
Tuesday, November 27, 2012

Top Ten Tuesday #15

Top Ten Most Anticipated Books For 2013

1. Clockwork Princess by Cassandra Clare. Dying for this book. Way too much heartbreak, though.
2. Sever by Lauren DeStefano. Loved the first two books so much. I need the last one. So excited.
3. Scarlet by Marissa Meyer. So excited for this. Dying to read it. Will be so good. Cinder is amazing.
4. Siege and Storm by Leigh Bardugo. Shadow and Bone is perfect. The sequel will be even better.
5. The Eternity Cure by Julie Kagawa. Dying for this! The Immortal Rules was amazing. So will this be.
6. Shades of Earth by Beth Revis. I need this book. It will be epic. The first two are perfect. So good.
7. The Retribution of Mara Dyer by Michelle Hodkin. Dying. Book two ended so bad. But so perfect.
8. Dracomachia by Rachel Hartman. I loved Seraphina! Dying to read this sequel. Think it will be epic.
9. Rise by Anna Carey. I did love Eve and Once. But oh. It ended so bad. Cannot wait to read Rise.
10. The Essence by Kimberly Derting. I loved The Pledge so much. Super excited for it's sequel!

This is my first Top Ten Tuesday in many, many months. Just haven't felt up for it, for some of the topics. But this week. This week it was something that I really wanted to do. Top Ten books to read in 2013 :D And yeah. I have a long list. But I'm going to pick just 10. They are all sequels. Might do another Top Ten soon, with new releases :) But yeah. Sequels first :D So excited for them. But also, be aware that while they are in a list, I cannot choose between some of them, so they are kind of random :) Also, uhm, please forgive my bad editing skills. Suddenly wanted to make this cover picture (A) Update about Scarlet! I JUST GOT AN ARC OF IT! Ahh. Dying of excitement. <3 I am reading it right now, and it is so good :D Sigh. Cannot wait to finish it. <3 Thank you so much Macmillan Kids :) (Aka, Ksenia. <3)
What is on your list?

Top Ten Tuesdays is a weekly meme held by The Broke and the Bookish :)


  1. 'Shades of Earth' is on my list too! The rest of my TTT list:

    Alice @ Alice in Readerland

  2. I got Scarlet & Dracomachia on my list too. And I totally forgot to add Clockwork Princess (shame on me I know). Great picks!

    Dragana @ Bookworm Dreams
    My Top Ten Most Anticipated Books For 2013...

  3. Can't wait for Clockwork Princess!! And Mara Dyer?! Jesus, I'd sell a limb for this book!! And also can't wait for Scarlet :P :) Awesome list Carina! :) :) <3

  4. There are so many books on this list that I want to read like Scarlet and Shades of Earth. Hope you enjoy them all when you get to them :-)

  5. You have some fantastic picks on your list! I haven't read Seraphina yet, and I can't believe the sequel is already coming out. Must catch up:)

    My Top Ten.

  6. Great list! I'm really wanting Siege and Storm, and of course, Clockwork Princess!!!

    My Tuesday Meme

  7. Ah I forgot dragonmachia. Clockwork Princess cannot come out soon enough.

    My Top Ten

  8. I really think Drachomachia is going to be EPIC. I fell in love with Seraphina when I read it, and I can't wait to see what happens next - especially after that last third!

  9. Awesome top ten! We have a few in common! And those I didn't have on my list I'm still dying to read anyways. Lol.

    My Top Ten


  10. Clockwork Princess is the only one we have in common... but I'm SO excited for it. Like insanely excited, so excited just thinking about it makes me get all shaky! haha.

    My TTT

  11. Yes I'm definitely looking forward to Clockwork Princess (dying to read it actually!) and Siege and Storm (I loved Shadow and Bone too! It was so perfect!) and I can't wait to read the second book in the Raven Cycle! :)


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