
Saturday, September 28, 2013

In My Mailbox #100

Post number 100. Fitting time, considering ALL the amazing eARCs I got this week :D Happy face. <3 But oh, I have not really had a good week. Got a cold at the beginning of the week, and it's finally starting to pass. But it sucked being sick like that. Plus side, or bad side, I finally called Apple support because of my dead power button on my iPhone 5. They are coming to get it on Monday. Sobs. Hopefully it will go fast :) Anyway. I got so much amazing this week! Lots missing still, but I did get much great things. <3 So many eARCs. HarperCollins are the best for the auto-approval. What did you get?

The Art of Arrietty. I need to own the Art of every Ghibli movie. <3 Love this one. So, so pretty :)
The Real Boy. Been months since I read it, and the book is awesome. Needed to have my own copy.
Not A Drop To Drink. While I did not love this book, I needed a hardcover. It's just so pretty ;p
The Burning Sky. Oh, had to have two hardcovers. <3 GORGEOUS. Perfect book. Loved it so much.
Untold. Yeah. Probably not reading book one and two until book three is out.. but now I own it :)
3:59. So many disliked this. Sad face. Not reading it for a while, but I am hoping that I will enjoy it.
All the Truth That's In Me. Have read this a few days ago :D It was perfect! Such an amazing book.
Clockwork Prince. I already own this, yes (A) But this copy is from a different publisher. Needed it ;p
Darkbeast Rebellion. Reading this series soon. <3 But waiting for my replacement; damaged copy :(

The Hunger Games. Oh, these are gorgeous in person. Had to buy them, so pretty paperbacks :)
Antigoddess. Got this from UK publisher; Orchard Books :D Thank you so much! Reading soon-ish. <3
Beautiful Creatures. While I did not love this movie, I needed to own it. Plus side, looks so pretty :)

The Lord of the Rings. I bought all of these today. I have an obsession with The Lord of the Rings and The Hobbit lego. It's just amazing! And I love the movies so much. Sigh. Anyway. Still missing a few sets, but I had to get these. They were on -40% today only, so the ship cost me £60 :) Love them all.

So many amazing eARCs. Got auto-approved for all on Edelweiss, except for Pawn. <3

Into the Still Blue. Already read and reviewed this. <3 So damn perfect. Amazing ending to the series :)
Death Sworn - Salvage - Elusion - Uninvited - Panic - No One Else Can Have You - Pawn - Sea of Shadows -  House of Ivy & Sorrow - All That Glows - The Promise of Amazing - The Secret Box - Faking Normal - Fugitive X - Pawn. I'm excited for all of these. Really, truly excited. <3 Though I'm a bit worried about The Promise of Amazing, since not that many people loved it. Unsure if I'm going to read Fugitive X, since I did not love book one, but I'm going to check it out at least. So excited for Pawn! It's there twice, because I requested it from the UK publisher on Netgalley before my auto-approval via US had it up. <3 Anyway. I'm so excited to read all of these. Any suggestions to where I should start reading? :D

In My Mailbox is an weekly meme made by The Story Siren.


  1. I'm so jealous of your book haul this week but congrats on your 100th post and hopefully your could will go away soon! I've been dying to read No One Else Can Have You and Pawn (so I'm burning with ARC envy right now!). I've read a lot of mixed reviews about your physical books this week so I can't wait to see what you think. Thanks for sharing :)

  2. Your note about e-ARCs prompted me to check on me and turns out I was approved for a bunch of those too (not that I got an email!)

    I love the paperbacks for The Hunger Games series-so pretty and shiny!

    I'm also glad to see that you liked All The Truth That's In Me as I have that in my queue to read next week.

  3. Haha, wow, you went crazy with the eARCs :D but they look so good! Especially Death sworn <3 and Not a drop to drink + The burning sky are high on my wish list. Congrats with the 100th IMM post and happy reading! Feel better soon :)


  4. *sigh* I just adore The Burning Sky! <3 I'm currently reading Into The Still Blue (and loving it!) and I am hoping to start Death Sworn, too. I'm curious to see what you think of Sea of Shadows, I loved her Darkest Powers series.

  5. OMIGOSH. Your haul. *droools* Into the Still Blue!! I want. I hope you'll enjoy everything this week, Carina. So much. So so much. I love the Hunger Games copies! I hope it'll be available in my bookstore.

