
Wednesday, October 17, 2012

Waiting on Wednesday #53

"Waiting On" Wednesday is a weekly event, hosted by Breaking the Spine, that spotlights upcoming releases that we're eagerly anticipating.


Goodreads Description:

Seventeen-year-old Lauren is having visions of girls who have gone missing. And all these girls have just one thing in common—they are 17 and gone without a trace. As Lauren struggles to shake these waking nightmares, impossible questions demand urgent answers: Why are the girls speaking to Lauren? How can she help them? And . . . is she next? As Lauren searches for clues, everything begins to unravel, and when a brush with death lands her in the hospital, a shocking truth emerges, changing everything.

Hardcover, 354 pages
Expected publication: March 21st 2013 by Dutton Juvenile
Pre-Order here.

Have only read one book by Nova. The Imaginary Girls. It was so good. I loved it. Loved the writing, the characters, the story. And I know that I will love 17 & Gone. It seems perfect. I adore the cover! So amazing. And the summary is really great. I am so sure that I will love this book :) Can't wait to read it! 17 & Gone seems like such a special book. It sounds really great. And oh! Want to read it right now :) Also, the author, Nova is adorable. Love following her blog, and following her on twitter :)
What are you waiting for?


  1. I haven't read Imaginary Girls yet but have wanted to! Both books sound creepy and intriguing. I love mysteries! My WOW

  2. Awesome synopsis and beautiful cover. Sounds like a must read (and The Imaginary Girls as well). Great pick, thanks for sharing :)

    My WoW

  3. What an eerie sounding story...and so is the cover! Very tempting.

    Here's MY WOW POST

  4. Haven't read the first but read a lot of good things abouti it. Fab pick!!

    Check out our WoW

  5. I hadn't heard of this one before so thank you for spotlighting it! Thanks for sharing! ^.^ If you would like to check out my Waiting On Wednesday you can do so here. :)

  6. Haven't read anything by the author, but this sounds really interesting! The cover is really gorgeous. New follower. :)

    Audrey @ Her Fiction Fix (WoW)

  7. I've been really looking forward for this book too. Although I haven't read any of Nova Ren Suma's book I've heard a lot of good things about her writing. The premise of this one sounds awesome too. Fantastic pick, Carina. :)


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