
Wednesday, June 12, 2013

Waiting on Wednesday #87

"Waiting On" Wednesday is a weekly event, hosted by Breaking the Spine, that spotlights upcoming releases that we're eagerly anticipating.


Goodreads Description:

Love, power, and magic collide with war in the second book of the Falling Kingdoms series

Auranos has fallen and the three kingdoms—Auranos, Limeros, and Paelsia—are now united as one country called Mytica. But still, magic beckons, and with it the chance to rule not just Mytica, but the world...

When the evil King Gaius announces that a road is to be built into the Forbidden Mountains, formally linking all of Mytica together, he sets off a chain of events that will forever change the face of this land, forcing Cleo the dethroned princess, Magnus the reluctant heir, Lucia the haunted sorceress, and Jonas the desperate rebel to take steps they never could have imagined.

Hardcover, 432 pages
Expected publication: December 3rd 2013 by Razorbill
Pre-Order here.

I'm dying for this. Simply dying. Wish Edelweiss would accept me :) Falling Kingdoms was just so amazing. I, at least, loved it like crazy. And I cannot wait to read Rebel Spring! I need to know what happens next. Was a bit disappointed by the romance in book one, but hoping for an amazing one in this sequel :D I just cannot wait to read more about all the characters. Cleo. Jonas. Magnus. Sigh. <3
What are you waiting for? 


  1. I still haven't read Falling Kingdoms so I guess I should get on that :) (I have never once had luck with Edelweiss, good luck!)

    Alise @ Readers In Wonderland
    My WoW

  2. Never read this book, but looks good. I love fantasy books, my favorite book genre:)

  3. I really enjoyed Falling Kingdoms too and am waiting to read this one as well. I have too big a stack right now to request it on Edelweiss. Sigh. Hopefully soon I can.

  4. I still need to read the first. Hope you get to read it soon!
    Brandi at Blkosiner’s Book Blog

  5. I am desperate to read Rebel Spring! Great pick Carina. I can't get approved either :-(

  6. I've heard so much about Falling Kingdoms and most of them are really positive. Gotta have to pick this series out real soon. Hope Edelweiss accept your request. Thanks for sharing this, Carina. :)

  7. I still haven't read the first book in this series *shame on me* but this cover looks amazing! :) Great pick. I hope you'll get the book soon :)

  8. okay that book cover is just awesome. And Falling Kingdoms sounds like an awesome series. MY TBR pile just got taller.

  9. this looks so awesome! i haven't read the first one yet though.

  10. I was a bit mixed when it came to the first book, but I am curios to know what happens next! Love the cover, so epic!

    Great choice :)

  11. I have not read the first book but I've encountered several mix reviews. I think it's a love or hate kind of book. :) But I still need to find out for myself!

    Here's my Waiting on Wednesday post.

  12. I haven't started this one yet- but I LOVE the cover! I can see why you are waiting for it. :)

  13. I am so behind with the times. I have yet to read my copy of Falling Kingdoms but it sounds like an awesome fantasy read. Good luck with Eidelweiss!

  14. Haven't read the first book so I need to get to that before craving this amazing sounding second book.


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