
Tuesday, November 27, 2012

Review: Scarlet by Marissa Meyer

I have waited for Scarlet ever since January, when I first read Cinder. Ever since the ARCs got out months ago I have wanted one. More than anything. Never thought I would actually get one, since I live in Norway. But then yesterday I did. From Macmillan Kids. And it was the best surprise ever. I will always treasure this first official ARC that I have gotten. And it is also the best one. Because Scarlet is amazing. Just as good as Cinder. The writing is perfect. The characters most amazing. The story so incredible. Everything is so extremely good.

Scarlet starts where Cinder ends. Kind of. Because Scarlet isn't just about Cinder, like the first book was. This is also about a new girl, named Scarlet. Most of the book is from her point of view. Before I got the book I wasn't sure if I would like anyone as the main point of view that wasn't Cinder. But then I started reading. And I couldn't have been more wrong. She is amazing. So perfect. So happy she was a new character in this series. :)

While most of the book is from Scarlet's point of view, it is also from Cinder's pov. And Kai's. And Thorne's. And Queen Levana's. Every point of view was amazing. I just wanted more from them all. But anyway. I won't say too much about the plot in this book. Just a few things. First, in the beginning, Cinder escapes from prison. Which isn't really a surprise ;) But she doesn't escape alone. She gets this guy with her; Captain Thorne. I must admit that I would have been afraid of a love triangle. Since he's twenty and handsome. But Marissa promised me that she won't have any love triangles. Thank god. Most sequels these days seems to have that. I do not approve at all.

Thorne is an amazing character. And I can see why Marissa says he's one of her favorites. He's fun and kind of charming. So glad he wasn't a love interest. Cinder doesn't fall for him or anything like that. He doesn't try anything with her. Thank god. But I do like their sort of friendship. They are kind of adorable. And, yeah, I did like him. As a friend ;p Hope there will be more of him in the next books. While Cinder isn't in this book all the time, we do get to see her a lot. And I liked that very much. Still love Cinder a whole lot. Wanted more of her. We also get to know what happens to Iko. Sigh. Love.

Then there is Scarlet. We get to know her a lot. And I loved that. I adored Scarlet. She is an amazing character. And I love her just as much as I love Cinder. And I can't wait to read more about her as well. She has a close relationship with her Grandma, and I loved that. It was sweet. But also so painful, about her Grandma.. It was heartbreaking. But so good. And amazing. I loved the farm they lived at, the town they lived in. Even though the people were a bit stupid; and I didn't approve of them most of the time.

We also get to meet another new character. Wolf. I was a tiny bit confused at first. Had kind of expected the big, bad Wolf to be kind of an asshole. And more sure of himself. But Wolf is shy. And careful. And he seems a bit scared of everything. And it's beyond adorable. I loved this version of him. He's perfect. He's handsome and strong, and kind of dangerous. But he's also sweet and careful. And loving. He truly is perfect. So glad we got to know him a lot. Just wish there had been even more :D

There is some romance in this book. Between Scarlet and Wolf. And it is adorable. Even if some might call it insta-love. Unsure how that measure that. But I felt like the romance in this book was done just perfect, and at the perfect time. It was really sweet and I just wanted more. Scarlet and Wolf has the same issues as Cinder and Kai, though. With the secrecy. Wolf has secrets. Dark ones. Felt like Scarlet was overreacting a bit a few times, but she probably wasn't. Just me seeing only good in Wolf.

There is also Kai in this book. While we don't get him and Cinder together, I'm hoping for that in the next book. Pretty please, Marissa? <3 But we do get a few chapters from Kai. And I loved that. Wanted more from him as well. He's just adorable. Had read somewhere that someone said he was cruel in this book. That is so not true. Kai is the sweetest. He tries his best to be Emperor. And he does a fine job, to be honest. And I truly believe that he loves Cinder. He doesn't hate her. He's just amazing.

There is a lot of plot in this book. And I felt like it ended way too soon. Even though it's almost 500 pages. I wish it had been even longer. That much more had happened. But I guess that's what the next two books are for ;) A lot of things happen in Scarlet. Lots of awful things. All amazing things. There is a lot of murders. We get to see some crazy people. And it's all kinds of awesome. I do love awful, heartbreaking things. But there is also sweet moments. And those are perfect. Everything is amazing.

I'm not saying more about what happens in this book. Just that a lot of things do. And it was all I had wished for. But, yeah, it did end way too soon :D And it ends on a cliffhanger. Kind of. It isn't too bad, I just need to know what happens next. Right way. Cress is too far away. Hopefully the time will pass fast. Scarlet is an amazing book. The fairy tale aspect of it is done so well. It is breathtaking at times. Most of the time. All the characters are very loveable and so interesting to read about. The little romance is great, wish it had been more, but it didn't need to be. It is perfect just the way it is.

Marissa Meyer is an amazing writer. She writes stunning words. She creates breathtaking worlds. She writes the best characters. And I cannot wait to read more from her. She is also one of the kindest people there is. She's always been kind to me, and I appreciate that so much. Also, you must follow her on twitter because she is adorable. Anyway. This ended up a bit long. Sorry for that. Although not really. Scarlet was so good. Everything I had hoped for and more. Now I'm just dying for the third book :)

Something you must read before reading Scarlet is The Queen's Army; a short story by Marissa. It is a must read. We get to know the wolves in Scarlet some more, how they are made and such. And it's important to know before reading this. At least, I'm very glad I read the short story first :) In Scarlet we get to know what happens next to Z, his brother and the rest of the pack. So so happy about that. I want more. I need more. Everything is just so good. And everything fits together so nice. Cress will be amazing. It will be so perfect, I think. I cannot wait to read it. Wish it was out right away :)

Thank you so much to Marissa Meyer for writing these amazing books. I adore you. And thank you so much to Ksenia at Macmillan Kids for sending me the ARC. Never thought I would actually get one. And it was the best thing that has happened this year. So happy for this ARC. It has been perfect. And I will love it always. Thank you. <3 While my ARC does not have the final gorgeous cover, it does have this really pretty red cover. And I love it so much. It's very special. You need to read Cinder, if you haven't yet. And you must read Scarlet the moment it comes out. It is more than worth the wait.

Goodreads - Pre-Order

Update: Newer and better review of the book can be found here.


  1. Awesome review! I loved Cinder and can't wait for this one. :)

  2. I wasn't a huge fan of Cinder, so I've been on the fence about this one, but I think I need to give it a shot. It seems incredible and I think my issues with Cinder will disappear with new characters, so I'm excited to check this out soon. Wonderful review, Carina! :)

  3. Love your review!! Definitely can't wait to meet the new characters and the see the old ones again! So glad that there are no love triangles. I cannot wait to read Scarlet.

    -Angie @YA Novelties

  4. As a Cinder lover, I am glad to hear that the next book was not disappointing. Very nice review. :)

    Dragana @ Bookworm Dreams


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