
Saturday, February 9, 2013

In My Mailbox #67

I wanted to do a lot of reading this week. I couldn't. Been in so much pain, still is. But I did manage to re-read Legend and get to read Prodigy :) So I did get to read something this week ;p Something happy! I finally got to see Wreck-It Ralph :D It was as perfect as I thought it would be. Sigh. I loved it. Mom hated it. Ugh. lol. But yeah. I thought it was amazing :) What I say next may be a bit too much information, but yeah. I discussed a bit of it last week. Remember that I complained about a hurt tailbone last week? Well, I went to the doctor this Monday. Wasn't anything wrong with my tailbone, turned out I had a huge as hell Abscess :( And holy crap. I had no idea what that was. It was a big bump, kind of like a zit, on my ass. He said he had to cut it right away. Told me it wouldn't be very painful. But oh. It was. It was the worst pain I have ever had. And I have had a lot of pain. I can still feel it. Even worse, it was so huge that it will take two weeks to heal, from the inside, and so I have to go back every day for two weeks at least to change the bandage, which also hurts. Sniffs. I'm tired of being in pain. Any suggestion to what I shall do about the terrible itching? :\ Anyone had an Abscess before?
What did you get this week?

Breaking Dawn magazine. This was delayed quite a bit. Finally arrived. Pretty posters :) Like them.
Eternally Yours. Won this from Sam :D Thank you so much. <3 It seems like a great book ;)
Asunder. Second hardcover. Oh, I need to re-read Incarnate soon, cannot wait to start this beauty. <3
'Til the World Ends. I read the Julie Kagawa short, loved it :) Must read the others as well sometime ;p
The Way We Fall. I kind of liked this book a year ago. Wanted this paperback to fit with 2nd book ;)
Hungarian copy of The Way We Fall :D Signed from the author. Won it. <3 I love it! Looks amazing :)
The Essence. Sigh. Perfect book. I love this UK paperback :) Isn't it just gorgeous? Dying for book 3.
Warm Bodies. Ah. Another perfect paperback edition :D Sniffs. We won't get the movie here :'(
Prodigy. Legend. Gorgeous paperbacks. So glad I loved Prodigy. Love these editions :) Gorgeous.
Les Miserables. Been listening to this online for weeks. Such a perfect CD. I love it. So pretty too :)
Gorgeous swag that I also got from Sam with Eternally Yours :D I love it all. Thank you sweetie. <3

Wreck-It Ralph. I love this storybook! Isn't it just so pretty? So glad that I loved the movie so much :)
Game of Thrones Journal! Ahhh. I love this one! Isn't it just so so so so pretty? Season 3 soon :D
Jellicoe Road. Perfect book. Saw this different hardcover edition on BD, I needed it. I love it :)
Prodigy. Another gorgeous paperback edition. Yeah. This book was amazing. I loved it very much.
Unravel Me. Two copies. Even though I will never ever read it. Maybe after book three is out. MAYBE.
City of a Thousand Dolls. Reading this one next :D It seems amazing. And oh. It's just so so pretty.
LOTR trading cards. They are gorgeous. Ordered on sale via Forbidden Planet :) I kind of love them.
I also got this LOTR Legolas poster, but not taking a picture of it, cause it was quite ugly :\ Unhappy.
Tangled Reflexes (?). They are gorgeous! I love them very much. Sigh. Tangled is a perfect movie :)
Studio Ghibli Magnets! I LOVE them. Taking a picture on the fridge soon, I think. Bought via Etsy :)
Wreck-It Ralph Plush. Sigh. A new Ralph plush. He is gorgeous, though. I love him. Don't you agree? :)
Angry Birds Space Plush! I adore Angry Birds. Have lots of plushes of them. And this is perfect :)
Ah, the bear I forgot to take a picture of last week. <3 Isn't he so so gorgeous? He's so soft as well.

In My Mailbox is an weekly meme made by The Story Siren.


  1. Aww I'm sorry to hear your in pain! It sounds horrible, but I hope it feels better soon. I've never had anything like that before to be able to give you any advice. Hopefully it will become easier to deal with on its own.

    Anyway, I'm glad you got some great books in the mean time. City of A Thousand Dolls looks and sounds amazing. I can't wait to hear what you think of it! And I don't blame you for wanting to wait before reading Unravel Me... You know how I felt about parts of it. I'm happy your package got to you safely too. :)

    Great haul, Carina!