    Have a great week, Carina.

    1. :D Thank you Joy! Ah, Into the Still Blue was so perfect. <3

  6. Love Edelweiss. Edelweiss and Harper Teen have some great titles. Come visit me as well.

    Books of Love

  7. THE BURNING SKY! *swoon* I love my ARC cover, but the final hardback cover is SO much prettier. Yay for All the Truth That's in Me! I'm glad you loved it; I thought it was really good as well. I'm SO tempted to buy 3:59. LOOK AT THE GORGEOUSNESS!


    Ooh, I like the font on the UK Antigoddess SO much better than the US ARC! Haz a jealous.

    YAY FOR HARPER BEING AWESOME ON EDELWEISS! Like you, I couldn't help myself. I'll probably end up downloading even more than I did yesterday. There are just TOO MANY amazing books on there! I actually cried when I saw I'd been auto-approved! Best surprise ever. So happy for you too :)

    Pawn looks amazing also. I've heard great things about it! Enjoy all your books!

  8. Love all the books and swag you got. I love the covers for the Hunger Games series- those look so beautiful. This is my first time seeing those covers. Look at all those Edelweiss goodies! Hope the books are all fabulous. Enjoy and happy reading. :)

    Oh- and glad you are feeling better! I have been sick this week too.

  9. Wow Carina, an epic haul once again! I have to agree the covers to the Hunger Games series is pretty gorgeous, I'm such a sucker for pretty covers! I'm also happy to see All the Truth that's in Me, 3:59 and loads of Harper Collins books in your haul! I hope you enjoy them all! :)

  10. Wow! so many awesome books!! I'm jealous :) Enjoy!

  11. Those Hunger Games series cover are just gorgeous! And you got Into the Still Blue and The Promise of Amazing. Eepp!
    Hope you enjoy all of your read, and hopefully will love them, though. Happy reading!

    Neysa @ [B.O.O.K.L.I.F.E]

  12. Congrats on your 100th IMM post! And your Harper auto-approval :D
    You've already read ItSB? That's awesome! I will be starting it soon. And I'm also really excited for Panic and Salvage.
    Awesome haul, Carina xx

    My IMM

  13. Many interesting books, thanks for sharing :) Love The Infernal Devices cover, so beautiful.

  14. I discovered I was auto-approved too. I didn't download as many as you because I can't read as much as you do. What a haul you got. I have The Burning Sky on reserve at the library. Heard great things about it!

  15. Whoohoo! I'm so happy about the auto-approvals from Harper.'s going to be hard not to go crazy and request ALL the books. I love your haul this week. So much goodness. Love The Hunger Games collector books. So shiny.

    My Friends Are Fiction's Showcase Sunday

  16. Congrats on approvals but sorry to hear you were sick

  17. I'm waiting for the day when I'll see your IMM post and won't feel jealous. Girl you get the most amazing books and plus so many hardcovers. I'll clean your house and cook for you just to be near them ;) Great haul as always :)

  18. Ohh I want to read Panic by Lauren Oliver so badly, but my Edelweiss request is still pending:( 3:59, The Burning Sky and Not A Drop to Drink sound SOO good! You always get the best books. Happy reading:)

  19. Oh my goodness!! What a super sweet haul!! All those LEGO are freaking awesome!! I'm hoping once me and the bf move together we will start collecting Star Wars and LOTR LEGO like mad!

    And big big congrats on the auto-approval, so many amazing books I can't wait to read!! Will await your reviews of them!!

  20. Hi Carina! I am a big fan of your blog and I see how you get all these awesome eARCs all the time. How did you get pre-approved for Harper COllins? Is there a web address you can direct me to so I can fill out a form or something? Just thought I would ask, because there truely is nothing better than getting books in the mail!
    Thank you,

    1. Hi Tiffany :) Thank you so much! You have to sign up to Edelweiss :) Not too hard, just try it ;p <3

  21. YAY for 100! Congrats on the auto-approval. I love The Burning Sky! As you probably already know :D

    Thanks for visiting my blog! And I'm so sorry for the late follow-up! D:

    Alyssa @ The Eater of Books!

  22. Oooo, you got the UK paperbacks of The Hunger Games! I'm expecting my copies in this week, too, am very excited. :) You got amazing books this week, sweetie--happy reading!

    Wendy @ The Midnight Garden


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