
Monday, August 5, 2013

Book Recommendation: Scarlet by Marissa Meyer

I'm a tiny bit heartbroken at the moment. I first read Scarlet back in November, and while I remember loving it so much, I did not remember all this heartbreak. It's sort of killing me right now. And the love. This book is so amazing. I loved every moment. Especially the last one hundred pages. Those pages gave me all the feels. But also so much heartbreak and pain and hurt and death. It was awesome. The story is one of the best stories I have ever read. And I loved reading about everything that happened.

I don't know how to describe my feelings for Scarlet. Will try my best, though. After having re-read Cinder I just had to start re-reading Scarlet too right away. And I don't regret re-reading them both at all, even though the wait for Cress will be even more painful than before. The writing in these books are perfect. Truly perfect. Marissa is amazing. She writes so good and her story telling is the best. I fell in love with all the characters. I need to know what happens next to them all. And to the world.

This book tells the story of a girl from France named Scarlet. And oh. I loved getting to know her and getting to read about her. Scarlet was amazing. Such a great character. She's so sweet and protective. And very fierce. Loved that she grew up on a farm with her grandmother. Thing is, her grandmother is now missing. Which is where the plot come in. Won't say much about it, just that it is all kinds of amazing. But yeah. Truly heartbreaking. Made me cry. But it is also so perfect and I loved reading it all.

We meet Scarlet and we also get to know Wolf. Whom I adored. He's a bit weird, but I loved him so much. We get to know him quite a bit. Which I loved. He's different, though. And I worry a bit how that will work out in the next book. But I cannot wait to find out. There might be a lot of deaths in this book. And I might be bad for wishing there will be even more in the next two books. It's just that, on Luna, there are these soldiers. And I kind of need to see them in action. I have a big need for that.

There is so much in this book. So much about The Wolves. So much about Luna, yet never enough. I need to know all the things about Luna. I want to know more about the Lunar Queen. Sigh. This book is just perfect. We also see more of Cinder, which I loved. She does have a big part in this book. We get to meet Captain Thorne, whom I kind of adored. And we see more of Iko, which I was so happy about! Iko is amazing. And Cinder is just so perfect. She's so strong yet so heartbroken. Sobs. I love her so much.

Then there is Kai. And gah. There is not enough Kai in this book. But there is a little bit, and I loved every moment when we get to read about him. Kai is amazing. Emperor Kaito. Sigh. Also, swoon. He is my favorite character. And my heart just broke for him in this book. I felt so sorry for him. He's also so alone. Sobs. But he's still strong and amazing. Even though I'm a bit sad about something he did at the end, I understood why he did what he did. And I sort of blame Cinder for most of it, anyway :D Hih.

So much happens in Scarlet. Yet not enough. I couldn't stop loving this book. There is one thing I fear from the next two books. When Kai figures out who Cinder really is, and how heartbroken he's going to be when he thinks she kept that from him too.. Sobs. I just need them to have an happy ending. Please? <3 Oh, and not just an ending. I need to read about them together for a long time, hih. Anyway. I'm just so excited for everything that is to come. Loved re-reading Scarlet so much. It's perfect.

Right now I'm just dying to read Cress. Really, truly dying to read it. Especially with how much I loved re-reading Cinder and Scarlet. I have some theories. And I have tons of hopes and wishes about what I want to happen. Especially about Kai. Sniffs. I just need Cress. Really hoping for an ARC of it sometime, otherwise I might have to wait until February. Which would just about kill me. But I'll maybe manage waiting that long. Maybe. But I don't want to :) Anyway. I'm just so excited for Cress to come out.

Scarlet was a perfect book. Which I loved even more this second time that I read it. If you have read Cinder, then you need to read Scarlet. Ends on kind of a cliffhanger, but nothing way too evil, just a bit heartbreaking. Just made me that more excited for Cress. Also, I adore Marissa. And I cannot wait to see what she will write once she has finished these four books. I'm just so excited for it all :) Can't quite believe how much I loved these books. Just so much love and hurt and gah. It was so perfect.

Sharing two teasers from Scarlet, a teaser about Thorne. Whom I kind of adored this second time. He is not a love interest, at least not for Cinder and Scarlet, so I feel okay with adoring him :) And a teaser from Scarlet's point of view. From a scene I just loved so much. Sigh. Adore. Curious about my The Lunar Chronicles collection? Swag, signed books, books, hoodie. You can see it all up on my pinterest right now :) Anyway. You need to read Cinder and Scarlet. You must. Perfect books. So perfect. <3


Her irritation made her prettier, and Thorne cupped his chin, studying her. He'd never met a cyborg before, much less flirted with one, but there was a first time for everything. ~ page 32


Then he was pulling her toward him and bundling her up in his arms. Scarlet gasped as Wolf buried one hand into her mess of curls and kissed her back. ~ page 242

Update: Newer and better review of the book can be found here.


  1. YESYES people need to read this ASAP! I agree, THERE IS NOT ENOUGH KAI IN THIS BOOK.. Sigh.. Though I still liked Cinder more than this one! Great post!
    - Farah @ MajiBookshelf

    1. So true! I loved Cinder more too, but omg. Scarlet is such a perfect book. Sigh. They are both so amazing. <3 Thank you :)

  2. Great review. You're reminding me how much I loved this. Can't wait for Cress too.

  3. Wolf is definitely a bit weird but lovable - I adore him!

    Nice quote choices :)

  4. Great to hear how much you loved this one. The cover is so pretty

  5. Great rec, Carina. I'm dying to read Cress! It's an injustice - having to wait till 2014 for that one.

    1. Thank you <3 Omg, yes. Such an injustice. We need it now, please :D

  6. So many praise this series, I should really check it out. The heartbreak scares me a little, though. Wonderful review, Carina. :)

  7. I have to read this one too! I can't believe I haven't gotten it yet- but I vowed not to buy any more books until I made a dent in the list of books I have borrowed from others (so I can return them and fill my shelves with more books). Hopefully I will get this one soon. It sounds amazing- even if it is heartbreaking. ;)Fabulous review, Carina!

  8. This review makes me want to pick up Scarlet right now! I've read Cinder but keep putting off Scarlet for some reason. Scarlet as a character sounds so amazing, and Wolf sounds so mysterious. Great review! :D

  9. I really agree that there isn't enough Kai in this book-he was one of my favorite characters in Cinder and I craved more of him here.


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