
Saturday, December 22, 2012

In My Mailbox #60

Yeah. I might have gotten more awesome things this week as well :) I'm in love with it all. But oh. Still missing so many packages. Grrr. Not pleased. But anyway. I cannot wait for Christmas! Won't be getting any books for Christmas, but I will be getting other things. <3 Might share some in the next IMM post :) We open presents after 5pm on the 24th here in Norway. Cannot wait to eat turkey and such. It will be amazing. But oh. I miss my Tarzan so much. <'3 Happy Holidays, everyone! And! Tonight at midnight I will be posting my Best Books of 2012 post. <3 It will be awesome. Also! I will be starting my swag giveaway on the 24th. For two weeks. I have already taken pictures of the two prizes, though, yet I got more swag today. So there will be a bookmark of Small Medium At Large in the prize pack as well :)
What did you get this week?

Elixir. I now own all of these books. Yet I haven't read a single one yet. Heeh. Must change that soon :)
The Lost Prince. Gorgeous gorgeous GORGEOUS UK paperback <3 I adore it. Loved this book too.
The Land of Stories. Adore middle grade books. And this one does seem pretty awesome. So pretty :)
The Darkest Minds. Reading this one now :) Taking me forever, but I do seem to like it a little bit ;p
Lord of the Rings Lego Wii. OMG! Love love love. Must play this one very soon <3 Cannot wait!
The Dark Knight Rises. I now own all these books. Have not watched them yet.. But very soon, I think :)
Iron Man 1 & 2. Lots of people love these movies. I think I need to see them. They do look amazing.
How They Croaked. This one looks awesome :D I won it from Joanne. <3 And the plush! It is GORGEOUS. I love it. And the signed bookmarks <3 and the bracelets :) I love them. So pretty.
Rise of the Guardians tattoos <3 I adore these. Ten of each. They are gorgeous. Love them :)
Another iPhone 5 cover of my Tarzan, since the first one was damaged. <3 So pretty. Sniffs.
NausicaƤ of the Valley of the Wind figure. <3 SO pretty! I adore it so much. It's perfect. Sigh.

True Blood. Because I love True Blood and Bill, I needed this one very much. <3 Bought all on sale ;p
The Hunger Games. Hated the movie, but loved the books. Kind of needed this one, still (A) Hih.
Game of Thrones x2. Best TV Show ever. Must read books soon. These are GORGEOUS!

The Hobbit. This book is perfect. I love it. Gorgeous map inside as well! Ahh. It is PERFECT.
Angry Birds Space figures. Thought they would be like my other Angry Birds items. But no, these are hard and smaller. But they are adorable, truly :D And I love them a lot. Hih. <3 I'm so sorry for the very unclear picture. Didn't pay that much attention when taking it (A) Still. So pretty :)
I also got a copy of 'Til the World Ends via NetGalley :D Read and reviewed already. <3

In My Mailbox is an weekly meme made by The Story Siren


  1. I hope you got enjoy everything you got this week. Especially Darkest Minds it looks pretty good!

    My IMM

  2. Hobbit! Beautiful! :) Enjoy all your books! And happy holidays.
    We also open our gifts after the dinner on the 24th here in Czech Republic! :)

  3. lol, i still need to start that series by JLA. WOAH @_@ I seriously need to buy myself a copy of that UK version of the Lost's SO PRETTY! Also I NEED THAT CUTE MONKEY SKELETON PLUSH!!! It's so cute! And yeah i didn't much like the HG movie but i do love the books & the poster looks great! and YAY ANGRY BIRDS!!! ^_^

    -Great IMM Carina & happy HOLIDAYS!!
    Lisseth @ Read-A-holicZ [My StS]

  4. Great books. Love The Lost Prince and have Darkest Minds to read. Happy reading and Happy Holidays.

    Katie ~ My Mailbox

  5. The Darkest Minds sounds so awesome! I love this haul! Is the Lego Lord of the Rings good? I saw the hobbit last week and loved it!

    My Book Haul! Letterbox Love!

    Happy Holidays!

  6. As always a great haul. I loved The lost prince, I can't wait to read The darkest minds & The land of stories. I'm also dying to get my hands on the PS3 version of Lego LOTR :D Happy reading and have a merry Christmas!

    My haul - Mel@thedailyprophecy.

  7. I loved TDKR! I think I'm getting it for Christmas, so I can't WAIT to re-watch it! :) I also picked up TDM this week, so I'm very excited to start it since I love Alexandra Bracken. Amazing haul, Carina! :)

  8. Woot, I really enjoyed Iron Man movies and yay for The Darkest Minds!

    Enjoy your books and Happy Holidays =D

    Here's my Book Haul post.

    Sana @ artsy musings of a bibliophile

  9. UK cover for Lost Prince is so beautiful. And I plan to read Darkest Minds soon too... And I just adore that version of Hobbit. It looks awesome. Great haul, I hope you enjoy them all.

    Happy holidays!
    Dragana @ Bookworm Dreams
    My book haul...


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