
Saturday, March 16, 2013

In My Mailbox #72

This might have been the best week ever. First, on Friday I was FINALLY done with the bandages! Yesss. After almost 6 weeks.. So glad that I'm finally done with it all. Just don't let me get a new abscess :p But the best news. The best thing was getting my pre-ordered copy of Clockwork Princess yesterday; four days before release date. <3 That made my whole week. Been reading non-stop, well, sort of, I had to sleep last night :p but yeah. I have finished it, and review will be up very soon :) Only read two books this week then. Because I haven't been feeling well at all, but yeah. Now I have read Clockwork Princess, and it just. Ah. Perfection. Anyway. Got lots of awesome this week :D What did you get this week?

The three of them together. <3 Love. Clockwork Angel. Clockwork Prince. Clockwork Princess.

My gorgeous, gorgeous box set. Oh, I love it so so so much.

Eragon. Bought this on sale at a store here :) It's Norwegian, but I still think it's pretty awesome.
Ratatouille. Bought it sale too :) It's pretty sweet. I love the stickers. Hih. I just had to have it :)
Frankenweenie. Yeah. This one is adorable! So, so many amazing stickers. I love them all so much.
The Croods. This is my second copy of this one (A) Had to buy it; cause of gorgeous stickers.
The Sandman. Gorgeous book. Hoping to read all the Rise of the Guardians books soon :D Adore.
Boo. Heh. I kind of had to have the second book too.. It's just so cute. I think it looks adorable :)
How To Train Your Dragon. One of the best movies ever. Had to get this US version (A) Love it.
On the Road. I kind of really need to watch this movie soon. I think it will be weird, but still :D
Breaking Dawn. Yeah. I will be getting all the editions of this, at least in Norway, at some point ;p
The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo. This was very, very cheap :) Need to watch it some day, I think.
Wreck-It Ralph CD. Hih. Need to listen to this CD soon. Hope it's good. The movie is just amazing :)

Deep Betrayal. I haven't read book one yet.. But I have it, and I do think I will like this series. I hope.
The Nightmare Affair. Two copies. Sigh. I really did love this book :) Can't wait to read it again.
A Monster Calls. I loved this book a whole lot. And this paperback edition is just gorgeous. Love it.
Shattered Dreams. Signed copy that I have won from Suzanne. <3 And some swag :D I love it all.
Unremembered swag, that I kind of bought from Jessica ;p lol. I LOVE it. It's just so gorgeous.
The Croods stickers. A whole bunch of different The Croods stickers I bought from Ebay. <3 LOVE.
Toothless t-shirt. Yeah. I kind of really, really love this one. Isn't he adorable? Can't wait to wear it ;p

In the Shadow of Blackbirds Swag. This book is AMAZING. My review is coming up next week ;) It's just such a perfect book. I will be re-reading it pretty soon too. And omg. Cat is the best. <3 I LOVE all of this swag. It's gorgeous. And ah. I think I have to have a giveaway for some of it soon ;)

Frankenweenie. I kind of really loved this movie. Sad, but amazing. This book is pretty gorgeous.
Let the Sky Fall swag. <3 Got from Shannon via pre-order contest :D I love it. Oh. It's just amazing.
Cinder/Scarlet swag that I won from Rachel :D I love it. Thank you so so much :) It's awesome.

And then I also got accepted for this book via Edelweiss :D Hoping to read it soon. I do think it sounds pretty amazing, and I really hope I will love it. :)

In My Mailbox is an weekly meme made by The Story Siren.

Did you enter my US/Canada giveaway for Unremembered by Jessica Brody yet? You must :)


  1. Oooohhh... "The Girl With The Dragon Tattoo." Read the book, read the series, watched the American film. Excellent series! Next thing to check is check are the Swedish films.

  2. Oh Infernal Devices box' *faints*

    Can't wait to read your review for Clockwork Princess! :D

    Enjoy your new books!

    Kyra @ Blog of a Bookaholic
    My STS Post!

  3. Yay for no bandages, and glad to hear that Princess is great.
    Brandi @ Blkosiner’s Book Blog

  4. I love box sets <3 They look so pretty together! How to train a dragon is a great movie :D I can't wait to read The Nightmare affair and A monster calls. I love all the Frankenweenie stuff you got :D

    I'm happy for you that you are finally done with the bandages!


  5. How exciting that your bandages are off! Yeah!!

    Look at all of your goodies. You got lots of great books and swag! I love the Toothless shirt! :) I have heard really good things about A Monster Calls.

  6. Love the box-set, so beautiful:) Many great stuff, you are lucky:)

  7. Did you pre-order the box on TBD? I did, and it was despatched this week, so I'm hoping it'll be here on Monday or so! It's so pretty! :)

  8. ooh a ton of awesome books this week!! I haven't read the infernal devices but I am hoping to pick it up soon since the trilogy is finally over :D

    - Juhina @ Maji Bookshelf

  9. Oooh The Infernal Devices set :) The three look amazing together! I haven't started that series yet but I own the first two so now that Clockwork Princess is coming out I'll be reading them in one fell swoop !!! I hope you enjoy your books! Awesome haul for you this week!!

    Lauren @ Lose Time Reading

  10. So much awesome!! I CANNOT wait for Clockwork Princess. I feel like that book will break my heart, but I just want to read it now! lol Also, The Nightmare Affair is fantastic!! Enjoy!

  11. Wow, awesome. Can't believe you got it early, fantastic. I have the eBook pre-ordered, so can't wait til next week. I have The Nightmare Affair to read, it looks awesome too. Love all the swag too. Thanks for sharing and happy reading.

    Katie ~ My Mailbox

  12. Great haul! The boxset looks amazing! I want! Hope you enjoy all your books and blu-rays.


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