
Thursday, October 11, 2012

One Year Blogoversary Giveaway!

UPDATE: Giveaway has ended. Winner has been announced here :)

Hi you all! Carina's Books is today one years old. And oh, what an year it has been. I have loved book blogging. Still loving it. Don't think I will ever stop blogging. I love reading books, and then reviewing them. And sharing all kinds of book things. I enjoy it a whole lot. And I'm so happy to be a part of all of this :) I wanted to thank you all for commenting on my reviews and other posts. For reading my blog. And for following me. It means the world to me. Thank you. I love you all! <3

In one year I have gotten more than 500 followers, 50,000 page views, more than 2,700 comments and I have posted more than 370 posts. It has been an amazing year. Have also discovered so many new books while blogging, and I have read a lot more as well. Have read so many amazing books. While book blogging I have also gotten to know so many amazing people. They are all so kind. Not going to mention them, but some of you probably know who you are <3 I appreciate you all so much.
I started this giveaway with 526 blog followers. 201 facebook likes. 839 twitter followers.

To celebrate that I have "survived" a whole year of book blogging I'm going to have an International Giveaway ;) One winner will be picked, since I must save some money, and that person will get to pick a book out of the ones I have picked out below. They are all amazing books. Have read most; but a few are pre-orders ;) They are all paperbacks, though. Don't hate me for that (A) But, well, bookdepo has gotten so expensive for Norway these days. Still. I do adore paperback books :) (Also wanted to let you know I will be doing a swag giveaway in some months. <3)

Rules for my giveaway:
1 - Must follow me publicly via GFC.
2 - Must be able to receive books via BookDepo.
3 - Must want the book you choose. It needs to go to a good home ;)
4 - Also, you must fill out the rafflecopter form to enter.
5 - There will be one winner. Must respond to email within 48 hours.


  1. WOW a whole year blogging @_@ Now that is an accomplishment!! CONGRATS CARINA! I know I don't comment on here as much as i want BUT i do LOVE seeing your reviews & IMM's to see what books you get! ^_^

    I'm still a few months from my 1st year but KEEP ON BLOGGING GIRL! <3

    1. WOOPS forgot to pick a book. I would go with, Greta and the Goblin King! =D

  2. Congratz....
    if i win, i will choose The Immortal Rules-Julie Kagawa.
    Thank you for the giveaway

  3. Congratulations! Thank you for the wonderful giveaway. The book i would choose would be The Unbecoming of Mara Dyer.

    Thank you

  4. +JMJ+

    Congratulations on making it to one year! =D

    I would choose The Hallowed Ones by Laura Bickle. Thanks for the chance to win it!

  5. Congrats!
    i'm hesitating between graceling and scorpio races ( and 2others ) so i will decide if i win ( just in case i manage to have one of those before the giveaway end) i really want them because they are on my wishlist and some for a long time already^^

    all the best and a big thank you

  6. This is awesome!!

    The Hallowed Ones:)

    Thank you:)

  7. I would pick The Immortal Rules :P :) So happy for you! :) Enjoy your blogoversary sweetie <3 <3

  8. Happy Blogoversary! :) I would love to win for The Lost Prince by J.Kagawa. :)

    -Len of Musings of a Reader Happy

  9. Congrats on a good blogging year! I have just started book blogging for one month and I am loving it too! As for the giveaway, I think I'd choose Daughter of Smoke and Bone or This is not a Test. I am a little late to the Daughter of Smoke and Blood hype, but I am looking forward to reading it someday. As for This is Not A Test, I am not exactly a zombie fan, but Alice in Zombieland caught my eye and I decided to give zombie books a try! ;)

  10. Congrats! I think I would choose Daughter of Smoke and Bone or This is Not a Test. Thank you for the giveaway!

  11. Congrats on one year of blogging!! =) I would love to win Gravity by Melissa West. Thanks for the giveaway! =)

    ntzee @ MaybeThisBook Blog

  12. Congratulations! I would choose The Unbecoming of Mara Dyer! Thanks for the giveaway.

  13. Happy Blogoversay Carina!.... You're a lovely book blogger, I always look forward to your posts!

    Wishing you lots of bookish love for another awesome year :-)

    I think I'd pick Gravity or The Lost Prince :-)

  14. Congratulations! :)

    And thank you for this giveaway!

