
Saturday, March 16, 2013

Review: Clockwork Princess by Cassandra Clare

Clockwork Princess was more than I could have ever dreamed of. I have been waiting for it for such a long time. Been dreading it forever, because I did not see how it could possibly end happily. But I was surprised. Because Clockwork Princess is amazing. It is a perfect book, and now that I have read it, I know I will re-read the entire trilogy in a few short months.

I was lucky enough to get my box set of this trilogy yesterday, four days before release date. I just pre-ordered it from book depo months ago, and I'm just so happy that they shipped it early to me, because oh, this book was perfect. I had to read it right away. And like always, I just had to peek at the ending before I started (A) For me, personally, I'm glad I did it. But I also think that you all should not peek at the ending, because there are more than just one thing being spoiled. Plus, it's so exciting to read it all :) Clockwork Princess needs to be loved.

My review will not contain spoilers. As in, I won't say who ends up with who, who dies, who lives, and all that stuff :D But I will talk a bit about the book. Some things I loved. And the one thing I might have disliked a tiny, tiny bit. Overall, though, Clockwork Princess left me feeling happy. After Clockwork Angel left me a bit sad, and Clockwork Prince left me feeling destroyed. But then Clockwork Princess happened. And I can't help thinking about all my favorite parts, although most of the book is just a whole favorite part. Everything was amazing. Lots of heartbreak at times, but it is so perfect. Clockwork Princess was truly amazing.

I loved this book with all of my heart. I'm having trouble finding words for it. But I'll try. First I want to say that there is a lot of love in this book. A lot of relationships. Like Gideon and Sophie. We see a lot of them in this book, which I adored, because I just love Sophie so much, and I think they would make an amazing couple. We also see a lot of his brother, Gabriel. Who I kind of hate because he hate Will :p But I do think that he would be perfect for Cecily, to be honest. He changes in this book. I approved.

We also get to see Charlotte and Henry a whole lot. And I loved that. Although it did make me a bit depressed, because things aren't going very well for Charlotte with the Counsol. But still. Charlotte and Henry are adorable together, and I loved that she was pregnant. I just loved reading about them all. And oh. We get to see more of Jessamine. It broke my heart. It still hurts. But it was so perfect, and I loved it, and oh. It was amazing. We also see more of Magnus, and he is just so damn perfect. Love him so.

We also learn so many other things in this book. More about Tessa's clockwork angel. More about the automatons that belong to Mortmain. More about him too. Yeah, we see more of him too. And I kind of loved reading about him; perfect villain. Meaning, I hated him. But yeah. We also learn who Zachariah (from City of Lost Souls) is. And that was pretty amazing. But oh. The ending. The epilogue. Made me just about die for the last Mortal Instruments book. I need to know what happens! Cannot wait. <3

This book is mostly from Tessa's point of view. I think. Maybe. There is just so much Will that I cannot seem to remember. I adore Tessa. I really do. She loves two boys. Jem and Will. And I must admit that I still don't really see Jem as a love interest. But I do adore him. But yes. Tessa is amazing. I didn't hate her for loving them both. I really didn't. Which I'm just so glad for. She is also special. She's immortal, which is kind of sad, but also pretty amazing. We get to know for sure what she is in this book :)

Then there is Jem. Who is engaged to Tessa. And that just broke me so much in the second book. Did not approve. But oh. I do love Jem. Just love Will more. But yeah. Jem is an amazing character. I love the love he have for Will. Even for Tessa. And I do think that Tessa really loves him, she just loves Will too, and it's sort of breaking her in half. I enjoyed reading about Jem. There is only about one small passage from his point of view, though, but it was amazing still. I can see why people love him. Maybe.

But my favorite character in these books is and will always be Will Herondale. He is just all kinds of perfect. In book one he was broken. Book two broke him even more. And book three. Well. I won't say much about it. But oh. Will is perfect. He's funny and sweet and kind and so damn selfless. He loves Jem so much. He would do anything for his parabatai. I loved that. I loved his and Jem's relationship. I just really loved reading about Will and Jem together :) And Will and Cecily together. Adored them all.

Then there is him and Tessa. I want them together more than anything. He loves her so so much. And it breaks my heart all the time. Just see my teasers.. It's heartbreaking. And amazing. And ah. I won't spoil anything. You just need to read this book. And I want to talk about it all. I really, really want to, but I won't, because it would just spoil everything. Just know that I loved this book. I loved everything that happened. Every. Single. Thing. Especially page 419. Best pages ever. Really, truly the best.

Clockwork Princess is amazing. Like I have said a billion times now. But it is. I'm so glad I read it. It was just so worth the wait. And I think everyone will be pleased with it. Some might not, but I hope all will. I was, at least. There is a small thing I disliked a little. The epilogue and the end. I loved the ending of the book. I really, truly did. But I kind of wish the epilogue hadn't happened. You know, the 130 years in the future thing. But I also loved getting to know some things. But it is also heartbreaking. Like really heartbreaking. There was one thing I wasn't thrilled about, but it made sense, so I kind of enjoyed it.

One thing you should know. If you get the Clockwork Princess first edition, do NOT look inside the book cover until AFTER you have read the book. Because yeah. The family tree is there on the cover, and it's kind of easy to notice things ;p I didn't check it first, and I'm glad I did, but yeah, it's very spoilery, so don't do that at first :) But oh. You need to go buy Clockwork Princess. Because it is amazing. A perfect ending to the trilogy, even with my mixed feelings about the epilogue ;p Read it, love it. You need it.

