
Monday, December 3, 2012

Cover Reveal: Antigoddess by Kendare Blake

I'm sharing the cover of Antigoddess by Kendare Blake today. And I must say that it looks awesome. My favorites is still Anna Dressed in Blood and Girl of Nightmares, but I still love this new one a whole lot :D And it does look pretty cool, doesn't it? ;) Kendare is an amazing person. Have read her first two books; which I loved so so much. Her writing style is perfect. And I love the worlds she creates. And her characters. Which is why I'm super excited for her new series, starting with Antigoddess. I am in love with the summary. And now the cover. I'm pretty sure this book will be amazing :D Just wish it would be out sooner than September 10th 2013.. <3 Still, I cannot wait to read it! And.. well.. the summary is freaking amazing! I cannot wait to get to know all of these characters :D And the world. And story. And yeah. Super excited for it all. <3 Also.. I might be hoping for another amazing romance as well. <3 If you go to Kendare's blog, you will see the other blogs that have posted this cover; some with interviews and giveaways :) You must check those out as well ;p Anyway. What do you think of the cover? :D

Old Gods never die…

Or so Athena thought. But then the feathers started sprouting beneath her skin, invading her lungs like a strange cancer, and Hermes showed up with a fever eating away his flesh. So much for living a quiet eternity in perpetual health.

Desperately seeking the cause of their slow, miserable deaths, Athena and Hermes travel the world, gathering allies and discovering enemies both new and old. Their search leads them to Cassandra—an ordinary girl who was once an extraordinary prophetess, protected and loved by a god.

These days, Cassandra doesn’t involve herself in the business of gods—in fact, she doesn’t even know they exist. But she could be the key in a war that is only just beginning.

Because Hera, the queen of the gods, has aligned herself with other of the ancient Olympians, who are killing off rivals in an attempt to prolong their own lives. But these anti-gods have become corrupted in their desperation to survive, horrific caricatures of their former glory. Athena will need every advantage she can get, because immortals don’t just flicker out.

Every one of them dies in their own way. Some choke on feathers. Others become monsters. All of them rage against their last breath.

The Goddess War is about to begin.

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