
Sunday, February 17, 2013

Review: Island of Fire by Lisa McMann

Island of Fire is very much worth the wait. You have no idea how happy I was to be able to read it early via Edelweiss. But oh. The wait for book four will be torture. Truly. Because this ends in a big cliffhanger, to be honest. And it is kind of awful. But it also makes me so so excited for the fourth book :) This middle grade series is amazing. Really, truly amazing. I have loved all three books. And the covers. Aren't they just perfect?

I don't know how to write this five star review. Will try my best to not post any spoilers, but there will be spoilers for book one and two, just so you know. Because it isn't possible to talk about this amazing book without mentioning a few amazing things that have happened. And all the awful heartbreaking things as well. First, the writing in this book is very perfect.

Second, the characters are amazing. I loved them all. Then there is the amazing world that Lisa have created. This series is just amazing. I love reading about Artimè and all the magical things and stone creatures. It is all very unique and so good. Island of Fire is an amazing middle grade fantasy book. Although I feel that everyone should read these books, not just children. They are amazing and full of emotions. And lots of great awful things. Island of Fire isn't quite as full of terror and heartbreak as Island of Silence, but it's just as exciting and amazing.

Island of Fire starts where Island of Silence ended. With Mr. Today being dead. Which still breaks my heart, because they are all so upset about it; especially Alex. As if him being dead wasn't bad enough, Lani and Samheed is still missing on that awful island. Simber is gone. Artimè is gone. Everything has gone bad, and Alex is the only one who can fix it. Mr. Today left him a clue, but he's having a hard time figuring it out. He gets a lot of help, though, from the Silent girl and everyone else. And that I loved.

This book is written in third person point of view, which I loved, because we got to see a lot of different people, and we needed to do that. But this book is mostly just from Alex's point of view. He is still so amazing, and I love him the most. He's very kind and brave. Strong. But he is also broken, and that broke me too. He's missing them all so much. Especially Simber. Sniffs. I don't want to spoil anything, but you have seen the cover, so you might imagine what happens about all of that :) So so amazing.

I don't really want to say anything else about the plot. Just a few little things. Alex tries so hard to get magic and Artimè back, and he might succeed. You'll see. We also see more of Aaron, now the High Priest of Quill. I still hate him like crazy. But I kind of feel like that might change in a later book, because I feel like he will be a big part of things to come. Maybe. I hated what he did to the real high priest, and what he did to Mr. Today's daughter. That was beyond cruel of him, but I also loved it a bit.

We also learn a whole lot more about the other six islands. More about the island of silence, which seems like the most awful one, but I have a feeling the others might be just as bad.. I hated reading about the thorn necklaces. They were just so awful and heartbreaking but so well done that I couldn't help but love it. Then there is the Pirate Island. Seemed like such an awful place, and I'm SO EXCITED to read more about it. Please let that be in the fourth book. I need to know more about it right away.

There is a lot of amazing characters in this book. I loved them all. Sigh. Mostly I loved Alex. And Simber. He is just the most perfect thing. Sniffs. And I loved Florence too. And Kitten! Ahh. Then there was Meghan, who I loved a lot more in this book. And Lani and Samheed, I think I loved them. They need each other. They go through so much awful. Sniffs. The Silent girl is named Sky, and I kind of loved her a lot. She's different, and she's always there for Alex. There is so many others that I loved too.

There is a little more romance in this book. Kind of. And I loved it. Also wanted more. But I am a bit confused. Because the romance is between Alex and Sky. And I loved that, because I do think they are amazing together, and she fits with him a lot better. But a bit upset, cause I kind of wanted him with Lani. But not really, because I never loved her, because I found her to be a bit mean to him at times. She made him hurt a lot. So Sky is better for him. I'm hoping it will be more of them in the next one :)

Island of Fire is an amazing book. It has a lot of heart. It made me cry a lot of times. It also has a whole bunch of pain. But happy moments as well. It is a perfect sequel. And I cannot wait for the fourth book. There will be seven, and I'm super excited for all of them :) This book ends with a cliffhanger, though. Which makes me die for the fourth one, which I will now have to wait even longer for. But I can manage it, because while it is evil, it is also kind of a happy ending. At least I thought so :) This book made me very happy. Heartbroken at the sad times, but I loved it all. You really need to read it when it's out :)

I am forever grateful to the publisher; Aladdin, and to Edelweiss for the chance to read and review this amazing book early. <3 Thank you both so much. I'm so happy I was able to read it right away :)


  1. I need to catch up on this series! I really loved the first book but haven't had the chance to read the second one! The covers just make the want to read it more and more! They are too pretty for life. Great review <3


  2. I have been wanting to read this series. Great review! Another one on my list. :)

  3. Ooh I like the sound of Pirate Island. I really need to get started on this series! Alex sounds like a great character and I'm glad you enjoyed reading from his point of view. Lovely review, Carina! :)

  4. Heard a lot about this series, and I am seriously bugged that my TBR list seems to be growing higher and higher. Must whittle them down so I can finally read this book!

  5. The writing sounds amazing, as does the characters. Glad it was worth the wait!
    Brandi @ Blkosiner’s Book Blog


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