
Saturday, July 13, 2013

In My Mailbox #89

Today I will start a book. I will. A bit later, that is :) I only read one book this week, and I started it last Saturday. And it was a one star. Sigh. I wish to read an amazing book. Anyway. I didn't get too many things this week, but I love it all. <3 I'm only waiting on a handful of packages. But yeah. I also have a bunch of pre-orders, which I'm hoping will be available soon ;p What did you get this week?

City of Bones. A whole bunch of City of Bones books because of the movie coming out soon :) I love all of them. And I just had to get them all, hih. Movie Companion. Paperback. Book of Quotes. Postcards :D They are all amazing. And I'm really excited for the movie coming out in August :)
Shadow of the Mark. Still haven't read book one, but now I have both books :) Pretty covers.
The Unwanteds: Island of Silence. Gorgeous paperback! I adore this middle grade series so much.
Spirited Away. Isn't this an awesome t-shirt? Sigh. Qwertee are the best. I have so many pretty ones :D

I GOT ACCEPTED/INVITED TO READ KINSLAYER :D Ahhh. SO excited for it! Although, like always, I have peeked (A) and I'm sure it will break my heart. Yet I cannot wait. Hoping to re-read Stormdancer pretty soon so that I can read Kinslayer. <3 Thank you to Cassandra and NetGalley :)

In My Mailbox is an weekly meme made by The Story Siren.


  1. *gasps* The Little Book of Quotes! I want. Want. Want. I'm overly fond of Jace-isms. I need this like, whoa.

    Ugh. Don't you hate it when you're in a reading slump? I, on the other hand, am having a reviewer's block. I've read a few books but can't seem to write reviews for them.

    Anyway, I hope you'll find some good reads this week, C.


  2. LOVE all the TMI movie stuff!!! Great IMM!

  3. Great haul! Haven't read any Mortal Instruments stuff yet but it all looks/sounds awesome! Have a great week :)

  4. I love all of the Mortal Instruments stuff! I cannot wait to see the movie :)

    Thanks for visiting my blog!

    Alyssa @ The Eater of Books!

  5. Ooh I hope you enjoy Kinslayer! Stormdancer didn't really work for me, but I remember how much you liked it. I love that Spirited Away t-shirt too. Very cool! Have a great week, Carina. And I hope you've been able to read something since last time. ;)

  6. Wow, lots of TMI stuff! It all looks really cool! I hope you enjoy Kinslayer! I still have to read book one, but I heard it was amazing!

  7. Nice haul of books. I see so many books that I want to read. Come visit me here:

  8. Great haul! Love all the C0B's stuff. I can't wait for the movie to be out (next month! ahhh). I need to read the Kinslayer series. I hope you love it.

    My Friends Are Fiction's SS

  9. Congratulations on being invited to read Kinslayer! You're really hitting it big!!! :D


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