
Saturday, January 12, 2013

In My Mailbox #63

I got a few books this week as well :D I really need to stop buying books.. I have read quite a lot of books this year. Already 9 :D And today I'm starting re-reading Across the Universe. <3 Then A Million Suns, and her new short story As They Slip Away. <3 So that I'm ready for Shades of Earth next week :D I'm so excited to read it. Been waiting over a year. Ah. Finally. Can't wait :) So excited to re-read as well ;p <3 This has been a good week. For the most part. I'm happy about that :) Can't wait for end of Jan.
What did you get this week?

The Piper's Son. I need to read all these books soon. First book one, then this one. I'm so excited :)
Saving Francesca. This book does seem pretty amazing. Hoping to read it soon ;) Looks so amazing.
Incarnate. Pretty paperback <3 I adore. This book is so amazing. Can't wait for Asunder to come out :D
Indigo Awakening. Oh, this book looks pretty amazing. I hope it is. Will read it soon, I think :)
Paper Towns. Sigh. John Green. I really hope I will like his other books.. this does look pretty good :)
Looking for Alaska. Ah. This will be amazing, I think. It seems so good. Hoping to read it very soon ;p
Will Grayson, Will Grayson. Hoping this one will be perfect as well :D It seems great. *Hopes*
Eve Hallows and the Book of Shrieks. Hih. This book looks pretty amazing! Cannot wait to read it :D
Cinder. Oh, gorgeous gorgeous paperbacks. I love them so much. Perfect book. Perfect author. Love.

Breaking Dawn magazine. Heeh. Kind of obsessed. But gorgeous posters. I love them.
Beautiful Creatures. I'm kind of excited for this movie. And this book is pretty amazing :D
The Mummy Trilogy. On blu-ray :D I love these movies so much. They are amazing. Love them.
Vortex. I have not yet read book one.. but now I have the sequel, so hopefully reading it soon :)
Splintered. Ah. I did love this book a whole lot months ago. This cover is so gorgeous. <3 Love.
The Essence. Oh, this book was so so so good. You really need to read this series. It's amazing.
Hemlock Bookplates. These are gorgeous. Won from Kathleen. <3 She's adorable. Thank you so much :D
Wreck-It Ralph: Fast Kart, Slow Kart. Yeah. This one is adorable. Must have everything Wreck-It Ralph :)
Frankenweenie. Haven't seen this movie yet.. but I have it on my laptop, so hopefully seing it soon :)
Leona Lewis. Bought this CD on sale. And I do like many of her songs :) It does look pretty awesome.

Wreck-It Ralph: Sugar Rush Race! This book is kind of adorable. Oh, how much I want to see this movie!
Angelfall. I kind of needed this book. So many have loved it. I really hope that it is amazing :)
Through the Ever Night. I loved this book. And oh. This paperback edition is gorgeous! I love it.

Dare You To. I cannot wait to read this book! I loved Pushing the Limits so much. This looks amazing. Hope it is as well :) Got accepted via UK, but they don't have a cover yet. So showing the US cover ;)

The Nightmare Affair. Omg. This book was perfect! Read it yesterday. Review coming in March :)

In My Mailbox is an weekly meme made by The Story Siren.


  1. Even though I already own the hardcover copy of Cinder, I still want to buy the paperback copy since it looks so pretty. :D
    I can't wait to read Vortex, Splintered, and The Essence too. And you got Dare You To?! You're so lucky!
    Happy reading! (:

    My STS

  2. I LOVED Dare You To! I also received Indigo Awakening for review, I'm looking forward to it. Heard a lot about Splintered, too, and I can't wait to read it. And yeah, I loved Through the Ever Night as well :)
    Awesome haul, Carina!

    My IMM

  3. I received the Nightmare Affair too! It's one of my most anticipated releases this year! I am so glad you loved it!

    Check Out My New Books - Letterbox Love!

  4. Here it was much tempted to buy myself, but I have promised myself that I will not buying any more books until the ones I have on the bookshelf is read out lol :)

  5. *squeals* Angelfall is incredible, Saving Francesca and The Piper's Son go on my list of my favourite novels ever, and The Nightmare Affair and Splintered both sound so exciting! The covers are gorgeous, too. :) I've heard many good things about Cinder, Looking For Alaska, and Paper Towns, so I hope you enjoy all three books. Wonderful haul, Carina!

  6. I have been wanting to read Cinder forever. I had hoped to get it last year- but it didn't happen. It is still on my list and I hope to read it soon. You got a lot of great books and other fun stuff this week. :)

  7. Splintered <3 I'm going to buy it this month! I can't wait to see Frankenweenie & Wreck-it-Ralph either! Cinder is awesome of course. Incarnate & Indigo awakening look good! Like always, great haul :D


  8. I see you got some great things this week. I know you will enjoy all of them.
    My IMM

  9. Great batch of books! I just ordered Splintered today. Cinder was great! I hope you enjoy your books!
    My IMM:
    Brittany @ Spare Time book blog

  10. Awesome haul!!
    Cinder is really a great book!!

    I love Twilight too!! I've got WAY too much stuff from it!! haha I REALLY need to read "Beautiful Creatures" before the movie comes out! It's my list next! :)

    Here's my IMM:

  11. Ahh, Cinder and TTEN two of my all time faves! <3 I see you purchased another bool by MM, I'm actually waiting for my hb copy of Jellicoe Road to arrive - decided to buy after reading your lovely review. So thanks! :)

  12. Very nice Carina. My book store doesn't have the paperback version of Cinder yet, but hoping they will soon. Nice haul of books. Come visit me as well.


  13. Lots of books! Ah! Splintered! I'm jealous! :)

    Happy reading!
    My IMM

  14. Angelfall is perfect! As is Saving Francesca. I hope you will enjoy both! I actually plan to read The Piper's Son in a few weeks. I meant to read it months ago but I never got around to it. Can't wait! :)

    1. Ahh. <3 Cannot wait to read them :D So excited. Hope you'll get to read The Piper's Son soon then, and that you like it :D


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