
Monday, July 22, 2013

My Apartment and Bookshelves in Pictures

Hi everyone! It's taken my forever to share this, but now I'm finally going to. Sharing pictures of all my bookshelves, and then under those pictures of the rest of my new apartment, if you wanted to see :) And because I wanted to share, hih. I'm not one hundred procent finished with the way things look, and I'll probably re-arrenge my books about a hundred times. But yeah. This is the way things looks here where I live :) Also, if you want to see some more kitten pictures, she's almost 6 months old!, you should check out my Instagram user. <3 Will be describing a tiny bit beneath each picture. Comments wanted :) Warning: I like taking pictures. So there are many in this post. Click to make bigger.

Bedroom. First my two bookshelves. But then the rest of my bedroom too, before my living room :)

These shelves aren't full, because I wanted to just have my favorites here. <3 Although, I guess when I get tons more books I'll need to add more here.. Sobs. Still, I love them :)

Some of my best swag. <3

Best best swag, I think :D But oh. This and the ones above is not there right now.. Because kitten has been going crazy wanting to sit on it and hit it away and play with it. Sobs. Hoping she'll stop soon :)

My wall of swag! <3 Not all that I own, but a lot of it :) Have added a bit more to it, on the bottom, which I'll be sharing on twitter later in the week. I think. We'll see when I can take a picture of it :)

Above my book shelves :D Oh, how I love these dolls of mine. Most I bought in Orlando. <3 Some in London. And a few I had to order via Disney Store and one from Ebay :)

My bed and my expensive t-shirts, hih :) I love them all. Sigh. Some Twilight most Studio Ghibli.

Window view :) Oh, and also, I live right next to the ocean. Better view the other way, hih ;p

A bit of my Wreck-It Ralph collection :D And some Brave things. <3 And my dressers. (?)

Closer and better look :)

Even closer, hih. <3 Love my pins and little things. Haven't taken these gorgeous dolls out of their boxes yet, and not going to yet. My cat might destroy them if I do. Sigh. Hopefully soon :)

After I took these first pictures I added a new shelf above my bed. And I'm in love with it. Sigh. Brave!

Living Room. First my bookshelves, then the rest of my living room :)

This one is closest to where I sit, and I adore it. All my Cassie Clare books in the last one :D Two rows. Oh, and my signed Robert Pattinson photo, and book on top of the shelf :D Love. <3

All three of them together. Details about each one below :)

Another two rows bookshelf ;p I haven't taken pictures of the row inside, but you could just see my Goodreads list of which books I own to read :) Which are quite many.

Some of my movies :D Not all of them, but most of them. <3 I love watching and owning movies.

This shelf will get filled up over time. Before 2014, if my pre-order list is correct, which it is.. Hih :) Right now on the bottom are my Robert Pattinson movies and my Studio Ghibli movies + favorites. <3

On top of my shelf :)

On top of my other shelf ;p

And all my Wreck-It Ralph cars :D

To get to my apartment you have to walk up the stairs.. LotR and The Hobbit lego :D

And, of course, my HUGE bookshelf :D Last one too. But ohh. It had room for a lot of books. Most books that I do not like, or have not yet read but aren't that excited about. (But, love the bottom shelf)

When you walk up you get to my kitchen first, cause my apartment isn't that big, but big enough :)

My kitchen is small, but adorable.

Shelf with my gorgeous cups, etc :)

Close up of my refrigerator. <3

And the other side :)

I'm quite happy that this hole were already here. And I have two! They are great to have things in :) My ornaments are just gorgeous and I love them so much. Also, kitten's litter box.

Close up. Some of my pretty plush animals :)

Close up of the other side ;p

My couch and my huge TV :D Heh, the pillows aren't really that way anymore, cause if they were I could not watch tv :p but they were supposed to stand this way :) Couch was way too big. Still, love it.

And hole number two plus my table :)

Close up of things inside. CD's, Wii Games, Brave books, The Croods books, and lots and lots of other different books :) All whom I adore so so much. Sigh. Oh, and gorgeous plush animals :D

And the other side :) Which have lots of my other dvds, which I could not fit in my shelf.

