
Saturday, June 16, 2012

In My Mailbox #36

First I wanted to thank you all for following me and for commenting on my posts. <3 You guys are the best! And I love you all. :) *Hugs.* I got some mail this week. Hih. Oh, how I love getting mail. :) I still have books that I want to order that would cost me €300.. But, I'm pretty sure it will be cheaper to order from Florida in July ;) Well, I hope. :) Anyway, I loved everything I got this week. <3
What did you get this week?

Elle Magazine. My first copy arrived damaged. So I got a new one :D So much more pretty. <3
Rapture I have not yet read the first three books. But I do own them. And I needed the final one :)
Monument 14 This book seems awesome! A bit unsure about the writing. But, it seems great. :)
Hades I have book one. I have not read it yet, but when I do, I wish to have them both ;p Pretty.
Insurgent. FINALLY! Norway had the paperback international edition :D YAY! :D So happy. <3
SWATH Novel Another one. <3 Hih. One more coming. :) So pretty. Love the poster :D
Brave Novel My third one. Heh. I just love this little novel so much. Not read it yet, but so pretty.
Of Poseidon Swag. Ohhh! I LOVE THIS SWAG :D It is simply gorgeous. Won it from Anna. :)
Haven + Mirage Swag. Sigh. I adore this. <3 Got it from Kristi because I was a part of the Winterhaven Warriors :D So happy about that. :) Also, you should totally read her books! <3

Entertainment Weekly. I love True Blood. So I needed this one. :) Don't like Eric much, though :p
Timepiece I probably won't read this book for a while. Still so hurt.
Arise I loved Arise! Read the ARC months ago :D And oh. This hardcover is so so so pretty. <3
Stealing Parker ARC. Won this from Miranda :D Loves it. <3 Cannot wait to read it :D
Daughter of Smoke & Bone Have not yet read this book. Have the hardcover too. But so pretty :)
Shadow and Bone FINALLY! Been waiting forever for my hardcover. <3 one of the best books.
Shadows Cast by Stars Swag. Sigh. I really need to read this book :) Love this swag I won from Shari :D
iPhone 4 Screen Protectors. Well, my iPhone gets scratches often. But I always use these :D Cheap too.

In My Mailbox is an weekly meme made by The Story Siren.


  1. I'm reading Insurgent right now and I'm loving it!! =) I hope you enjoy everything and thanks for stopping by my IMM!

    ~Paige @ Comfort Books

  2. Ooh! i got Daughter of Smoke and Bone on my kindle but haven't read it yet...have a HUGE TBR pile! Not that I mind! So excited as I'm getting Divergent and Insurgent soon! Whoo-hoo!Enjoy them! :)


  3. I'm glad you finally got the Insurgent copy you wanted. I finally grabbed a copy of Amazon last week, so I had the matching US covers, I soooo hope they don't change them for the final book!

    Ooh, Eric is my favourite... *swoon*... I caught the first ep of the new series online last Monday, OMG!!!! ;-)

    Ooh.. Stealing Parker...I soooo need that ;)

    1. I meant I finally grabbed a copy of Insurgent at Amazon... not grabbed a copy of Amazon lol!

    2. Hah! LOL :D Yeah, I understood that the first time I read it (A) but then I checked again. Hih. I do have lots of copies of Insurgent. But I really really really wanted the pretty international copy. <3 :D They better not change the covers. Because they are GORGEOUS :D

      Pfff. I do not like Eric :D I love Bill. <3 (Have not read the books. And I will never because it doesn't seem to be well for Bill.) And ohh! Yeah, the first episode was awesome. :) But needs more Bill. Bill and Sookie. <3 hih :)

    3. I've gotta feeling that Bill and Eric are gonna be spending a lot of time together and away from Sookie, sort of like a bromance and I wouldn't be surprised if Sookie got it on with Alcide!.. I didn't like him at first, but have you seen that bod?! lol!

    4. Sniffs. I hope not! Hih :D I don't like Alcide much (A) Yeah, his body is nice ;p still don't like him :p and after what Sookie did with his girlfriend I'm not sure he'll want to be with her ;p but then, maybe he will. :)

  4. Ugh, you got some amazing books! I've been dying to read Daughter of Smoke and Bone, as well as Shadow and Bone. I can't wait to get my hands on Monument 14 either!

  5. Ahhh I'm so jealous you have Stealing Parker! I want it so bad! Hope you enjoy it! Donna xoxo

  6. Awww, awesome mailbox Carina!! Shadow and bone <3 <3 And Rapture!! And the international Paperback of Insurgent!! aaaaaaaa, I love this cover way more than the UK one :/ I have the UK one :P Enjoy all this awesomeness sweetie! :) <3 <3

  7. Damn, I'm always excited to see your mailbox as it's full of awesome! I'm in awe of all your books! :)

    Letterbox Love!

  8. Ooooo. Stealing Parker! I'm jealous :D

    Seriously, your hauls are always so epic, girl!

    I own Hades, too. In hardcover and Halo in paperback. So pretty. Need to read them, though :D

    I hope you enjoy everything you got this week, Carina :)

    Jennifer @ Dream Reads

  9. What an awesome haul! I love that you got Timepiece, Arise and all your other goodies! Happy Reading.


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