
Tuesday, February 19, 2013

Review: Doll Bones by Holly Black

I adore middle grade books. And ghost stories. And I'm a huge fan of pretty covers. So this book just screamed to me that I needed to read it, so I had to request it via NetGalley :) And then read it as soon as I got accepted. I'm glad I did. Because Doll Bones is a great middle grade book. It's pretty amazing. Giving it a four star because I had a few troubles with the writing. But I found the story to be very amazing.

This book is told from the point of view of twelve year old Zach. I loved that. Found him to be an amazing character. Sweet and just all kinds of awesome. I felt sorry for him a lot, though, because something awful happens that I could relate to a whole lot. But yeah. I loved Zach. He's best friends with these two girls, Poppy and Alice. They were awesome.

He spends a lot of time with them playing with their action figures. I loved that. Poppy was a great character, but also a bit weird and kind of selfish in a way. But I kind of adored her, still. Alice I liked better. She has a crush on Zach, and I kind of really loved that. She's also very kind, and I think she has a very though life living with her strict grandmother. The three of them fit together really well. They have an amazing friendship that I loved.

But then something awful happens. Zach's dad throws away all his toys and action figures. And oh. It upset me so much. I would never forgive it if someone did that to my things. It just broke my heart. I might get why his father did it, to make Zach grow up, etc. I didn't approve at all. He did it the wrong way, which he realizes, but too late. They are gone. And sobs. Yeah. That was heartbreaking. And it changes a whole lot. Zach doesn't tell his friends that, he just stops playing with them at all for a while.

Which I also found to be quite heartbreaking. Because they don't know why he's being such a jerk. A bit upset at him for not telling them, but I also understand it. But yeah. It was sad. A few days later something else happens. The doll that Poppy's mom had locked up in a closet is somehow turning up to be a ghost of a dead girl. It's all kinds of creepy. Wish it has been even more creepy, but I loved it all, still :) It all ends with them going on an adventure to a different town to bury the doll, or the ghost.

I won't say more about the plot, because this book isn't that long. And I loved reading about it, so I'm sure you will too. There is a lot of sad things in this book, though. But lots of happy moments too. But there is a lot of arguing between Poppy and Alice and Zach. Which was sad, but I also loved it. Doll Bones is a great book. Full of feelings. A great ghost story and mystery. I loved reading about it, because it was pretty creepy and amazing. I also loved the sailing they did. That was just awesome.

This book isn't that long. And I wanted it to be longer. So much longer. But it is also perfect. I loved the ending, even though I did wish it had been longer, and that something had happened with that bag of toys that went away. Sniffs. This book also made me cry at one time. Which I kind of loved. Doll Bones is an amazing book. I really recommend that you read it if you can. Because it is pretty great :) While I found it to end pretty amazing, I really wish there might up being a sequel to it one day in the future.

Thank you so much to the publisher, Random House Children’s Publishers UK, and NetGalley for letting me read this book early :) Will also be pre-ordering a hardcover of this awesome book. <3


  1. Oh, I like the POV in this book! We definitely need more boy POV's :D MG books are great now and then! I love ghosts and the cover is pretty, so I'll be checking this one out.


  2. I traded for an ARC of this one, and I'm so glad to see your review because I haven't heard much about it. I'm not usually a fan of MG, but this one just kind of jumped out to me. Nice review.


  3. Glad you enjoyed even if you wanted the story to be longer. Zack sounds really sweet to read about.
    Brandi @ Blkosiner’s Book Blog

  4. I LOVE the look of this book. Great review; I'll be linking to it on my blog. :)


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