    I would love to read either Cinder or The Lost Prince :)

  15. Congrats on your 1 year milestone!! Thanks for this amazing giveaway - I would love to win The Immortal Rules, Fire, or The Scorpio Races!

  16. I really enjoy your blog! Thanks for having this giveaway!


  17. CONGRATS! I'd choose The Scorpio Races - I loveee that cover! :)

  18. CONGRATs carina. huggs . gravity

  19. Yay! A whole year! That's incredible thinking about it. I felt overwhelmed just reaching 6 months a while back. Congrats on having come so far! :)

    Brilliant giveaway hun. I'd probably choose Eon or maybe The Scorpio Races. Both I need to read soon! :)

  20. I would choose Gravity by Melissa West. I've been dying to read that book! Thank you for the giveaway and congrats on your one year blogoversary! :)

  21. The Scorpio Races, hands down. I listened to the audiobook and have wanted the book ever since. I want it SO MUCH!!! Happy blogoversary :)

  22. Congrats! Maybe I'd choose The hallowed ones or The pledge:)

  23. Congratulations! :D Keep up the good work ^^

    There are some tempting books I can choose from, so I will wait and see :p

  24. Woohoo!! Keep it up!

    And i would have chose The Gathering Dark :)

  25. Wow, a whole year is impressive, Carina! Congrats, you achieved a lot in the past twelve months! Thanks for giveaway too. :) I would love to own a copy of Eona. :)

  26. Congratulations! ^^
    I'd love to read Entwined or Cinder.


  27. Congrats on your one year blogoversary! Hope you have many more :)
    I'd love Gravity or Daughter of Smoke and Bone.

  28. Congrats on one year! I'd choose This Is Not a Test. Thanks!!

  29. Congratulations on your one year Blogoversary Carina!! =) How exciting!! Thanks for hosting such a great contest! If I won I would choose The Hallowed One.

  30. I'd choose the Hollowed ones *--------*! Omg so cool giveaway I hope I can win >3<

  31. Happy blogoversary!
    I'd love to win Gravity or Daughter of Smoke and Bone.

  32. Happy Blogoversary!!!

    I would love to win a copy of Cinder. Thanks for doing this giveaway!


  33. Happy blogoversary!
    I would pick The Scorpio Races or Cinder. I'm not sure yet.

  34. Congrats!
    I would choose either Cinder or the Unbecoming of Mara Dyer.

  35. wOW! INTERESTING Books for giveaways! YOU ARE AWESOME! Thank's for this chance.. I would like to have Greta and the Goblin King! bless you!! ^_^

  36. I'd choose Cinder!
    Thanks for the chance to win :)

  37. The Unbecoming of Mara Dyer! Thanks and congrats :-)

  38. Congrats!!!
    Hmm...I think maybe The Hallowed Ones

  39. Awesome!!!!

    I'd LOVE The Scorpio Races by Maggie Stiefvater!

  40. Congratulations are in order!:)

    The Unbecoming of Mara Dyer, definitely. Sounds awesomeee.

  41. Congrats! I would go with Graceling or the Scorpio Races... Argh, I want them all. I'll say Graceling, because I think I must be the only person on the planet who hasn't read it.

  42. Happy Blogoversary!

    I'd pick Eona.

    Thank you for the awesome giveaway!

