
Tuesday, August 6, 2013

Top Ten Tuesday #22

Top Ten Books I Wish Could Have Had Sequels

1. The Scorpio Races by Maggie Stiefvater.
This is the book I want a sequel for the most. The Scorpio Races will always be a favorite book of mine, and it is very close to being the best book I have ever read. I just need more of Sean and Puck and Corr together, please. <3 And Dove. Sigh. I truly, truly need a sequel to this perfect book. Pretty please?

2. Jellicoe Road by Melina Marchetta.
My second choice, which is almost as good as my first one. Jellicoe Road was such a perfect book, yet I feel like I need so much more. I need to know what happens next with Taylor and Jonah and just everything. Would really love a sequel to this amazing book. There don't need to be one, but I want one.

3. The Cavendish Home for Boys and Girl by Claire Legrand.
Best middle grade book ever. Cavendish is SO perfect. You all need to read it. I'm even giving away a copy on my blog now. Anyway. I need a sequel with Victoria and Lawrence as teenagers. <3 And that last page! Shudders. There really need to be a sequel to this perfect and so creepy book. I would love it.

4. This is Not a Test by Courtney Summers.
This book ended so bad. Yet with some hope, I think. And I just need to know what happens next! You just cannot end a book like this :) Would love to read more about Sloane and Rhys. They were amazing and I need to read more about them. And the zombie world! Creepy yet so amazing. I need more.

5. Liesl & Po by Lauren Oliver.
This is also such an amazing midde grade book. Liesl & Po was such a cute book but also kind of really sad. I would love a sequel about Liesl and Will as teenagers or even the same age. I just want to read more about them both and to know what happens next. They were just both way too adorable.

6. Origin by Jessica Khoury.
I know there will be another book from Jessica set in the same world, but oh. I would so love a direct sequel to Origin where we get to know more about Pia and Eio. This book was just so perfect and I would so love to have a sequel to it. Either way, I'm dying to read Vitro, though, think it will be amazing.

7. Eleanor & Park by Rainbow Rowell.
This book was just all kinds of perfect. But it was also extremely heartbreaking. And I'm not too happy about the ending. I need to know what happens next with Eleanor and Park. I would die for a sequel of this book. Sort of. Either way, I would really love one, to get to read about what happens next.

8. If You Find Me by Emily Murdoch.
This book was just so heartbreaking and sweet and perfect. I loved it so much. If You Find Me was amazing. But oh. I really thought that it was too short, and I would really love a sequel to this book. I need to know more about Carey and Ryan and Jenessa and Pixie. I very much want a sequel to this book.

9. Entwined by Heather Dixon.
It's been a long time since I read this book. But I really loved it. And I remember wanting a sequel for it ever since I read it. The book was really magical and sweet and scary and just perfect. I would love to read more about the twelve sisters and Azalea and the love interest. I suck at remembering names.

10. Monstrous Beauty by Elizabeth Fama.
While it has been a little while since I read Monstrous Beauty, I loved it so much. And I would really love to have a sequel to this amazing book. Would like the heartbreaking ending changed, hih :D But even so. I would love to read anything else by Elizabeth. Would love for her to publish more books :)

Been a while now since I last did a top ten. But this week I just had to join. So many books I would love a sequel to :D Also, I just had to write a bit more about each one, which I haven't really done before. Oh, well :) Would love sequels to all of these ten books. What is on your top ten list this week?

Top Ten Tuesdays is a weekly meme held by The Broke and the Bookish :)


  1. Yes a sequel to Eleanor & Park. That ending left me wanting more.

  2. Great list. The worst part about really amazing books is when you finish reading them. I always know I've just finished a really good book when I can practically feel the loss.

  3. Completely agree with you about Eleanor & Park. I wasn't satisfied with the ending, I need more!

  4. Carina you know what they say, great minds think alike LOL I also had Eleanor & Park and Jellicoe Road on my list. I'm yet to read Scorpio Races but with your commentary above I really should move it up on my TBR pile since I do love Maggie Stiefvater's other books.

    My TTT

  5. I need to read Jellicoe Road. I've been hearing such wonderful things about it :-) Great list Carina.

    My Friends Are Fiction

  6. So many of these books are on my TBR list! Seeing them here on your top ten makes me want to start them NOW! I have such a long list. Maybe I should move #s 2,3 5 and 7 up and get to them this month. :)

    Awesome list!

  7. I would love a sequel to Origin! Great list!
    -Scott Reads It!

  8. I completely agree with #1 and #2! It would be so fantastic to read more of those stories.

    Great top ten :)

  9. This is not a test & If you find me for sure! I'm not done with those stories yet.. Entwined and Liesl & Po would be fun :D

  10. Jellicoe Road <3 Well, there is going to be a movie so I guess that's much better than a sequel - hang on, no, because anything Melina Marchetta writes will be gold... but she did do the screenplay for On the Jellicoe Road sooo...

    1. Meh, movie will never be better than a book :D but so excited for the movie. <3

  11. I haven't read any of these!!!! So crazy; I normally at least have read 1 per list. Thanks for stopping by my TT.

    YA Sisterhood

  12. Funny, I really liked the ending of This is not a test :) Gave me hope for the future ;) :P xx


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