
Monday, April 15, 2013

Review: The Burning Sky by Sherry Thomas

Been wanting to read this book ever since I saw that awesome cover. I think it's gorgeous and special. When I got accepted to read it I was so happy, and I just had to read it right away :) And oh. The Burning Sky is an amazing book. I loved it so much. Don't think I had any flaws with it. Okay, wished for a tiny bit less drama at one point, but it wasn't bad at all; I still loved it.

The summary of this book speaks of magic and elixirs and a prince. All of which is in this book. What it doesn't mention is that most of the book takes place at an all-boys school. And that it is so so amazing. The plot is unique and awesome. The writing is perfect. The characters are really, really amazing and I loved all of them. The action and excitement are done great.

The book is told from two different point of views. First there is Iolanthe Seabourne, a sixteen year old girl. She's amazing. I loved her so much. She's strong and kind. She lives with her sort-of-father, Master Haywood. I kind of disliked him. He wasn't very kind. But when we learn why, what happened to him, I could sort of understand it. Iolanthe lives in an amazing place. A Domain where everyone is a mage. With small powers over the four elementals. Iolanthe have power over three of them, Fire, Water and Earth. I loved reading about her using Fire and such. It was awesome. She even have a wand. Hih :)

We learn lots of things about her life. Won't talk about it all. But will talk about the beginning, which is sort of mentioned in the summary. Iolanthe read in a book that a lightningbolt could save any kind of broken elixir. And she's desperate to have it fixed. Although no one have ever summoned lightning in ages. But she manages to do it. Which is where our plot starts. Because now she's in danger. The Inquisitor wants her. Because she's powerful. Her Master gets her safe. Mostly. Then there's the prince.

Prince Titus is the other person this book is told from. And I loved him so much. He's just really amazing. He is also broken, which we see many times. Sobs. He's also alone. And because of that he's a bit mean at times, and he lies a lot. But I didn't blame him for that. He lives at his palace, because he is the ruler of the Domain. But that isn't really true, because Atlantis seems to be ruling everything. We didn't learn enough about them, but what I did see of them wasn't very nice. They are awful people.

Titus's mother died many years ago, and she was a Seer. She told him about his destiny, when he would die, and who he needed to protect. She told him what time it would happen on, when he first met the mage who is destined to take down the Bane. And it happens. When he see the lightningbolt made by Iolanthe, he knows it is her he is supposed to protect. But it gets really complicated, and I'm not good enough at describing it all, so I won't try to ;p But it is amazing and I loved all of what happened.

Titus has been planning for his destiny his whole life. What would happen after he found the one who would help him. But he didn't plan for her to be she. Because he goes to an all-boys school in a nonmage world, in London. This book is set in 1883. I think. But to keep her safe, she must pose at a boy. Archer Fairfax. And I loved it all. That's all I'm going to say about the plot :) But oh. It is so amazing. I loved the parts at the school, I loved reading about the other boys. They were awesome. I just enjoyed it all.

I won't say more of the plot, like I said. There is just too much happening. And it is all so good and awesome and I couldn't have loved it any more. I just could not stop reading this book. Anyway. There is a lot of magic in this book. Sort of. And I loved reading about it. There is this canary that takes a big part in the book. Hih. I loved it. This book is special. And I know I will re-read it at some point. To relive it all. Like the Crucible. This fairy-tale-come-to-life book. It was amazing! Loved it to death.

Then there is the relationship between Iolanthe and Titus. It isn't going very well, because of all his lies. But even so. They just fit together so well. At least I think so :) There is some romance in this book. But not that much, and I might have wanted more. But I have hopes for the sequel. <3 Still, it is good enough in this book. There is also some drama. But not like other books. No triangle. No kissing other people, thank god. This book is just about them, and I loved that so much. I cannot wait for more.

I don't know what else to say. I want to talk about it all. But I won't, because it is spoilery, and I loved reading about it so much, and I think all of you will too. There is action, mystery, excitement and some love. Amazing magic. There is just too many things to love in this book. There is hurt and a few broken hearts, but nothing too brutal. There are a bunch of evil people, though. But I kind of loved reading about them. They were done well. Everything was. I just don't know what else to say. Just, love.

I cannot wait for the sequel to come out. But omg. I will have to wait so long for it! Wish I could read it right away. <3 But yeah. It probably isn't out until September 2014. Forever away. But I do think the wait will be worth it. Anyway. You need to read this book when it comes out this September. You must do it.
Thank you so much to the publisher Balzer + Bray and Edelweiss for the chance to read and review this early. <3 I loved it so much, and I cannot wait to get my gorgeous hardcover in September :)

Goodreads - Pre-Order

Update: Newer and better review of the book can be found here.


  1. What I coincidence I finished reading this yesterday, too! I absolutely loved it, and I agree the relationship between Iolanthe and Titus was lovely (yay for no love triangle!) Brilliant review, Carina! <3

    1. <3 Yay! I'm so glad you loved it as well :D And omg. Yes. Their relationship is just amazing. <3 Sigh. Yesss. So happy about the no love triangle :) Thank you Renu. <3

  2. I cannot wait to read this!! Requested it on Edelweiss but got declined lol. It sounds really awesome and your review makes me want to read it more :D
    September, COME FASTER :P

    Richa @ City of Books

  3. ach! My TBR pile is getting longer and longer thanks to your awesome reviews!


  4. Well now I'm excited! I hadn't really wanted to read this. That cover is what first drew me in but it sounds like a very complicated story and I find those hard to keep up with! But I think I'm gonna have to give this a shot since you enjoyed it so much. Fabulous review <3


  5. What a cool cover! Very intriguing! I love books told from two different POVs and this one sounds amazing. Your review is excellent and now you have given me another book that I need to get my hands on. :) <3 Thanks! ~Jess

    1. Yay :D I hope you'll love it lots when you get to read it. <3


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