One and The Winner's Curse. I get the feeling that I'll love both. I also really need to get a move on and read Eleanor & Park! I loved Rowell's Fangirl. :)

  11. OI! I LOVED every single book that I've read that's on your list! Oh my gosh. Plus there are quite a few I'm sure will be among my favorites when I get to read them. :) I'm especially excited to see Philip Pullman's His Dark Materials books! I adore that series. :)

    Rachel @ Paper Cuts


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