
Thursday, September 26, 2013

Review: Into the Still Blue by Veronica Rossi

I can't believe this series is over. It feels like I just started reading this book and then it was over a moment later. Into the Still Blue is the perfect ending to this amazing series. I loved all three books, but I might have loved this one the most. It was amazing. It shattered my heart so many times. Yet I loved it so.

I don't know how to put words together for this review. I will try my best, though. I won't post spoilers. But I will talk about my love for this book and for all the amazing characters. And I will mention the heartbreak a bit. Because there is a lot of heartbreak in this book. It's awful. I loved every moment.

I've been wanting to read Into the Still Blue ever since I read Under the Never Sky when it came out. Then I read and loved book two even more and I just knew I would love this third book the most. And I did. But oh, I just wish it wasn't over. I cannot wait for the short story to come out, but I really wish for a fourth book. There doesn't need to be one, but yeah, I really want one because I don't want this amazing and evil series to be over.

Into the Still Blue starts where Through the Ever Night ended. With Aria and Perry back in the cave with the Tides. With Roar trying to get Cinder back from Hess and Sable. Won't say more than that about it. But oh. It's all so interesting to read about and so heartbreaking and perfect at the same time. There is something happening on every page and the pages just flew by for me. Felt like I had just started reading it when it finished. But I was happy. I was happy with everything. Even all the pain. Especially.

There is just so much to love in Into the Still Blue. There is so much Aria and Perry together. Apart. They make the best couple ever and I loved them both so much more in this book. They are just amazing. Both so strong and kind and sweet. They both love with all their heart. Aria is just awesome. I love that the story is told from both their point of views, because I loved them both just as much. I loved getting to know a bit more about Aria, and about her past. I loved how much she loved Perry. Sigh. Adored her.

I might, maybe, love Perry a tiny bit more. I'm just like that. He's the best. He is the best leader for their people. He is the best uncle to Talon. Whom I just adore reading about. He's so sweet. And he is the best friend to Roar, though Roar is an asshole in this book for a long time. I understood him somewhat, though. I mean, he's grieving over Liv. But sniffs. She was Perry's sister. Blood means more. Heartbreak. I hated reading about them thinking about Liv. So heartbreaking. And so damn perfect too.

I just adored Perry so much. I loved reading about him. He and Aria are just perfect together. I loved reading about him with all the other characters as well. I also loved reading about Reef and the Six. They were pretty awesome and I loved how they cared for Perry. We also get to see a lot of the other characters from book two, and I loved getting to read about them all. They are just amazing. I even liked Brooke. And Sorren. But oh, my heart just breaks for Cinder. He is the best. But damn it. Sobs.

I don't know how to talk about the plot in this book. I don't want to give anything away, and yet at the same time I wish to talk about all of it. Because it's so perfect. It's a perfect ending to this amazing series. There is just so much happening all the time and we get to know so much yet never enough. Not for me. I loved reading about all of it, though. I loved reading about all the action, all the mystery. I even loved reading about all the torture. Though that broke my heart the most. So very unfair.

That's all I have to say about Into the Still Blue. The writing is gorgeous, like always. The characters are beyond amazing. Yes, there is a lot of heartbreak and doubt and evilness. So many evil characters. Yet I loved how it was written. So perfect. I loved Perry so much and it broke my heart into a million pieces the way he was treated by some people. Yet it was also perfect. Sigh, so confused. Into the Still Blue is a perfect ending to these three books. Veronica is amazing for writing them all. Thank you. <3

Now you all need to read these books. There is so much happiness in them. Amazing romance, the best. There may be more heartbreak, though. Which might be what I loved the most. It messed up my feelings. And I loved every second of it. Into the Still Blue is a must read. If you loved the first two books you will love this one even more. I did. And I know I will re-read all three books when I get my hardcover in January. If you haven't read any of these books, then get started. You will not regret it.

Thank you so, so much to HarperCollins for the auto-approval on Edelweiss that I got yesterday. <3 I started reading Into the Still Blue today when I finally had the time to. Loved it so much. Cannot wait to get my hardcover and paperbacks of it. I need to own all copies of this gorgeous and perfect book :)


  1. Oh gosh, so excited to read this one, I can't wait!!!! Glad to hear the writing and romance are up to par!

  2. Okay, first of all... congrats on the Edelweiss Harper auto-approval, that's so cool!!

    And thank you for a completely spoiler free review that made me want to read this book even more!! Poor poor Roar!!

  3. I am SO pleased that you love this, Carina! It's always scary going into the final book in a series/trilogy, because you so desperately want a satisfying end. Although I'm scared about all the heartbreak I am looking forward to being reunited with Perry, Roar, and Aria. Lovely review! <3

  4. Awesome you got approved for this. I SO want to read it!

  5. And I just checked. I'm approved for it too. Yay! Just downloaded it.

  6. Okay- I have to read this series! I love finding out that the last book in a series is so good because then I know it will be worth my time to get started. Thanks for this review! So glad you loved it. :)

  7. Aw, I'm glad you loved this just as much as the first one. And congrats on auto-approval, too! how exciting!

    Wendy @ The Midnight Garden

  8. I didn't read your review in all it's detail just because I've not read it yet. I am SO HAPPY you loved it! So excited to read it. Need more time!

    My Friends Are Fiction


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