    Sabina @ Delirious About Books
    October Celebration Giveaway

  43. Congrats!!!! I've had my eye on Greta and the Goblin King for so long! I would have to go with that one! :)

  44. I would choose either Graceling or The Scorpio Races. I haven't read either one and I really really want to!

  45. I think I would go with either Entwined or Greta and the Goblin King.

  46. I would choose Greta and the Goblin King :)
    Happy blogoversary and thank you for the giveaway!!

  47. I pick This Is Not A Test! Great giveaway!

  48. Daughter of Smoke & Bone or The Scorpio Races. Thank you for the giveaway!

  49. Happy Blogoversary and thank you for the giveaway:)
    I'd choose Speechless.

  50. Thanks for the awesome giveaway! I would pick Gravity.

  51. I loved most of these books...excited to read the rest. I'd probably pick Speechless or The Scorpio Races.

  52. Super-happy blogoversary!!!
    I'd choose The pledge or Daughter of Smoke & Bone


  53. Maybe this is not a test or speechless. Both look awesome!

  54. I'd choose This is Not a Test. Thanks for the giveaway! Happy Blogoversary!

  55. I would like to choose Clockwork Prince Graphic Novel or Cinder =)
    Thank you for the giveaway! ;)

  56. I would love Greta and the Goblin King, Labyrinth is a favorite movie of mine and this book interest me!!

  57. I think I'd choose Daughter of Smoke & Bone.

  58. Happy anniversary! :)

    I'd choose any of the books by Kristin Cashore.

  59. I'd love to choose The immortal Rules :)

  60. Happy Blogoversary!

    Probably Gravity or Lost Prince?

  61. Maybe "This is Not a Test". I haven't seen it anywhere in my country.

  62. I would choose "The Hallowed ones" Thanks for the great giveaway!

  63. It's so hard to choose! This is not a test would be my first thought, but The unbecoming of Mara Dyer and Gravity are also "talking to me and asking to be chosen" lol

    Thanks for the giveaway xD

  64. Congrats on your first year anniv! :) Hmmm... I'm actually torn between The Unwanteds and Cinder. I'll most likely go for Cinder. Which do you recommend between the two?

    1. Thank you :D Hmm. I would recommend Cinder ;) Though both books are amazing. But my favorite is Cinder. Cinder is just perfect. <3 :)

  65. Oh, there are some really good books so it`s very hard to choose, maybe The Gathering Dark or Cinder or The Immortal rules, lol. As I said, it`s hard to pick one at the moment.
    But congrats on your Blogoversary! Thanks for the giveaway and warm greetings from Latvia! :)

  66. Thanks for doing the giveaway :) I would chose Cinder.

  67. Congrats, and thank you for the giveaway. I think I'd like The Pledge or This is Not a Test.

  68. Happy Blogoversary \^^/ --- I would choose The Immortal :) thanks for giveaway

  69. The Scorpio Races. Cool giveaway!! :)

  70. I'd probably choose The Gathering Dark:)

  71. I'd choose Immortal Rules by Julia Kagawa :) Happy Blogoversary and thanks for the giveway :)

  72. I would choose The Pledge! Thanks for the giveaway!

  73. I would choose This Is Not A Test or The Hallowed Ones. Thanks for the giveaway, and Happy Anniversary!

  74. I want almost all of them but would definetly chose Speechless. Thanks for the giveaway!

  75. I would pick Gravity! I've heard so much about it

  76. I'd chose Entwined by Heather Dixon. Thanks for the giveaway!

  77. Happy blogoversary :) I would choose Cinder or Gravity! Thanks

  78. Congrats :) i would choose Graceling.

  79. Congrats! I dunno what book to choose, every single book is awesome but I think I'll go with The Hallowed Ones.

  80. I would choose Speechless or This is Not a Test :)

  81. Tough choice! So many of my favourite books are on there :)

    I think I'd go for The Gathering Dark - I've heard nothing but good things about it.

  82. Wow, hard choice!!! I not sure, but probably one of the following: Graceling, Daughter of Smoke and Bone, The Lost Prince or Shadow and Bone :) Thanks for the giveaway!!!

  83. The Pledge, Daughter of Smoke and Bone, Eon, or Unbecoming! thanks!

  84. Happy Blog Birthday!!
    I'd choose Daughter of Smoke and Bone! THANK YOU :)

  85. that's a hard choice. perhaps cinder or graceling.

  86. I would pick either Gravity or The Lost Prince

  87. Such a great selection of books! But I think I'd choose... The Unbecoming of Mara Dyer.

  88. Ahhh...this is hard...I can't decide between Eon and Hallowed Ones! :)


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