
Saturday, June 8, 2013

In My Mailbox #84

Got a few amazing books this week. <3 That I myself have pre-ordered ;p Hih. But oh. I still haven't been able to read a whole book. Just a few short stories. But I also know why. Because I want to read, I really do. And I have some amazing books that I need and want to read right away. Like, These Broken Stars. Monsters. Tumble & Fall. Alienated. Born of Illusion. Rose Under Fire. The School for Good and Evil. And a whole bunch of other books. But it's been crazy in my life because of my kitten, whom I think I'm finally getting used to having around. Although I love her so, so much and she's really amazing. <3 And I did just move upstairs a few weeks ago. Finally almost finished unpacking :D Hoping to share pictures next week. <3 Of my apartment and of my book shelves :) What did you get this week?

Order of Darkness. Need to read book one, but I do think I will read them soon :) Sounds awesome.
Abandon. I still haven't read book one and two (A) But now I have them all :D Approve of ending.
Wild Awake. I read this a while ago, while I did not love it I just had to own it. It is pretty you see.
The Beautiful and the Cursed. Peeked at ending.. Not happy at all. Still, I am excited to read it ;p
The Elementals. This book was so amazing! Love love love. Read it in December :) So pretty too.
Dare You To. Sigh. This hardcover is so so gorgeous. Really hoping to get the time to read it soon.
Elegy. Oh, I cannot wait to read this. <3 Hoping to soon. I did love the first two books a whole lot.
The Great Gatsby. Seen so many people on twitter that loved this book. Was cheap, so had to get it :)
Siege and Storm. Sigh. Perfect book. Read in January. Need to re-read. Gorgeous, gorgeous hardcovers.
Shadow and Bone. Audio CD :D I just had to get it. Not sure I will ever listen, but oh so pretty. Love.

In My Mailbox is an weekly meme made by The Story Siren.


  1. Siege and storm! I NEED to read it soon. Happy reading Carina! :D


  2. I also need to read The Great Gatsby soon! Enjoy :)

    Sugar & Snark's STS

  3. Great haul! I want to read The Beautiful and the Cursed. I hope you enjoy them all. Happy reading!

  4. Oooo, nice, two copies of Siege and Storm. And I didn't really like Stormbringers. I hope you enjoy all of those! :)

    Thanks for visiting my blog!

    Alyssa @ The Eater of Books!

  5. I think I love your IMMs the most! so many fantastic books.. but my question that I always want to ask is why do you buy multiple copies of the same book? I am so curious

    - Juhina @ Maji Bookshelf

    1. haha thanks for your reply on my blog.. and omg, regarding the blocking thing.. that is SO WEIRD.. plus very mean =( I'm sorry *hugs* and YEAY! mystery solved.. I finally know why you buy multiple copies of books :D

  6. The movie with Leonardo DiCaprio is what's making "The Great Gatsby" a hit. I also have to check that novel out, too, because Fitzgerald is one of the greatest authors... ever.

  7. The Beautiful and the Cursed has such a beautiful cover I hope you enjoy everything you got this week :)

    My IMM

  8. Loved Dare you to, and hope you do too

  9. The Beautiful and The Cursed was fantastic. I loved it. Great haul of books. Come check out my haul as well.


  10. I'll secretly sneak into your house and borrow one copy of Siege and Storm :D You won't even notice ;) Kidding but still I hope you'll enjoy it :) Great haul :)

    1. lol :D I think I would notice that ;p Thank you sweetie. <3

  11. I'm really looking forward to Abandon--hopefully I'll get to it soon! Happy reading :)

  12. I do love getting books I've already read, when I got to read them free as e-galleys, but loved them so much I wanted them on my own shelf!

  13. Ohh I'm still waiting for my copy of Siege and Storm to show up! I'll dig right into it when it arrives. Enjoy!

  14. Hope you can get more reading done this week-I always feel out of sorts when I don't read enough!

  15. I read The Great Gatsby many years ago. I have been thinking of reading it again. I can't wait to hear what you think (and see if it is like I remember it). :) Lots of great books on your shelves! Hope you get to read soon.


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