
Saturday, July 13, 2013

Review: The Real Boy by Anne Ursu

I love pretty books. And when I saw the cover for The Real Boy I knew I had to read this book. So I requested it via Edelweiss, and I was so happy to get accepted for. I have now read it, and I'm glad I did. It's an amazing middle grade book. The story is so good and I loved the main character, Oscar. He was adorable.

I'm rating this book a four star. Because while it was totally amazing after about half the book, I did struggle a bit with it in the beginning. But still. It was awesome. And I enjoyed it much more than the author's other book. Just thought this one was so good. It's full of magic and cuteness and also so heartbreaking.

The Real Boy is told from the point of view of eleven year old Oscar. Whom I just adored. He's a bit different from other kids, though. And it broke my heart. Yet I loved him so much for it. Though I do wish I had gotten a better answer by the end of the book. Still. He's adorable. He's kind, well, the kindest he knows how to be. He says some stupid things, but he doesn't know any better. And yeah. He's just so cute. And he has these adorable kittens! Loved reading about all of them. Too many to name them all. Which I just loved. They were all different and all so lovely and cuddly and sweet. Sigh. Need to cuddle my cat :) Anyway. I loved Oscar.

There is an interesting plot in this book. One I loved. At the beginning I had a few issues with how everything was described, but that got better. I ended up enjoying the writing. Not perfect, hence the four star. But good enough and it kept me interested in the book and the characters. This book is set in a world of magic. Well, only just a town of magic, and not too much magic either. There were lots many years ago. But then something happened, and now there is just a little. Loved reading about it :D

We meet a lot of characters in this book. Oscar is the hand of a magician. Meaning he lives in the basement of his shop, doing things for him. Mixing a lot of sort of potions. I felt sorry for Oscar a whole lot. But, he didn't have it too bad. Except for Wolf, who also lived there. He was awful. Shudders. But I sort of liked Caleb, the magician. For the most part. He was a bit weird. And he could have taken better care of Oscar. Sniffs. But still. I did enjoyed reading about Oscar's life and the people in it. So much.

We also meet this girl, Callie. And oh, I loved her. She's kind and brave and all kinds of amazing. She's a great friend. And a good healer and person. I enjoyed reading about her a lot. We also see some other people, some who were pretty amazing. And others not so amazing. But I did enjoy reading about all of them. Anyway. There is a story in this book. But I won't spoil it. Just know that it is amazing and sort of fun but also a bit scary. And so heartbreaking. Lots of sad, heartbreaking stuff. I loved every moment.

Someone told me they thought this was a pinocchio book by looking at the cover and title. I didn't get it at first. They I read the book. And it makes so much sense, in a creepy way. Nothing like pinocchio, but sort of the same. I loved it. I don't really want to say anything else about this book. The plot is amazing. The characters perfect. It is a great middle grade book. One that I feel that everyone should read when it comes out in September. So yeah. Go buy it! Then read it and cry a bit like I did. Sobs. <3 Love.

Thank you so much to the publisher Walden Pond Press and to Edelweiss for the chance to read and review The Real Boy early. <3 So glad that I did. Will be getting my pre-ordered hardcover for sure :)


  1. I'm not much into middle grade books but you make this sounds really fun to read. Oscars seems like an adorable character. I might go check this out when I find myself getting in the mood for this kind of books. I'm glad you enjoyed this, Carina! Lovely review. :)

  2. I loved this one too! I thought the writing and character development were so great. A magical story that really captivated me. I am so glad you got to read it and enjoyed it. Awesome review! :)

    1. Thank you Jess :D So glad you loved it too. <3

  3. Aww just reading your review makes me smile! This sounds like a great middle grade read, and even though it made you sob a little, it definitely seems like an adorable book. I actually have this author's Breadcrumbs (which I keep meaning to read!) so I hope I can add this to the collection. Lovely review, Carina. :)

    1. Hih, thank you Sam. <3 I hope you'll read it one day, and that you will love it too :D

  4. I've heard such good things about this book. I can't wait to read it. I also thought it was a reference to Pinocchio. The Real Boy sounds like a really cute read.


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