
Saturday, July 20, 2013

In My Mailbox #90

I want to start by saying sorry for not blogging that much. It's just that I have not been able to read at all. I want to read, and I have so many books that I'm excited about. But I just haven't had the energy to do so. Been really sick for a while now because of my diseases, and I just got my medicine. So I'm hoping it will get better. We'll see. So I'm hoping I'll be able to read again soon :) Hoping to start re-reading Stormdancer soon. <3 Then Kinslayer :) Anyway. Even though I don't post any reviews these days, I still post at least twice a week. Waiting on Wednesday and In My Mailbox. Won't ever stop doing those :) And this week I did get some interesting things and books. <3 What did you get this week?
Oh. And I'm a bit depressed. Got declined for The Dream Thieves on NetGalley :'( And for The Outside.

The Hobbit. I had to get this at the grocery shop. Map! Poster! And ahh Lots of other awesomeness :D
How To Train Your Dragon. Heh, I had to get two copies (A) Just cause of the slip cover. Hih :D Love.
Arrietty. I now only miss one of all of these Studio Ghibli figures :D She is really pretty. Sigh.
The Croods CD. I just loved this movie so much. And this CD is just so pretty and amazing :)
Breaking Dawn. Took me some time before I finally bought this, but I just had to :) Lots of pretty.
Sanctum + The Host + Snow White. Three for £10. I just had to get them :) Think they look good.
City of Bones. A smaller paperback movie tie in :) It is just so pretty. Sigh. Cannot wait for the movie.

These are all things I bought while in Tromsø, to get my medicine :) Got some clothes too.

Barbapapa. A cheap bed sheet set :D I had to get it. And using it now. It is so pretty and awesome!
L'Occitane. Best soap brand. Love it so much. Expensive, but worth it. Bubbles too. Love it all :D
The Hobbit. They were all on sale on Toys'r'us :D I love them. I just had to get them all, hih.
Bath Bombs. I love these. They smell really good and they are just awesome when taking a bath.
Biotherm. A new roll-on, hih. Think it's pretty good. Love all the color versions too, though ;p
Strawberry Candy. I had to get a bit of candy. And these are just so good and just perfect.
Bathroom Hooks. I already have four of these, but figured I might need more, so I just bought them :)
Coconut Body Butter. I adore this. Best smell, I think. So yeah. This body butter is really awesome :D

But OH! I did get accepted to read All Our Yesterdays from the UK publisher on Netgalley :D I'm really hoping to read it this week. <3 So excited for it. Already pre-ordered UK paperback and US hardcover (A) Hih. Looks so pretty.

In My Mailbox is an weekly meme made by The Story Siren.


  1. The movie tie in is really pretty, hope you enjoy

  2. Snow white is a fun movie! I really like Julia as evil queen, hilarious. I hope you get well soon, so you can enjoy all the great books! :)


    1. <3 thank you sweetie :) Yeah, I hope so too ;p

  3. All Our Yesterdays sounds awesome. I hope you like all your stuff. I like all the goodies you got. Come visit me as well here:

    Yes I moved my blog to self-hosted WP. Follow the blog via bloglovin.


  4. I love The Body Shop products. Not quite sure that they all do what they say they do, but the SMELLS. So amazing. :) And 3 DVDs for £10? That's a great deal! I hope you enjoy them all.

    I got declined for The Outside too (*cries*) but I heard there wasn't a kindle option anyway, so I doubt that I would have been able to read it. Or that's what I'll keep telling myself, haha. ;)

    1. Me too :D lol, yeah, I'm not so sure either ;p but omg yes. They smell so good! Thank you so much :)

      Sobs. It just sucks! Really dying to read it. Sniffs. <3 lol, that is a good way to look at it :)

  5. I got rejected for The Dream Thieves too! Yeah depression. I hope you'll get it somehow. All Our Yesterdays wasn't half bad :) Also The Outside is one of the books I'm dying to read. :) Great haul.

  6. Yay! I can't WAIT for you to read AOY. I hope you adore it :-) I really enjoyed it and I think you will too. I love the Hobbit cool. I have a collection of LotR figures. <3

    My Friends Are Fiction's SS

    1. :D I cannot wait to read it either! Just need to get started reading again, sigh. That is awesome :D LotR is just so amazing. <3

  7. I'm sorry to hear you haven't been feeling well, Carina! I hope your health picks up. :)

    I've heard good things for All of Our Yesterdays. Enjoy all your reads!

  8. Carina, I hope you get better! I know it's been a while since you felt 100%, but here's to hoping for the best!

    I love The Hobbit swag! And the Mortal Instruments paperback tie-in! And I got a paperback ARC of All Our Yesterdays in May and just read it on Thursday... it was AWESOME! :D

    Have a great week!

    Check out my STS post!

  9. I keep meaning to watch How To Train Your Dragon - I've heard it's delightful!

    I've heard great things about ALL OUR YESTERDAYS! Hope you enjoy everything :)

  10. Sorry to hear that you have been sick- but glad you got your medicine (and some good purchases while you were there). :) I love How to Train Your Dragon. So cute! :) Hope you get to read soon and congrats on All Our Yesterdays.


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