  2. Aww many greats thing. I love it all:)

  3. I hope you feel better, it is never a happy day when you are in pain, I would recommend you just occupy your time with lots of reading and anything fun that doesn't require you to move a lot.

    and wow, so many amazing books! I also bought a copy of Unravel Me and I can't wait to pick it up. dunno why you won't pick yours up and maybe will if book 3 is out? did you like shatter me?

    hope you enjoy all your books!
    - Juhina @ Maji Bookshelf

    1. Thank you so much <3 I loved Shatter Me :) But I won't read Unravel Me, since I know everything that happens, and I know I will HATE Juliette like crazy. Big, stupid love triangle in it. So yeah. It isn't for me at all, which really sucks, because I loved Shatter Me :\

    2. noo you need to read it!! TRUST MEEEEE. Please read it? but why two copies? haha, i find it a mystery why you buy multiple copies of one book! :P, but still, you might be annoyed now at juliette (i do not like whoever spoiled it for you!) but I was also very hesitant in picking it up but when i did, i LOVED it. Have you read Destroy Me? i think you should before unravel me

      - Juhina @ Maji Bookshelf

    3. Heh, no, I'm sorry :) I will not read Unravel Me. Because I have peeked at it myself. At chapter 62 and blah blah blah. I HATED it. Really, truly hated it. And I will not read the whole book when it ends like that. At least not until the third one is out and I know how it all ends.. Because yeah. I'm just not happy about it at all :\ I'm sorry. But yeah. There is NOTHING I hate more than love triangles. Nothing. And Juliette is being a total bitch towards Adam when she's doing that thing with Warner. She isn't being caring and kind, she's being an asshole. You do not do that to someone you love. You just don't. Anyway. Sorry :D I just hate love triangles so much, and I will not read this book when I know how it all happens. Sigh. Maybe one day, but not now :) Haven't read Destroy Me, and don't think I ever will. Because I HATE Warner, and that will NEVER change. He was supposed the be the bad guy, damn it. I'm not happy at all with him being a love interest.. Sigh. Anyway. Thank you <3

    4. HAve you read Destroy Me? (oops I asked you this before) because seriously I have ALWAYS been Team Adam but when you read Destroy ME and then Unravel Me.. you will GET IT. You will get why Juliette is so conflicted. I didn't make a big deal about chapter 62 because I hate hype but seriously, this isn't about warner and juliette.. unravel me is so much more than just the love triangle.. but i have to say it is the best love triangle i have ever read!

    5. I will never EVER get it, no matter how much I read about Warner :) And I mean that. I will never approve of a love triangle, especially not this one :\ I don't get why she's so conflicted. Fine, she can thing Warner is hot etc, but when she LOVES Adam, she isn't supposed to do anything about it! That is my opinion :)

      About Destroy Me. I answered that question in my last comment, as you can see above ;p

  4. I've got one of those lovely things right now actually :( first ever and I wasn't sure what it was til I read your post here and did a little research. Ill be calling my doctor soon! Even though I'm terrified of if it will hurt to get treated! Lol.

  5. Looks like you got a good haul! I just read Asunder and it was amazing! I have Prodigy too and plan on reading soon :).

    Happy Reading,

  6. Hope you feel better soon. You got so many good books this week. Awesome. I haven't gotten any. Can't wait to read Unravel Me. I have it on hold at the library.

  7. Ahhh, Carina, I hope you'll feel better soon! I haven't had anything like that before, so I don't know what you can do about that.

    I can't wait to watch Wreck-it-Ralph! I think I'm going to love it <3 'til the world ends & The way we fall & City of a thousand dolls are three books I can't wait for! I'm happy that I got accepted for the first one on Netgalley :D

    Happy reading!
    Haul - Mel@thedailyprophecy.

  8. I hope you feel better soon!

    I'm very jealous that you have a City of a Thousand Dolls!

    My Haul! Letterbox Love!

  9. Don't think I'll be reading Warm Bodies, but I can't wait to see the movie. I also got A city of a Thousand Dolls and am excited to get started. I loved Unravel me, but the love triangle really annoyed me.

    Hope your pain subsides and you feel better. <3

  10. Most of these are on my tbr as well. Hope you feel butter.
    Happy reading,
    Brandi @ Blkosiner’s Book Blog

  11. Aww, an abscess! That sucks. A relative of mine had one of those, and it took almost a year and multiple surgeries to get rid of it completely (but he had a very, very bad case). So sorry you have to deal with that! Hopefully you'll start feeling better soon :)

    Fabulous books, though! CITY OF A THOUSAND DOLLS looks fantastic, and JELLICOE ROAD is amazing, of course :)

  12. I just LOVE Jellicoe Road! It's fantastic, so I can't wait to see what you think! :)

  13. Awww sweetie :/ I hope the pain will chase and go away fast!! <3

    Great haul <3 Love all these books you've got!! ;)


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