
Tuesday, April 16, 2013

Review: The Bitter Kingdom by Rae Carson

This trilogy is one of the best fantasy trilogies there is. All three books are amazing. I don't know how to talk about my love for these books. I just adore fantasy book so much, and these are incredible. The writing is perfect. The characters are amazing and strong and so loveable. And the story is perfect. Unique and special and all kinds of awesome. So glad I got to read this early. The Bitter Kingdom is the best one. So good.

This book has the perfect ending to this amazing trilogy. There is a lot of action. So many deaths. Heartbreak. Love. Romance. The Bitter Kingdom has it all. I never wanted it to end. But I'm happy with the ending. For the most part. I do want more; so much more. But it is also perfect, and I'm so thrilled about it. I know that I will re-read these books. After I get my hardcover :)

Since this is the end of a trilogy, you should not read my review if you do not want to get spoiled about the first two books. Because there will be spoilers. Lots of them. But hopefully not for this book ;) But there is a lot to talk about for me. Lots of characters I must mention. Well, only a few, but they are special to me. There is so much character love in this book. And I loved every part of it. Even all the heartbreak. It made me tear up many times. But it also made me smile and it filled my heart with warmth so many times. It could not have been better.

The Bitter Kingdom starts where The Crown of Embers ended. Elisa and her three companions are going after the kidnapped Hector; Elisa's love. At first there isn't too much happening, because they are mostly just trying to catch up to those who have taken Hector. But I loved reading about, still. Because Elisa is such an amazing character. I loved her so much. She's a lot stronger in this book. She kills people. She makes difficult decisions. And I loved her so much for it all. She's really a true heroine.

The book is told from her point of view. Which I loved. But we also get a few chapters from Hector's point of view! I loved those the most. It also made a lot of sense that we got to see his point of view, and I'm so happy about it. Even though his thoughts were mostly heartbreaking. But he is an amazing person. Loyal. Strong. Loving. He cares about Elisa so much. As a Queen, but also as a person. He loves her. And their love is just so damn amazing, and I'm really glad that I ended up loving it too, hih :)

I don't really want to give away more about the plot. We get to see a lot of running and traveling, and it is all amazing. We get to see a lot more of the Inviernos. Some of them are okay. Like Storm and his sister, Waterfall. But most are not. There are so many evil people. And I just loved reading about them all. Such an amazing plot. We also learn a lot more about the Godstone, and the power it have. It is awesome. I enjoyed reading about Elisa's Godstone in this book a lot more than I did before. I liked it.

That is all I'm saying about the plot. Well. It is an adventure. An amazing adventure. Full of danger and awful things. But also happy moments. And evil creatures. Like the scorpions in this mine. Shudders. So awful. And they are done so well, that I loved it all so much. The plot in this book is better than in the first two books. And it all makes sense. And I loved reading about it all. There is lots of conflict, but yeah. I loved that too. This story is just so amazing, and I couldn't have loved it any more than I did.

There is so many characters in this book. Have mentioned Elisa and Hector, who I love the most. They also have the most amazing love story. Swoons. But also, sobs. So good. I might have disliked that they didn't talk nicely about dead Alejandro.. Makes me feel I shouldn't have loved him in the first book. Still. Wish we had seen more of his son, Rosario. But he is still just as amazing as always. Love. We see a bit more about Ximena as well. Still not sure how I feel about her. Love and hate, like Elisa feels about her.

Mara and Belén is a big part in this book. And Storm too. They are the three people who are going after Hector with Elisa. I just adore Mara so much. She's an amazing friend. And I loved her relationship with Belén :) Although I wish it had been a bit more. Still, so sweet. We also meet another new character, Mula. Just a little girl. And she's so amazing. I adored her. We see a bit more about Alodia. Wish we had seen her and Elisa together more. Because I kind of love her a lot. And Storm is amazing! Adored him.

I think that is all I had to say about this book. The Bitter Kingdom is just amazing. Epic. It is the perfect finale. And I loved every part of it. Just wish it had been longer :) But it is perfect just the way it is. I loved reading about Elisa and everyone around her. I really loved reading about this amazing world. It is all done so well. Although I still don't approve of all that long traveling, lol ;p But it makes sense, still. I loved the fighting. The drama. But mostly I loved the romance. It is all kinds of perfect. I adored it.

You will all love The Bitter Kingdom. It is the perfect last book to this series. Even with all the heartbreak. It is just so amazing. So when it comes out in August, you need to read it right away. It is worth it. This whole series is worth it. And I'm so glad that I read them all :) Thank you, Rae, for writing a perfect fantasy series. <3 Thank you so much to the publisher, Greenwillow Books, and to Edelweiss for the chance to read and review TBK early. <3 I'm so, so happy that I were able to read it this early.


  1. I love fantasy, but haven't read this trilogy! I have added it to my list. I love the cover and your review is so awesome. You made me want to read this one! :) ~Jess

  2. Awesome that you got to read this. I was already dying to read this. I may request it on Edelweiss too if it's not too late.

  3. I cannot wait to read this now! I have it waiting on my kindle so I will get to it as soon as possible! Thanks for the awesome review Carina and I also recommend the series to all those who haven't read it yet! I just dont want it to end ;(

  4. I only read your first two paragraphs as I haven't read the second book yet, but I'm really happy to see your 5 stars! I loved the first book and can't wait to see what happens next. So glad the trilogy ends well. :)

  5. I AM SO EXCITED FOR THIS BOOK. I'm SO jealous you got to read it. I want it so badly! Perfect review. Seriously, all the feels.

  6. Oh gosh, I still haven't read the first two books.

  7. ok first that is So Not FAIR that you got to read it Yeah I am literally green right now( no actually im green)and i dont catch the Green monster that easily. I am so excited i am shaking as i write this right now i just cant wait any longer to get my hands on that book. MUST FIND OUT MORE ABOUT MY HUSBAND HECTOR.UGH IM GOING CRAZY!!!!!!!


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