My Disney Animators dolls. They are PERFECT. Got them all in Orlando, and yeah. Had to buy another suitcase to get them home, lol. But it was worth it. And Rapunzel + Brave singing doll, which are adorable. And Boo doll and Merida doll and another gorgeous Rapunzel doll. <3

My chair, which I sit in for the most of the day, lol. <3 And two gorgeous shelves.

Close up. Studio Ghibli stuff! I love all of this so much. Love love love. Got all via Ebay :)

Close up of shelf two. A lot of Disney figures :D I love all of them. Lots of different movies.

Better view of how my apartment looks :)

Cat things. <3 I will be adding the top to this again very soon. Hope she'll love it :)

Bathroom. Sharing three pictures of my bathroom, which isn't very big, but big enough for just me :) Love that I got to have a bath tub. Sigh. Bathroom is right up the stairs, first door. 





  1. Perhaps we could go and live together, hahaha. I looooooooove everything! All your dolls and dvd's and Disney stuff and books <3 Looks awesome Carina!

    1. lol, that would be awesome ;) Thank you sweetie. <3

  2. I loooove everything soooo much :) You are so lucky :)

  3. Looks great! So organized :-)

  4. I pretty much love your apartment! So lovely...and so many books!

  5. Wow! You have so many books o.O
    I love your apartment, especially how organized it is!

  6. Awesome pictures. Loved seeing your apartment and all your books. That's such an impressive collection.

  7. Wow what a house! It looks incredible. PLUS you have found plenty of opportunities to find places to put your books. Isn't that what really matters most :P (though it's quite true).

    Thank you for paying visits to my blog and I'm more than happy to visit yours!

  8. Can I move in there? Lol! I love your apartment and the books! So many! Haha! And the dolls and collections, so pretty. Great post and pictures! ;)

  9. Wow! Loved looking at all the picture. You have a lot of books and bookcases. Yeah! The books look so pretty and you have everything displayed so nice. Your apartment is also very cute. Very comfy and great views! Thanks for sharing. :)


  10. Carina how come you've got so many duplicates? Eg. so many Divergent copies? I absolutely love, love this post, I love interior and books and this post has got everything! It's fantastic, the bookshelf is fantastic and so organised :D

    1. Hi :) I posted about that on my IMM post: :)
      Thank you so much. <3

  11. I love seeing other peoples bookshelves, and Carina yours is one of the best I have seen! So many pretties, I could probably stare at them all day! And I love your Disney collections. I went to watch Brave with my sister and adored it. Thank you for sharing your gorgeous photos with us! :)

    1. Aw, thank you sweetie :D Brave is just so amazing. <3

  12. Oh my gosh, Carina! Your apartment and all your bookish things are amazing! You really are the book hoarding queen, aren't you? ;)

  13. Can I move in with you? Or better yet, why don't we just swap? ;) Your apartment is AMAZING, Carina. So neat and tidy, and I love that you have actually organised your swag! Mine just gets thrown into a shoe box. :P Love the bookshelves. :)

  14. *staring in awe* Okay I'm moving in. I can clean and make food and everything. I love everything about your apartment. From the books to toys and space. Great post ! :)

  15. Pretty apartment! I was just wondering why you have so many copies of each book? :)

    1. Thank you :) Answered that question on my IMM post: :)

  16. oh my GOD! you have over TEN copies of Divergent and Insurgent! but why? This will be a mystery I will never figure out huh? other than that, WOW WOW at all the swag and figurines! so many. I LOVE your apartment! but.. where's the kitten!? :D

    - Juhina @ Maji Bookshelf

  17. *Gasps* Your apartment is a book lover's dream! Love, love! And your shelves!!!

  18. Oh my! Such wonderful collection of books you have there, and the way you organize them is superb. I can almost see it, sitting down all day and just lose myself to the world of books. Your place is adequate as well, with items properly placed. And I see Wreck-It Ralph figures; I love that movie! Thanks for sharing and have a wonderful day!

    Fletcher Hevey @ Concord Supplies

  19. Lovely. :)
    I love the modern rustic style, it's beautiful!
    Also, I've got the same litter box for my cat. :D


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