
Saturday, June 30, 2012

In My Mailbox #38

I have not blogged much this week. And I'm sorry for that. But I am still sick, and I haven't felt like reading at all. I tried to read Chosen Ones, but couldn't get into it. Maybe another time. Then I started Throne of Glass two days ago, got to 85 pages. Not loving it :\ Gonna try it again at a later time. Just haven't been in the mood to read at all. And now I'm leaving on Monday, so I probably won't read much at all. But maybe. We'll see. :) Doing a blog post about that tomorrow. Didn't get much mail this week. Lots of stuff still missing. But I did get some things ;) And I do love them. <3
What did you get this week?

Entertainment Weekly. Well, I needed some copies of these. Rob is just so cute. <3 Loves them. :)
Shadow and Bone. My third copy. Hih. Well, it is such a perfect book. <3 I loved it so much. :)
Gustav Gloom. Won this from Claire :D And omg. It seems so good! Sigh. And so cute. :)
Memoirs from the Asylum. Unsure when I'll read this. But it seems interesting. :) Won via Jean. <3
And then I also got accepted for Throne of Glass via NetGalley. <3 The UK edition. But oh. I am so sad that I don't like it. That sucks. Have tried to read it for some days now. Must take a break.
And I got  The Assassin's Curse. Which seems awesome, btw! Love the cover for it. :)

In My Mailbox is an weekly meme made by The Story Siren.  


  1. Aww it's a shame you haven't been enjoying your books lately. :( I hope you feel better soon! It's nice to see you got a THIRD copy of Shadow & Bone. :D And I hope you like The Assassin's Curse. I won't be reading it for a bit longer but can't wait. It seems so good. :)

  2. Gustav Gloom does look really cute! I'll have to search that one out at my library. I've heard so many amazing things about Shadow & Bone. Oh, and you're actually not the first person I've heard say they are not liking Throne of Glass,...that's too bad, but, can't like everything, right?! :D

    Here's my goodies!

  3. Hope you're feeling better hun... have a fabulous holiday and take plenty of pics 3>

  4. Hope you feel better soon! Memoirs from and Asylum looks interesting, I'll read it for you ;)

    Letterbox Love!

  5. Oh, snap. That's right. Breaking Dawn part 2 is coming out (can't wait to see that one). Awesome haul, Carina! Hope you enjoy everything you got this week :)

    Jennifer @ Dream Reads


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