
Tuesday, December 4, 2012

Top Ten Tuesday #16

Top Ten Books ARCs I Wouldn't Mind Santa Bringing Me

1. Siege and Storm by Leigh Bardugo. Yeah. This explains itself. It will be perfect. I need it. So excited.
2. Sever by Lauren DeStefano. This book must be perfect. Gabriel must be there. He must. I needs it.
3. Shades of Earth by Beth Revis. Ahh! Dying for this book. First two books were perfect. I need it!
4. The Mirrored Shard by Caitlin Kittredge. Book two ended so bad. I need this. I want it. Can't wait.
5. The Essence by Kimberly Derting. This is almost out, but I still want it right now! Loved The Pledge.
6. Let the Sky Fall by Shannon Messenger. Super excited for this! I'm pretty sure it will be amazing.
7. Through the Ever Night by Veronica Rossi. I did enjoy the first book, and I am dying to read this one.
8. The Rising by Kelley Armstrong. I need and want this book. The first two were so perfect. Excited.
9. Rise by Anna Carey. Ah. You have no idea how much I need this book. Eve and Once was amazing.
10. Elegy by Tara Hudson. Dying to read this book! Hereafter and Arise was so good. I need this one.

I'm doing another Top Ten! I'm feeling happy about it too. Liking these topics a lot :) Today it's Top Ten Books I Wouldn't Mind Santa Bringing Me. But because I'm not really wanting that many books that's out yet, I'm sharing my Top Ten ARCs I wouldn't mind Santa bringing me ;) And yeah. I'm happy with this list. A lot. But it is also upsetting me a bit, because I want these ARCs. So much. I need them. Sigh. Maybe? <3 I'll hope :) Anyway. I did not include The Archived and 17 & Gone because I think I might be getting ARCs of those. I hope. <3 (17 & Gone via Edelweiss.) Also. These ARCs are the ones that are out right now. There is a lot of other books I want, just unsure if there will be ARCs yet :) And heh. Most of these are sequels. Except for one. But I don't mind that at all ;p <3 I want all of these so much.
What is on your list this week?

Top Ten Tuesdays is a weekly meme held by The Broke and the Bookish :) 


  1. Let the Sky Fall is soooooo good! I was lucky enough to trade for it! Siege and Storm is one I really want, too!!!!! So many good books coming! I wish I was more patient.

    My Tuesday Meme

  2. LOL I didn't remember about wishing for ARCs. You're sneaky but in a good way :D
    Hope Santa gets you something from your list.
    Dragana @ Bookworm Dreams
    Books I Wouldn't Mind Santa Bringing Me...

  3. hehe :D May your wishes come true Carina! ;)

  4. Let the sky fall! :) I still need to read most of the first/second books from the other picks. I hope that some of your books might end up under your Christmas tree ;)



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