
Friday, January 11, 2013

The Nightmare Affair by Mindee Arnett

I just read this amazing book today. This isn't a review though, just to let you know that I just read it, and I loved it, and I will post my review closer to the release date in March. Just know that you really need to pre-order this book, because it's amazing. Also, the author, Mindee, is amazing. I adore her.

The Nightmare Affair on Goodreads. Pre-order it on Book Depository. Mindee Arnett.


  1. Glad you enjoyed, I like that cover and I will be watching for your review.
    Happy reading,
    Brandi from Blkosiner’s Book Blog

  2. Really glad to hear you liked it! I should be reading it fairly soon and cannot wait. :)

    1. <3 hope you'll love it as well :D It was just so perfect.


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