While reading Clockwork Princess I wanted to take a picture of all the pages, to save my favorite quotes and lines. I actually ended up with a lot of pictures. Most are way too spoilery to share, though, but I will share at least one teaser below. And if I do say so, it's pretty awesome. Clockwork Princess was just amazing. So much better than I had believed. And it has made sure that I will be reading the first two books again. It felt like I had forgotten a few little things, but not that much :) Hope you all love it.

Clockwork Princess teasers. Spoilers for book one and two. Some minor for this too.

"You remember what else I said to you that day in the drawing room," he said. "I want you to be happy, and him to be happy. And yet when you walk that aisle to meet him and join yourselves forever you will walk and invisible path of the shards of my heart, Tessa. I would give over my own life for either of yours. I would give over my own life for your happiness. I thought perhaps that when you told me you did not love me that my own feelings would fall away and atrophy, but they have not. They have grown every day. I love you now more desperately, this moment, than I have ever loved you before, and in an hour I will love you more than that. It is unfair to tell you this, I know, when you can do nothing about it." He took a shuddering breath. "How you must despise me." 
~ page 196

And another favorite, because it is so damn heartbreaking.

and she thought of Will, who had laid down his heart for her and Jem to walk upon 
because he loved them more than he loved himself.
~ page 348

I'm not sharing a sexy/sweet teaser, because yeah. That would be a bit spoilery, and I want to 
keep it all to myself, lol :D *Evil* <3 But yeah. I think you will all understand once you have read it.


  1. Interesting... I'm not team anybody, because I like both Will and Jem and I HATE the whole "team" thing in any book, but I really think Tessa needs to be alone in terms of a relationship. I guess I'll see this week coming! Great, um, LONG, review :)

    Alyssa @ The Eater of Books!

  2. I have the first book in this series to read! I can't wait to get started. Glad this one was even better than you expected!

    1. Oh, you need to start this series :D It is just so amazing. This third book was perfect :)

  3. I haven`t read the first book yet, but I have it in my book shelf:) Looking ahead to read it soon:) Love your review:)

    1. Thank you sweetie. <3 I think you will love this series :D

  4. Oh my you lucky! Can't believe you got it early! I am so scared for this book, I know its going to break my heart. But it will be worth it in the end! Awesome review :) so happy you enjoyed it!


  5. I'm not reading your review just yet! Even though I know the most important part, I don't want to have any expectations about anything else. I couldn't help but read that second teaser, though. That hits you right in the heart, doesn't it? :( I can tell I will be an emotional mess for the most part while reading this book! I'm thrilled that it worked out for you, though. I'll be back in a few days to read your thoughts properly. :)

    1. Me again! You know I felt the same way about the epilogue. I suppose it was beautiful in a away, but it's still bothering me a little. ;) And I completely agree with you about Charlotte and Henry. I've always liked those two, though I don't think I paid them much attention until this book. Charlotte, especially, was wonderful in this.

      There's one thing that I didn't understand (or maybe didn't read properly). When Tessa's clockwork angel leave a mark on Will? What was that all about? O_o

    2. In the mortal instruments, the Herondales are known to usually have a "birthmark" in that shape that was on Will. Jace has it. I suppose that marking carried through the generations.

    3. In the mortal instruments, the Herondales are known to usually have a "birthmark" in that shape that was on Will. Jace has it. I suppose that marking carried through the generations.

  6. I've been reading a lot of good reviews on this series, and I'm excited to finally read them. But my goal is to find the time to finish Cassandra Clare's Mortal Instruments series first! Thanks for the awesome review.


  7. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

    1. Thank you so much for your comment :) I do agree with you. Sobs. But oh. It was just so perfect. <3 I'm sorry, but I had to delete your comment, because it was FULL OF SPOILERS. Can't have that on my blog :) But I read it, and thank you for commenting sweetie :)

  8. UGHHH It takes a while until it's available in my country. Even if I was to order it online, the shipping will take some time. sooooo saaaaddddd... TT_______TT <//////3333

    1. <3 do you have an iPad, so that you can read on an Kindle app via Amazon? :) Then you could buy it via there, and read it right away. <3 It is just so good. But it is also worth the wait, promise :)

  9. Loved the book. Truly great love triangle. Sad to let go of those characters.
    Curious about two things as my iBooks copy didn't come with the Shadowhunter Family Tree, does anyone know of a copy online? Also there is a lot of mention of page 419, but in my version this page is hardly a stand out moment. What moment are we talking here people? This book is so full of them.

    1. Hi :) Ahh, glad you loved it too ;) Oh, me too. So sad that it is over. I don't know about an online copy, but I'm sure you can try to google it, since someone has most likely put it up :p Page 419 is the Cave scene :D Best scene of the book. <3 Sigh.

  10. OMG! I was so sad because I was so excited to read this book! And I told myself I wouldn't spoil it for myself( which I do with every book) And the I look inside the damn cover and it revealed all I had been hoping to discover (the whole love triangle) :( but still seems so good, haven't finished it yet...

  11. HA! I wanted to take pictures of the quotes too!! I actually bookmarked the quotes (and took pictures of it) and my book looks like a big bookmark :D :D But oh, I loved it! I loved every second of it <3 <3 It was just perfect. And Will <3 <3 <3 Awww <3 Still thinking about it <3

    1. lol, hih, me too :D I did take a few pictures (A) Just couldn't share them. Grrr. And ah, yes, such a perfect book. <3 WILL is amazing. love. <3


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