
Wednesday, June 5, 2013

Mini Review: The Too-Clever Fox by Leigh Bardugo

Been waiting for ages to read this short story. And I can finally say that it did not disappoint. It's fast read, and I could not stop reading it. It's written really well, like everything else by Leigh. I don't know how to describe this short story. I kind of wish it had been even darker. Because I'm like that. Yet it is dark enough. And a bit funny and sweet. It's just amazing.

The Too-Clever Fox is told from the point of view of a fox named Koja. And oh. I really loved reading about him. It isn't such a long story, yet we do get to know enough. We get to know about Koja's life, from he was born and until now. It was pretty interesting to read about. Not saying more than that :)

We get to know a lot of things in this short story. Mostly just about the animals living in this forest in the world of Ravka. Which I loved. Because there are a lot of amazing creatures there. Like Ivan Gostov the bear. And Lula the nightingale. They were both awesome to read about. Sigh. Everything was amazing to read about. And while I loved every part of this story, I still wished it had been longer. Even though it is told from the point of view of a fox. But that just made me love it more and made me want even more. But I also felt like I got to know enough :)

Won't say much about the plot in this book. Just that there is a hunter. And that it's kind of creepy. And that I loved it and wished it had been even more creepy. We get to read a bit about this guy called Jurek and his sister Sofiya. They were a bit scary. But really interesting to read about, so I loved that a lot. Not much more to say about this short story. Just that I loved it so much. It's amazing. I loved the ending too. Although it was a bit shocking and a lot of heartbreaking. Sigh. It was just so good.

You should all know by now that I adore and love Leigh Bardugo. And everything she has written. And all the editions of her books. And all the jewelry based on her books. If you are curious about my collection, you should just search for Leigh Bardugo at the top my blog where there is a blogger search box, cause it searches all of my blog. Anyway. I'm dying to read the third book, Ruin and Rising :D And hoping for many more short stories by Leigh. <3 I just cannot wait to read it all. Sigh. Now, go read this :D


  1. Very eager to read it! I have so many short stories and novellas I want to read. Great review! I would love some of the grisha jewelry.

  2. I like how you trek into short story reviews and this seems like a good one.

  3. ooh I'm really curious about the jewelry you mentioned. I like that it is creepy but not too much (unlike you, I don't enjoy too creepy stuff), I haven't read Shadow & Bone (had a copy but it got lost) so now I need to buy a new one to read it but it is on my top TBR list!

    - Juhina @ Maji Bookshelf

  4. Ooo, I'm looking forward to reading this! I adore the Grisha trilogy, but I've been saving the fairy tales for a rainy day. <3 I'm glad to hear you enjoyed it!

    Wendy @ The Midnight Garden

  5. I'll read this one for sure just I need to get more free time to start with this series. I'm so happy to see that this one didn't disappoint! It's a relief :) Great review :)

  6. This cover is very cool!!! sounds like a great story!

  7. Awesome cover! This sounds so good. I love that it is creepy- but you still want it to be creepier. :) Thanks for sharing!

  8. I just read this yesterday! I really liked it too, though I guess I'm not surprised as Leigh is such a brilliant writer. She can even make a story from the point of view of a fox really interesting! I'm glad you loved it, Carina. Great review! :)

  9. I haven't read anything by leigh, but sounds like I should

  10. I'm no fan of short stories, but this one sounds just too good to pass up on. Leigh's Shadow and Bone was so atmospheric, I can't wait for its sequel. And reading more about the nature and about all the animals would sure add more awesomeness to an even too stunning world. Thanks for your review:)


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