
Sunday, December 23, 2012

Best Books of 2012

Today I'm sharing my Best Books of 2012. My list is of 24 books. It doesn't include all the books that I loved this year, because that would have been way too many ;p But I did want to include more than ten, so I didn't do the top ten tuesday post for it. Even if I didn't include your book, that doesn't mean I loved it any less. Just that I loved a few books a tiny, tiny bit more, and my list couldn't be that long. Hih :) I'm very happy with my list, though. Because all of these books were perfect. Truly. And you all need to read them. Clicking on the titles of each book will lead you to my reviews of the books. I'm aware that some of these books did not come out in 2012. But this is the year I read them, so I'm including them even so :) I could not choose between these books. So while they are numbered, that doesn't mean that I love one book more than the other. I tried my best to make this look pretty, hope I succeeded at least a little bit :) I cannot wait to read more in 2013! It will be an amazing book year. Do you have a list? <3

1. Cinder. Such a perfect book. I loved it so much. Cinder is a must read for everyone. Perfect retelling.
2. Shadow and Bone. This book is perfection. Mal is amazing. The plot is stunning. Dying for book two.
3. The Immortal Rules. Best book about vampires that I have read. So perfectly amazing. Loved it a lot.

4. Graceling. I'm pretty sure this is my favorite book of all time. Could not have been better. Read it!
5. Fire. This sequel is amazing. Almost as good as Graceling. These books are a must read. Truly.
6. Bitterblue. While this isn't as good as the first two, it's still very, very good. And very dear to me.

7. This Is Not a Test. This is a special book. Will always have a place in my heart. It is so, so good.
8. The Raven Boys. This book is amazing. I cannot wait to read it again. It is just very precious.
9. Warm Bodies. Best zombie book ever. You need to get to know R. He is just the best zombie ever.

10. Finnikin of the Rock. I adore Fantasy books. Finnikin is one of the best. Everything was perfect.
11. Froi of the Exiles. One of the most heartbreaking books I have read. It's beyong amazing. So good.
12. Quintana of Charyn. Perfect ending to a perfect trilogy. These books are truly perfect. Amazing.

13. Scarlet. Sequel to Cinder. So extremely good. I enjoyed it so much. Dying for book three.
14. Girl of Nightmares. I loved this one. Perfect ghost story. I will miss Cas so much, though.
15. Stormdancer. This book was amazing. Perfect fantasy. Buru is so cool. Can't wait for book two!

16. The Cavendish Home for Boys and Girls. Perfect middle grade book. My favorite. So creepy!
17. Keeper of the Lost Cities. I loved this MG book as well. So exciting and so sweet. So good.
18. Liesl & Po. A big favorite of mine. Written so well, and the book is just so sweet and amazing.

19. Falling Kingdoms. This book was so amazing. Perfect fantasy book. You really must read it.
20. The Madman's Daughter. I adored this book. So creepy and fantastic and just so perfect. Loved.
21. The Hallowed Ones. Amazing vampire book. I adored everything about this book. Sequel soon?

22. The Diviners. Amazing book. Very long and so good. Also very creepy, which I loved a whole lot.
23. The Fault in Our Stars. Perfect book. It was so good. So amazing and heartbreaking, loved it so.
24. Seraphina. I cannot wait to re-read this book. Perfect plot. Amazing dragons. It is so, so good.


  1. Ohh, so many of these made it my faves list as well! You have good taste, Carina. ;)

    I adored Falling Kingdoms, Cinder, Stormdancer, and Shadow & Bone! Great picks.

  2. I agree with you on almost all of these! The one's I haven;t read will be going on my wishlist! Thank you for sharing!

    Happy Holidays!

  3. You have such a good taste. I believe we are quite similar when it comes to books (and Disney :p) I loved Cinder, The immortal rules, Liesl & Po and I can't wait to read most of the books you've listed! So the fact that you loved them, is great news for me :D Because I bet I will love it too.


  4. Haha, I don't know where to start with this post!

    Cinder and Shadow & Bone are on my TBR. I really meant to get round to them, but you know how it is - so many books, so little time. I HAVE read all the Graceling books though, and you're right in that Bitterblue isn't quite as good. I think it's because there's less action and more of her sat around musing to herself.

    I really, REALLY want to read This Is Not A Test. I was so desperate for it when it came out... and then I didn't read it. Obviously.

    The Madman's Daughter seems to be everywhere at the minute - guess that means I should look into it further, right?

    I really couldn't get along with The Fault in Our Stars though. I don't know if I was expecting too much from it or something, but it was much weaker and less emotional than I'd been told. I'm with you on pretty much the rest of your list though!

    Have a great Christmas! :D

  5. Fire, Finnikin, The Diviners, TFiOS, and Seraphina would all definitely make my lists as well. Wonderful collection! :)

  6. Reading Immortal Rules and you were right, it is good!! :) I'm half way trough it :) Great list Carina!! I really like it! ;)

  7. I wrote a list of my favorite new authors in 2012 and we have more than half the same books/authors. LOL
    I still did not read Raven boys, Finnikin of the Rock, Stormdancer but I hope soon I will correct that mistake.
    Great list!

  8. I liked reading Graceling and Falling Kingdoms. I still need to read Seraphina.


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