
Saturday, June 15, 2013

In My Mailbox #85

I still haven't been able to read ANYTHING. I suck. But gah. It's just hard to find the time to read these days. First it was my new apartment, which I'm just about finished with. Then it was also the kitten which is still torturing me a bit. And then a few weeks ago my sister and nephew came home, and I've been playing Nintendo Wii with her every day since. Just, gah. I need to find some time to read! Right away. Because I do have a lot of amazing review copies to read. Sigh. Also. Did get some awesome things in the mail this week. <3 Still waiting on lots of things.. like my signed Shadow and Bone copy which I believe might be missing. Sobs. But hoping it will arrive soon. What did you get this week?

Dance of the Red Death. I did enjoy the first book a lot :) Hoping to read this one day. Pretty. <3
Fallen. Heh. I already own this book. Haven't read it yet. But I'm weird, and it was really cheap..
Unbreakable. UK paperback :D I love it. The book is all kinds of awesome too. Love this edition.
Dark Triumph. Pretty UK paperback. <3 Me love. The book is really amazing too. So amazing.
The Extincts. Review copy from The Book Depository :) Going to read it in a few weeks, I think ;p
Wreck-It Ralph. Ahh, 3D Blu-Ray. <3 Love this movie so much. Need to get a few more versions ;p
Les Miserables. Just had to get this two-disc special edition :) It's so pretty too. Must get the movie.
Unbreakable swag pack. Won this from Elizabeth :D Thank you. <33 Love it all so much! So pretty.

In My Mailbox is an weekly meme made by The Story Siren.


  1. I really loved Dark Triumph! Dance of the Red Death was a good conclusion--very curious to see what you think of it.
    My Friends Are Fiction

  2. I really liked Dark Triumph and Unbreakable. Hope you do.

  3. I need to get my hands on both Unbreakable and Dark Triumph! Two sequels I am really looking forward to!

    - Juhina @ Maji Bookshelf

  4. I liked Fallen it was a little slow at times but I still enjoyed it and bought the second book :) I hope you enjoy everything :)

    My IMM

  5. Love this poster, so sweet:)

  6. I hope your signed copy of Shadow and Bone comes soon!

    Also- it sounds like you have been busy- but good busy. :) I hope you have some time for reading soon! I am curious about The Extincts!

  7. Unbreakable looks good, hope you enjoy

  8. The Les Miserables soundtrack!!!!! I got it when I came out, even after having the highlights that came out during the movie release. I can't help it. I'm SUCH a Les Mis fan. I'm happy to hear you are too, Carina! :) And omgomgomg, Dance of the Red Death. Gah, the cover is so pretty!

    Happy reading, Carina! <3

  9. AHH OMG CARINA you have no idea how jealous I am of the Unbreakable swag pack! Congrats on that btw :) The swag is so pretty. And I love the drawing! I really need to get the UK paperback of Unbreakable, I absolutely love it. And I have the UK version of Unraveling so they will match :) Need to read Dark Triumph too! Hope you enjoy all of this :)

    My IMM

  10. Don't worry, I am at a similar struggle to find the open time to read, but life hits you head on sometimes. This is a nice group of things in your mailbox, though.

  11. Wow. Great haul, Carina. I haven't watched the movie Wreck-it Ralph but it does sounds good. Yay for Dark Triumph, I'm very much looking forward reading these books too. And congratulations on winning the swag pack of Unbreakable. Hope you enjoy all these goodies Carina. :D

  12. Great stuff! I cannot wait to read Dance of Red Death! :)

  13. Still sending you good vibes to get your reading groove back-I'm in a bit of a funk but hoping to carve out a few hours this Saturday!


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