
Sunday, July 1, 2012

Cover Reveal: Dead Silence by Kimberly Derting

Dead Silence is the fourth and final book in the Body Finder series by Kimberly Derting. I loved The Body Finder and Desires of the Dead. <3 Have not read The Last Echo yet, though :'( But I want to. I just need to re-read the whole series first ;p And haven't found time to it yet. But I will do so soon. Because this series is amazing. As is The Pledge by Kimberly. She has such an awesome way with words. Sigh. <3 Anyway! I LOVE the covers in this series! They are unique, and so stunning. I love them a whole lot. And now we get the final cover! And it is perfect. Sigh. So pretty. I love it! Need the summary, too ;p <3
What do you think of the cover?

Kimberly Derting. Her Official Blog Post


  1. There have been so many cover reveals lately and I keep missing them all! :P Thanks for posting this! I still need to read The Last Echo too and look forward to Dead Silence. It has such a pretty cover. :)

    1. lol, that is true! All the covers seems to be coming now. But I am loving it :D So much pretty everywhere. <3

  2. All of these covers are absolutely gorgeous!! Desires of the Dead is my favorite though, but that's just cause pink is my favorite color ;)


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