
Saturday, June 16, 2012

Mini Review: The Witch of Duva by Leigh Bardugo

I adore Leigh Bardugo. I first heard of her a few months ago, when I requested Shadow and Bone on NetGalley. At first I didn't think I would read it. Then I gave it a chance. And it blew my mind. Shadow and Bone is one of my favorite books. And I love Leigh's writing style. Her writing is perfect. Her words is perfect. Her characters are perfect. And the worlds she creates are perfect as well. I cannot wait to read more from Leigh.

The Witch of Duva is a short story of 32 pages. But even though it is short, I managed to love it a whole lot. It is creepy. And scary. But it is also sort of real. Even though it is Fantasy, it seemed like it could happen. But that might be because I believe in a lot of things. :) This short story is a lot like many fairy tales I have read. But it is also very unique and a lot better than those I have read.

Because Leigh has a special way with words. And I just adored this short story. It is creepy and sad, but it is also amazing. I liked the ending of it. Even though it is mostly horrible. Still. It is written so good and I had no problem getting into it. I just didn't want it to end. But, well, it did. Since it is a short story and all ;p I didn't mind much, though. Because it was enough. And so good.

I don't really want to talk about what happens in it, since it's so short. I don't want to spoil it all. :) But I can say that I liked the characters in this book. I loved Nadya. And Magda. And Vladcheck. So adorable. There is no romance, but I didn't mind that either. I didn't like Maxim. And I didn't like Karina. But every character is done really well even though it is short. And it is so brilliant.

I really think you should read The Witch of Duva. Especially if you like sort of dark fairy tales. And if you have read Shadow and Bone, and loved it like I did, then you really should read this. :) And if you haven't read Shadow and Bone yet, then I do not know what you are waiting for. Cause it is amazing. And you really need to read it. Both of them. I cannot wait to read more by Leigh. <3


  1. A great review Carina, I will definitely be looking this up. I just bought the gorgeous UK edition of Shadow and Bone (what's it called? something light, gathering light? Jeez, my memory lol)

    I think there's a bit of a wait for the second in the Grisha trilogy, I was hoping for something else from Leigh. :)

    1. Thank you. <3 The Gathering Dark :D Heh ;) The UK edition is so pretty. <3 Still, love the US one more :D Yeah, long wait :\ I hate waiting.. Sigh. WANTS IT NOW! :D

  2. Awesome review, Carina! I jumped at the chance to check out this short story as Shadow & Bone was so amazing. ;) Leigh really does have a way with words. I didn't want the story to end either! This just makes me more excited for book 2. ;)

    1. Thank you Sam <3 :) I agree :D Cannot wait for book two. <3 sigh. *Needs it* :)


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