
Sunday, February 10, 2013

Book Recommendation: The Cavendish Home for Boys and Girls by Claire Legrand

I first read this book about half a year ago. Ever since I first finished it I have wanted to re-read it. And today I finally did. And I still want to read it again and again :) The Cavendish Home for Boys and Girls is an amazing book. Truly perfect. Great writing, amazing characters, and the best creepy scary plot. It also has such a beautiful cover. I love that it's a middle grade book, even though it felt way too scary for young kids.. since it freaked me out a lot, lol. I loved it. Cavendish is the best scary and creepy book.

This book is about Victoria. She's twelve, and goes to this expensive school. She lives with her mom and dad, and her life is perfect. She's top of class, and she is always in order. Victoria hates when things are messy. She can't stand it. I must say that I kind of adored Victoria. She is amazing. Well, okay, she's kind of a brat at first. But she changes. And I did like her in the beginning as well, even though she was a bit cruel at times. But she's somewhat nice and sweet. Loved her. Also liked her parents a whole lot :)

Victoria doesn't have any friends. She doesn't need anyone. But it did seem a bit lonely at first. But then there is Lawrence. Who I LOVED. He was just perfect. They go to school together, and live close to each other. Victoria sees him as a charity project, kind of. Because of his skunk hair. But to me, that just made him even more perfect. He is very messy, which she doesn't approve of, and she tries to help him along at times. But they have been friends for a few years now, and that was just so very perfect.

They fit together really well. Even though Victoria is mean to him at times. But nothing too bad, because I can tell that she cares for him a lot. And oh. Lawrence is just amazing. He plays the piano, which he is very good at. His parents don't approve. Which upset me. But I didn't care much. I loved Lawrence. He is a perfect character. A bit sad. But yeah. That just made him better. He cares a lot for Victoria, which I'm so happy for, because she needs someone to love her. And he needs her too. Sigh. They are perfect.

And then Lawrence disappear. At first Victoria doesn't think much of it, since his parents says he's gone to visit his sick grandma. She's also pre-occupied with her first B ever, and arguing with Jill in school. But then after a few days she starts to worry. About time I say, lol. Things are getting weird in her town. There are cockroaches everywhere, awful creatures. And the people are acting weird. They smile too big, too false. They aren't being honest. They don't care that Lawrence is missing. But Victoria does.

There is a lot happening in this book. A whole lot of things. Exciting things. Fun things. Scary things. And a whole lot of creepy. The story takes place at the Cavendish Home for Boys and Girls for the most time. And holy crap. That is the most awful place in the entire world. Best creepy things happen. The Cavendish Home is kind of an orphanage. Where the bad kids go, those who aren't perfect. It is run by Mrs. Cavendish and Mr. Alice. And they have taken Lawrence. And lots of other children. Cries.

I won't say more than that :D Just that there is a lot of awful things in that home. Rules. Prison. The hanger. The garden, with the cottages.. shudders. But oh. While it was all so scary and kind of disgusting, it was the most perfect thing as well. I loved it all. I loved all the horror and terror and all the tears and pain. I want more. But I was so happy with everything in this book. I loved the story. Want more. I loved the characters. All so perfect. And oh. The writing is amazing as well. It was all so great :)

There is a lot of characters in The Cavendish Home for Boys and Girls. I loved them all. We get to meet Victoria and Lawrence, they were perfect. We get to meet Mr. Tibbalt, who was all kinds of awesome. And Professor Alban, who I felt so sorry for. I kind of loved Jacqueline, because she was sweet and kind. And Donovan. Felt so sorry for him, but he seemed awesome too. Worst thing to read about were the Gofers. They killed me. Sobs. But oh so perfect. They were created so well. I kind of loved them.

Another thing I really loved in this book was the artwork. There is a few drawings in it, of things that happen. And I loved them all. Victoria looked amazing! Sigh. And the cover. Just perfect. I also adore the author, Claire, and I cannot wait to read more for her, especially her next middle grade book, The Year of Shadows. It will be amazing. Hoping it will be just as creepy, but I will read it either way :) And omg. You need to click the link and see that gorgeous cover as well. I'm in love with these pretty covers.

I think I managed to talk about all my love for this book. For the most part. I can't wait to read it again. Sigh. The Cavendish Home for Boys and Girls is a book that most be read all the time. It's just that perfect. But omg. The ending. The ending is so spectacular. It's evil and perfect. At first it seems perfect. But then that last page! It's so evil. And it cannot not be a sequel to this book. There need to be one. (Also so that we can get romance between Victoria and Lawrence. I need that a whole lot. <3)

If you still haven't read Cavendish, then you really need to do so right away. Because it is perfect. It's exciting and amazing and just so great. It's so scary too. And creepy. And you'll feel the bugs all over you, which was kind of awesome. It will also shock you with how horrible some things actually are in it. And that was the most perfect part. Because it was awful, and everything didn't have a happy ending. And yeah. It was very heartbreaking too. But so perfect. Wouldn't have wanted it any other way.

Teaser that I love.

"Vicky, you're all right," Lawrence whispered, and he hugged her so close 
she couldn't breathe, but Victoria had never felt anything so wonderful.

My first review of The Cavendish Home for Boys and Girls.

Update: Newer and better review of the book can be found here.


  1. I need to get better at picking up MG books. This one especially sounds brilliant, and I know a lot of people have enjoyed it. :) I do enjoy creepy books too, though it doesn't take a lot of freak me out, hah. :D I love the sound of this author's second books too. The cover is stunning!

  2. I saw this title a while ago but never thought much of it since it looked like it's meant for younger readers but ohhh!! I really really want to read this after your recommendation! I'm really curious to the scary and mysterious happenings in the Canvendish homes, it must be well done to make you want to read it over and over again without feeling bored :D

  3. I haven't heard of this one, but I like the sound of how Victoria and Lawrence as characters.
    Happy reading,
    Brandi @ Blkosiner’s Book Blog


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